Chapter 408:

Chapter 408:


The dance trainer who had accepted the request from Cocoa Entertainment to teach one more person yesterday looked at the practice room with a blank expression.

He had thought that one more person meant a new member of Blue Moon or a collaboration with another singer.

He had wondered who it would be and had some candidates in mind.

The candidates were either trainees or solo singers on hiatus from Cocoa Entertainment, or senior groups from the same company.

But he never expected to see an actor from Cocoa Entertainment, someone he knew very well but never considered as a candidate.

“Wow, there are really six of you now?”

The trainer, who had been staring blankly even after greeting them, finally spoke. Seo-jun and Blue Moon burst into laughter. Park Ee-deun and Kim Si-hoon were rolling on the floor with laughter.

“I think this is the first time I've seen you so surprised.”

“Well, we were also very surprised.”

“People will be shocked when this is revealed.”

Everyone nodded in agreement with Jung Eun-sung's words.

Blue Moon's manager opened his mouth.

“Please keep this a secret until the music video is released.”

“This is... something that no one would believe even if I told them.”

The trainer's sincere words made the practice room fill with laughter again.

The trainer, who had been smiling along with the kids, looked at the actor Lee Seo-jun, who was sitting close to Blue Moon and laughing.

He had seen Seo-jun visiting Blue Moon during their breaks, but he had never talked to him much.

He felt familiar but also unfamiliar. It still seemed unreal to him.

Kim Si-hoon raised his hand and said.

“Teacher. The lesson time is now.”

The trainer blinked his eyes a few times and looked at his watch.

He nodded his head.

“Okay. Let's start the lesson then.”

The trainer raised his hands and lightly slapped his cheeks.

He couldn't stay dazed forever. He felt determined to do well.

He didn't know if the reaction to this collaboration would be good or bad, but since Lee Seo-jun was involved, the impact would be huge.

He felt nervous even though he was just teaching.

His palms were sweaty.

He couldn't help it because of who he was facing.

“Let's check Seo-jun's skills first.”

The direction of the lesson would depend on how good he was.

The trainer might have to modify the choreography he had prepared a lot or not at all.

At his words, seo-jun smiled and got up from his seat.

Blue Moon clapped their hands for him.

“Let's start with stretching.”


The trainer was about to teach him how to stretch, but he swallowed his words when he saw Seo-jun bending his body and stretching on his own.

His stretching was impressive.

Not only his flexibility, but also his aura was somehow different.

When Seo-jun finished stretching, the trainer opened his mouth with a strange expression.

“Just follow me as I do.”

“Yes. I understand.”

The test was conducted by the trainer showing a simple demonstration and Seo-jun following it.

It started with simple steps and then moved on to upper body and lower body movements.

Seo-jun's skill test became a dance when Kim Si-hoon and Park Ee-deun joined in with their hips shaking.

Strong when needed, soft when needed.

Seo-jun danced along with the two members, tapping his feet and rolling on the floor in sync with the beat.

The trainer unconsciously opened his mouth at the sight of him.

“...Did you train as an idol before?”

At that, seo-jun and the kids burst into laughter.


A few days after his first dance lesson.

It was still morning and the sun was high in the sky.

The school was bustling from class 1-1 to class 3-3 of Mirinae Arts High School.

“Everyone is already packing up.”

Seeing the kids who had already packed their bags and had sparkling eyes, Jung Si-woon, the homeroom teacher of class 3-1 of acting department, smiled and shook his head.

The kids laughed out loud at that.

“You have to study hard and practice your acting during this last summer vacation before college entrance exams. You can come to school anytime if you have time between your activities outside school.”

Mirinae Arts High School also conducted lessons during summer vacation like Yeoul Arts Middle School, but some of the kids had already booked musicals, plays, or filming schedules outside school.

They avoided his gaze with giggles.

He roughly guessed how often they would come.

“Go see a lot of works too. Don't be picky about genres.”


“You only answer well at times like this.”

Jung Si-woon chuckled and finished his speech.

“Then, have a good summer vacation... and see you next week.”

“Seo-jun! Blue Moon is here too! Hello everyone!”

Hwang Ye-jun greeted them cheerfully as always.

Everyone smiled back at him.

“It feels weird to see Seo-jun here.”

“Me too.”

Seo-jun scratched his cheek and smiled softly. Everyone smiled back at him.

“Then let's listen to the song. Ye-jun.”

“Okay... sir. Team leader 1!”

Hwang Ye-jun laughed and sat next to Seo-jun.

He took out a USB from his pocket and connected it to the laptop installed in the conference room.

Then he played one of the files in the USB.

Soon, a lively sound that made people want to dance flowed out of the speakers installed in the conference room.

Not only Seo-jun, but also Blue Moon and the employees laughed without realizing it.


It was the sound of a janggu.

Team leader 1 touched his forehead.

A gong and a janggu...

“Hwang Ye-jun. What have you been doing lately?”

“I've been researching how to combine traditional music and pop music.”

Hwang Ye-jun smiled sheepishly and everyone tilted their heads. Team leader 1 asked with curiosity.

“For the kids’ single?”

“No. I'm still researching, so it's not good enough to use... I played the wrong one this time.”


Hwang Ye-jun laughed off his mistake and looked at the laptop monitor.

He played one file after another.

The sound of a loud gong, a thick daegeum, and a clear gayageum.

All kinds of sounds flowed out of the speakers, making everyone laugh eventually.

Seo-jun, who was laughing with them, glanced at the laptop monitor and saw that the file names in the USB were all numbers and not very noticeable.

‘No wonder he left the files at the company.’

It was lucky that they were well kept, otherwise it would have been a disaster if they were leaked.

Seo-jin or the other hyungs would have scolded him a lot.

“Ah, this is it!”

Hwang Ye-jun found one of the audio files and brightened up.

“I’ll play the version without the guide first.”

At his words, blue Moon and the employees who were giggling stopped talking and listened to the speakers quietly.


The melody that came out made Choi Jae-won snap his fingers unconsciously to match the beat.

He knew right away that this part was his without Hwang Ye-jun sunbae teaching him.

The other members and employees felt the same way.

It seemed to have Choi Jae-won's vibe and his voice would fit perfectly in the empty space.

The song progressed similarly but differently from the 37th song.

It started with Choi Jae-won's part, followed by Kim Si-hoon, Park Ee-deun, Jung Eun-sung, and Baek Yi-hyun's parts.

The five parts blended together and created a sixth part.

Soon after, the sixth part split and a new part began.

It was slightly different from the previous melody, but he recognized it right away.

It was Kim Si-hoon's part.

Kim Si-hoon smiled and moved his feet along with the melody.

That was the start of another modified parts of the members.

After five parts flowed, the song ended with a slightly changed sixth part.

It was composed of ‘5-6-5A-6A’.

As the song ended with the last highlight, the employees who had been listening quietly let out a sigh of relief and leaned back on their chairs.

“The 37th song was good too... but this is better.”

“The sound is richer than when there were only four parts. You reduced the melody that could have been excessive.”

“Aren't you curious how it will sound with the members’ voices?”

Blue Moon members who had listened to their own song were excited and chattered.

“Sunbae! The song is awesome, awesome!”

“Right! It's like...! Like...!”

Park Ee-deun and Kim Si-hoon couldn't find the right words to express their feelings and waved their hands frantically.

“The sound of five parts splitting and coming together is like a wave...!”

“Doesn't it look like a twisted doughnut?”


Choi Jae-won, who had tried to express his admiration with cool words, stared blankly at Hwang Ye-jun.

Blue Moon members who had been admiring the song also looked at him with wide eyes. Seo-jun tilted his head at the sudden twisted doughnut.

Hwang Ye-jun laughed and said.

“I made this when I saw Seo-jun bringing twisted doughnuts. It reminded me of them.”

At that, team leader 1 and A&R team, as well as other employees who had been sincerely amazed by the song, groaned without realizing it.

They didn't want to know that kind of inspiration.