Chapter 303

Chapter 303

Chapter 303

What are the chances of meeting a whale when you come to the beach?

And not on the sea, but on the sand.

People were stunned by the appearance of the whale they never imagined.

Some took out their phones and filmed it.

The whale seemed to have been washed ashore by the high tide and could not return to the sea with the low tide.

It was left on the sand with only a few puddles around it.

Seo-jun walked slowly and examined the whale.

The whale, which seemed to have lost consciousness, was breathing with difficulty.

Seo-jun noticed that the whales skin was drying up under the hot sun.

He thought he had to do something about it before looking closer.

Seo-jun spoke to Jack, who was standing behind him.

Jack. You said you had towels in the car, right?

Yeah. But theyre for after training, so theres only four at most.

Jack answered with a regretful expression.

Four towels.

That was not enough to cover the whale as big as a car.

Seo-jun nodded with a grim face.

Cant help it. Just bring what you have. The whales skin cant dry out. And something to shade it from the sun I guess you dont have anything like that?

Jack thought for a moment after hearing Seo-juns words and shook his head.

I dont think I have anything like that Ill just get the towels first.


The people who were chatting quietly at the unexpected appearance of the whale also heard Seo-jun and Jacks conversation.

They saw Jack running to the parking lot and Seo-jun carefully checking on the whale.

They started to speak one by one.

Excuse me We have a big beach mat. How about we use that to cover it?

I have some towels too.

Bro! Use this!

Seo-jun smiled and thanked them.

Thank you. Can you help me a little bit?

A little bit? We have to save the whale together!

A large middle-aged mans voice made everyone nod in agreement.

First, well soak the towels in water and put them on top of the whale. And use whatever you can to shade it.

The people followed Seo-juns words and moved.

There were many towels on the beach.

Everyone ran to the sea without hesitation, soaked their towels and brought them back.

The whales back was completely covered with wet towels.

Meanwhile, Jack came back with the towels he had gone to get.

He was panting from running back and forth.

He looked at the wet towels covering the whale and the four towels in his hand alternately and opened his mouth.

I guess I didnt have to go?

Haha. Yeah.

Seo-jun, who was tying beach mats and branches with ropes, laughed at Jacks words.

Jack shrugged his shoulders and quickly joined in making the shade.

One, two!

They erected the poles they were holding at once.

The beach mats they brought to lay on the sand were tied to branches and tent poles, forming a shade for the whale.

Seo-jun and the people sighed at the sight of the whale covered with shade and wet towels.

Is this enough shade?

Now we just have to keep spraying water so that the towels dont dry out.

The woman who generously offered her beach mat agreed with Seo-jun and the others.

I brought some buckets!

Me too!

The people knew what was needed without Seo-jun telling them.

They asked nearby stores or people for buckets they brought for playing in the sand.


Sea water in buckets poured over the towels covering the whale.


Lets go one more time!

The sea water was a bit far from where the whale was.

From the sea to the whale, people formed a human chain and passed buckets from side to side.

Jack, who was closest to the whale and spraying water, swallowed a sigh and spoke to Seo-jun.

This wont do, will it? Did you contact the manager?

Yeah. I called him right after you left. He said he contacted the rescue team. I dont know when theyll come, though.

They continued their conversation while working.

Seo-jun and Jacks hands did not stop.

Of course, I dont know how much ratings this will get

The sea that covers 70.8% of the earth.

And the creatures that live in the sea.

Sea Saver, who protects them.

But as time went by, peoples interest grew distant.

Thats why Sea Saver decided to produce a documentary to draw peoples help and worked together with ABS Broadcasting.

Tell the reporter!

Kate walked quickly toward the boat on board Sea Saver.

Shade it from the sun and keep spraying water!

Um They seem to be doing that already?


Kate tilted her head at the words of her team member who walked beside her. The team member handed her his phone.

Theyre live on YouTube right now.


[Were saving a whale at Midman Beach! Live broadcast!]

-Can they save it like that?

-I dont think so.

-Two dolphins died last week.

-Its bigger, so its harder.

Tom, who passed a heavy bucket full of seawater to his side, raised his hand and someone who was waiting behind him took his place and started moving buckets to his side.

Tom sat down on the sand.

Next to him was his friend who had been moving buckets with him until five minutes ago.

Tom rubbed his tingling arms and opened his mouth.

When will they get here?

They said several people reported it, so theyll come. Theyre uploading it on YouTube, so itll be a big deal if they dont come.

I cant believe theyre filming this Should I admire them or

Tom clicked his tongue in displeasure. H

is friend shrugged his shoulders.

Well, thanks to those videos, people nearby came.

As his friend said, there were more people than before.

Thanks to that, the people who helped first could rest.

Besides, arent they amazing?


The two boys who stood at the front and sprayed water on the whale.

There were six directions where water was sprayed, but while the other four directions changed people, the two boys were still standing there firmly and checking on the whales condition and spraying water.

Their shirts and pants were soaked, but they didnt seem to care.

They only admired them.

They have amazing stamina. Are they athletes?

Yeah. I think Ive seen the one on the left somewhere.

Tom scratched his chin as he looked at Jack Smiths face.

And somehow he felt like he had seen the boy on the right somewhere too.

But hes really shiny.

Whether it was because of the water droplets that bounced off from hitting the whale or because he was deeply moved by their actions, it seemed like there was light coming from both boys, especially from the one on the right. He wasnt the only one who felt that way.

There was something about them that caught their eyes. But before they could think deeply about it, Tom and his friends attention turned elsewhere.

There was a cheer from one side.

Oh! A boat!

Sea Saver is here!

Mom! A boat is here!

The beach was bustling with peoples cheers.

Seo-jun and Jack also turned their heads for a moment and looked at the sea.

A large boat appeared on the wide and blue sea.


The white letters on the boat were visible.

Theyre finally here!

Yeah. It seems like the timing is right.

Seo-jun and Jack smiled brightly as their eyes met.

Sea Saver approached the beach.

A small boat appeared from the Sea Saver that stopped at a certain distance. The white boat made a white spray and ran at a fast speed.

It was a dramatic scene like in a movie. Cheers and applause erupted from everywhere.

-Theyre here!!

-Thats so cool!

-Wow. I thought I was watching a movie!

The people who got off the boat that arrived at the beach were Kate and the Sea Saver team members.

Some people flinched at the sight of the person with a camera behind them, but they did not stop their hands moving buckets.

Kate shouted in a loud voice.

Im Kate OHass, the team leader of Sea Saver Rescue Team. I sincerely thank you for your help. From now on, please leave it to us, Sea Saver!

There was another round of cheers and applause