Han Ze looked at the quilt drum up a group can only dry stare, daughter-in-law does not cooperate, what can he do? It's not the same as those soldiers at the bottom of the barracks. They don't listen to them, they just pick up people for training and take them out for corporal punishment. I want to do something else, but the relationship between him and Anyan is actually a little subtle.

Han Ze knows that Anyan hasn't accepted him yet. If he behaves too much, he will push people further. He can only cook frogs in warm water step by step and soften people. Then it will be natural.

Therefore, Han Ze can't help but pull an Yan's nose when she is asleep. He plays tricks on an Yan's face for a long time to relieve her anger.

"Why can't I be more obedient? I'm a girl who makes people love and hate but can't help it! "

the next day, Anyan got up early in the morning, and Han Ze was still asleep. Anyan got up secretly, looked at Han Ze, and walked out of the room.

Anyan thought she was early enough, but it turned out to be good. When she got to the door, the two little guys looked at her with bright eyes, even more excited than her.

These two little guys really have the hobby of squatting. For the first time, they just squatted there waiting for her to come out without saying a word.

"Mother, we agreed "

" Shh, keep it down! "Anyan quickly covers regor's mouth and points to the room

" your father is still sleeping. Let's go quietly. "

regor is a smart child. Anyan doesn't ask why. He just nods to show that he knows, and his voice is much smaller.

"Mother, let's go now. I know where the old house is. I'll take you. "

sure enough, it's a small cotton padded jacket. Anyan really doesn't know where the old house is, so she wants to have a look and see if it's suitable to build a house there.

"Let's go. "

Anyan doesn't want to delay at all, otherwise Han Ze doesn't have to let her go when she wakes up. Last night, Han Ze tried to persuade her that she didn't want to build the house in the old house.

Whether to promise or not, Anyan has to go to the old house to investigate on the spot. After seeing it, she can reply to Hanze.

Mother and son are thieves, and they sneak away. Anyan thinks she's doing it secretly, but as soon as she goes out, Han Ze opens her eyes, her eyes are clear, and she's half sleepy.

It's Han Rui, who takes a thoughtful look at the room before leaving, and then follows an Yan to leave.

Han Ze looked at the mother and son and left him, secretly left him, or deliberately left him, grinding his teeth, the mother and son, sooner or later he will clean up, let them know who is the master of the family.

In particular, the two little guys actually dug the corner of their father's wall and led him away early in the morning.

Han Ze's hands are itchy. The two little guys just wait until he takes in his daughter-in-law. It's time to clean them up.

Anyan three people don't know that they have been remembered in their heart. When they go out of the door, they are just like the birds coming out of the cage. They are as happy as some mice who have stolen oil. They have no sense of crisis at all.

"Niang, that's it. That's the old house of our family. It'll be ours in the future."

Han Rui pointed to the front not far away, some proud and happy said, there is a kind of inspection of their territory.

When they split up yesterday, most of the other children who had lived in several rooms were playing, and they didn't care about such things at all. However, Han Rui and his sister stood there honestly, listening to the conversation between adults.

Anyan looks in the direction of Han Rui's finger. As expected, she sees an old house that can't see its original appearance.

Anyan was not sure before. Now when she came to the old house and looked at the environment of the old house, it was not only quiet and big, but also the small hill behind it. No matter how convenient it was, there were so many places to use. She immediately decided to build a house here.

It has to be built here. There's no discussion. If Han Ze doesn't agree, Anyan will build it herself. She doesn't consider building a house elsewhere for such a suitable place.

"Niang, this is a big place. The house is built here. You can open a vegetable field there and grow many kinds of vegetables. You can sell them in the market for money. We raise more chickens and ducks here. After laying eggs, we can make our mother and sister eat and replenish themselves. We can also sell them. "

"And here, let's dig a fish pond to raise fish..."

One night, Han Rui had planned his future home. He arranged it in an orderly way, worthy of being a little housekeeper.

Anyan actually thinks it's quite good. She'll arrange it herself.

Han Rui also feels that he seems to have said too much, so he goes to ask Anyan's opinion.

"Niang, I've been thinking all night. Do you think that's good? "

" it's very good. I didn't expect that regor was so powerful that he thought things out for his mother first, and didn't have to worry about her. It's amazing! I'm really lucky that such a sensible young man is my son. "

for children, Anyan is never stingy with praise, not to mention that she really thinks so.

When their children are so old, they only know how to run around and have fun, but her family's regor is already very manly.Han Rui is seldom praised by others. He is embarrassed by Anyan's praise. He has a red face: "mother, it's lucky for me and my sister to have a mother like you. We will be filial to you in the future. "

" liuya is filial and respectful to her mother, and she should like liuya. "

Six ya see elder brother to mother's attention all attract in the past, also hurriedly express oneself to attract an Yan's attention.

"Well, my mother's liuya is also wonderful. She is my mother's good daughter." Anyan touched liuya's head and said with a smile,

liuya got the same praise as her brother, and her smile became more and more brilliant: "Niang, liuya is also very useful, no worse than her brother. Liuya can raise chickens, feed fish, wash clothes, wash dishes and burn fire. After the Niang only manage to enjoy happiness, these things all leave to six ya to do

Han Rui is smart, and Liu Ya is also a villain. Although he doesn't plan so well as his elder brother, he has already counted all the things he can do. When it comes to pleasing his mother, he is not inferior to his elder brother at all.

Anyan is not an unscrupulous stepmother, how can two children do so many things, but the children have this heart Anyan is very pleased.

"Well, it's good for you to have this heart, but you are still young. Now you have your mother to do these things. Now your mother will take care of you. Later, when your mother is too old to do anything, you will take care of her. Then don't despise your mother. "

"We will not despise mother, mother, don't say that!" Han Rui frowned and said that he didn't like Anyan.

Liuya also agrees with her brother's nod. Even if she dislikes her father, she will not dislike her mother. Her mother is the best person in the world. She likes her mother the most.