The little boy's voice coldly called an Yan, and then led his sister to go over, and poured the wild vegetables in the basket into a big dustpan. Don't look at the little person, the action is very skillful and neat, even the little girl is the same. She doesn't need the little boy's help at all.

Anyan heard the little boy calling her mother, and she knew who the little boy and the little girl were. They were the two children left behind by Han Ze, the sixth elder of the Han family.

The specific original owner didn't know much about it. He only knew that the one in front of him was not very good to the two children, and probably did something bad. The Han family kept a secret about it. The original owner had been curious before, and even Liao Xiaofang, the biggest mouthed one, was very tight lipped and refused to say a word more.

However, although Anyan didn't know what happened, looking at the two children's yellow and thin appearance, they were much thinner than their peers, so they knew how bad they had been before, and they felt pity.

"Are you going to dig wild vegetables?" Anyan Wensheng asked

Han Rui didn't expect Anyan to talk to him. You should know that in the past, the stepmother was indifferent to their brother and sister and ignored their existence. She had been in this house for a while and said no more than ten words to them.

"We didn't be lazy. The wild vegetables in the field were almost dug up. It took us a long time to find them." Han Rui was stunned for a moment and said that he didn't know why his stepmother asked, but his mother used to blame him and his sister for their bad work. When he was not happy, he took out his anger on him and his sister, thinking that Anyan was the same.

"Mother, we are not really lazy." Liuya also stammered, with fear and fear on her face. Although the stepmother didn't beat and scold her and her brother as the previous mother, she knew that the stepmother didn't like her and her brother, and even didn't like her father and the family. She was always cold to them, for fear that Anyan would have any dissatisfaction with their brother and sister.

Han Rui sees that his younger sister is afraid and guards her behind. He looks at an Yan with a kind of ferocity.

Anyan sighed in her heart when she saw the defensive appearance of her brother and sister. She didn't expect that the two children were so sensitive that she went over to touch cheap son's head and said in a soft voice: "don't be afraid, I don't blame you. You can help your family when you are young. You are very sensible and obedient. "

Han Rui didn't know why her stepmother was so friendly to him today, but he was not an innocent baby. He could be coaxed with a few words and stood there stiffly.

Anyan knows that it's not easy to let the brother and sister down for a while. It's still a long time, and she's not in a hurry: "OK, there's nothing else. Go and play. "

Han Rui breathes a sigh of relief when he hears an Yan's words. He takes his sister and goes out, just like someone is chasing after him.

Anyan shakes her head and cleans up the dishes after eating. There is no one in the yard, so she should go down to the ground. It's said that the Han family has only one person to eat. She doesn't plan to wait to eat without doing anything like the original owner, but she has to clean up her room first. The room is messy. Apart from other things, the bed sheets and quilts on the Kang are dirty. There are black and yellow stains on them, and there is a bad smell. How can the original owner live in it? It's too much to be buried.

Anyan disliked the sheets and quilt covers, and the dirty clothes in the room. After thinking about it, she went to two small rooms.

A small room is clean. At least it's much cleaner than the original owner's room. Although it's a bit messy, it's good for two children to clean up like this. However, the sheets and quilts on the bed are not dirty. After all, they are young and can wash their own clothes. It's really not good for such a big child.

Anyan rushed to move all the things that should be removed and washed to the well in the backyard. She just soaked the quilt and clothes well. Anyan was about to wash them when she remembered that there was no washing powder and soap. She could only find a handful of Gleditsia seed according to her memory, and reluctantly made do with it. She couldn't help sighing. She thought about things while washing, and thought of something suddenly.

She said that she always felt something was wrong, and suddenly remembered that old lady Han, Han Ze, Han Rui These names are connected one by one. This is not a novel called "the general's favorite wife" she read before. The reason why she didn't remember it at first is that she read it a year ago.

This is an inspirational article about the female leader. It says that the female leader went through the northern Jin Dynasty and gradually became stronger. She got to know and love the male leader, and finally became the general's wife and the winner of her life.

It's a pity that Anyan is not the heroine in the novel, but the vicious matchmaker. At that time, because the name of the matchmaker is the same as hers, Anyan also vomited a bad word.

As the second ex-wife of the man and the block stone of the woman, Anyan in the book later made a new height of death. She was lazy and vain. She not only abandoned a couple of sons and daughters of the man in a turmoil, but also let the sons and daughters of the man die and hurt. The mother of the man was indirectly killed by the woman, and she took the silver left by the man to support the family She went to the capital to find her son who wanted to be attached to her. Unfortunately, she couldn't even get into the gate of the Marquis's mansion. She settled down in a small embroidery shop with her good embroidery skills. Her life was also very difficult. She was pushed out by other embroidery girls in the embroidery shop. She had a hard life. She heard that the male leader had developed into a general, and she went to the door. She wanted to ask the male leader to forgive her and live a prosperous life, and was killed The man who hated the female mate threw him into the beggars and was killed by LJ. The end was very miserable.How delightful, how successful, how admirable the female owner is, how vicious, how mentally disabled, how disgusting the female match is, so much so that the comments area scolded the vicious female match, and later applauded and applauded for her falling to such an end.

As an innocent person who goes through the vicious female partner, Anyan only feels the author's deep malice towards her.

But in a short time, Anyan recovers from the attack. She has never been a person who admits defeat, or what about passing through the cannon fodder girl. Although the original owner has already made her lose heart in the Han family, fortunately, it is still in the early stage. She has not done anything irreparable, and everything has come back.

No matter what the plot, as long as she does not die, the future will not happen. Since she has become an Yan in the book, the future life will be controlled by her own.