Moreover, the woman also indicated that she had to get 20 Liang silver to sell her body, which made it even more difficult for anyone to sell her body. Even if she went to the dentist's shop to buy someone, the slovenly woman with no color could be no more than five or six Liang, or even cheaper. Who would spend the unjust money.

"Mother, how pitiful she is!"

Six Ya has not seen this, in the heart some feelings.

Anyan didn't listen to this. The more she thought about it, the more familiar she felt with the scene.

The main reason is that she sold herself for 20 liang of silver. How did she feel that this situation was familiar? But she had never seen such a scene before.

Seeing Liu Chunhua in the crowd, an Yan suddenly remembers.

How can she forget that the slovenly woman who sold herself to bury her father is the first one in the book to be accepted by the female owner. At that time, Liu Chunhua was already well-developed, and it was no problem to take out 20 Liang silver. She bought the slovenly woman with 20 Liang silver, which not only won her reputation, but also made her work for her heart and soul, becoming Liu Chunhua's right-hand man 。

The slovenly woman's name is LanNiu. In fact, it was not her biological father who sold her life to bury her father, but her adoptive father.

The adoptive father only raised LanNiu for three years, but LanNiu remembers her adoptive father's kindness. She wants to hold a big funeral for her adoptive father and let him go there in a beautiful way, so she offers 20 Liang silver to sell herself.

LanNiu's own life experience is also extraordinary. She is the daughter of the leader of a mysterious tribe. Because of the tribal struggle, she was framed and exiled. Later, LanNiu's father got a victory by cutting the enemy and looked for LanNiu everywhere.

Therefore, Liu Chunhua got a lot of help, and later he was able to have a good time.

Anyan's plot is really wonderful. Although Liu Chunhua hasn't developed yet, she still meets LanNiu, but it also happens to let her.

I have to say that Liu Chunhua met her, and her luck was not very good.

Liu Chunhua has been doing some small business recently, but she has saved some money, but it only adds up to more than ten Liang. Today, she doesn't know what's wrong. She suddenly wants to go into the city and thinks she will have some opportunities. But nothing happens until she goes out of the city and comes home. Until she reaches the gate of the city, she meets the girl who sells herself to bury her father.

Liu Chunhua has always believed that she is the woman who came here to make some achievements. She will not go on like this. She has a strong feeling that if she wants to buy this girl, she will be her help in the future.

But the girl's sign says that she wants twenty Liang silver. She doesn't have enough silver in her hand.

Liu Chunhua had to wait and see for a while. Seeing that no one had ever paid money to buy the girl, her heart was wide open.

If no one has ever done anything, she may be able to move the girl with her sincerity. After all, this is all her money. It's enough to help the girl. No one can be so kind.

Everyone will be moved by her actions when they see her. Before Liu Chunhua takes action, he will be moved by himself.

After touching the hard earned silver, Liu Chunhua came up to the girl and was about to start her "good deeds". However, someone came up to the girl first and put down two ingots of silver, no more than twenty taels.

Liu Chunhua is a little annoyed. Does this person want to fight against her? She didn't show up so long ago, but she stood up when she had an action.

Waiting to see an Yan standing in front of LAN Niu clearly, Liu Chunhua has such a feeling, and his heart is even more angry.

"Anyan, what do you want to do? No matter what you want to do, this girl is poor enough. You can't let her go! "

Liu Chunhua angrily questions an Yan, and the tone seems to be that an Yan has done something heinous.

Anyan looks up at Liu Chunhua. Before she opens her mouth, Liu Chunhua has a good conversation like machine gun shooting.

"I know you've always looked down on me and wanted to fight me, but you have to see what it is. It's not something you can joke about. "

after listening to Liu Chunhua's words, they looked at Anyan, but they couldn't figure out what kind of vicious things Anyan could do if she bought a servant. Such a kind-hearted lady looks beautiful, has a good temperament, and looks very gentle.

Is this what people say to know people, face and heart?

Anyan is not worried when she looks at everyone. She takes Liu Chunhua and says slowly, "Liu Chunhua, what's wrong with you! Who is it against whom?

It's always been you who aimed at me and shamelessly wanted to be my prime minister's concubine. It's a pity that my husband didn't like you. After three or four times, which one was not your first provocation to me. I said earlier that my patience is limited. Don't provoke me again, but you don't seem to understand people's words.

Don't you think you can do whatever you want with the county magistrate's son as a backer? I don't want to do that with you! "

As soon as Anyan said this, everyone's eyes on Liu Chunhua were wonderful. Although the questions Liu Chunhua just said sound targeted, they have no substantive content.Anyan said that this is different. The content is really rich and wonderful. Whether it is true or not, it is something that people can't help but want to explore.

Especially the reaction of Liu Chunhua's face turning red and angry, some shrewd people can see that about 80% of this is true, otherwise how can he become angry!

"What are you talking about?"

Liu Chunhua didn't expect that Anyan was so ruthless that she was exposed in front of so many people. Was she willing to do such a thing at the beginning? She was forced to that point step by step, but Anyan didn't let her go.

"Am I bullshit? You know it best. I said that as long as you don't mess with me, we'll be fine, otherwise don't blame me for being rude

"How can you do that? How much hatred do I have with you? You are so slandering me!"

Liu Chunhua didn't expect Anyan to be so cruel. She could only act like a victim.

Anyan sneered: "is it slander? It's useless for anyone to say it. Go to the village and ask about it."

"You, forget it, I don't see eye to eye with you."

Liu Chunhua knows that this topic will continue, and she will not take advantage of it. Therefore, she focuses on LanNiu and goes to LanNiu.

"This girl, I advise you to think twice. Some people are cruel and ruthless. She can't accept money. Don't ruin your life for this money. I have more than ten taels of silver. It's all my savings. If you want, follow me. I won't treat you badly in the future. "

After listening to what Liu Chunhua said, we thought that Liu Chunhua wanted to subsidize the girl for free.

As a result, people just want to buy people with less money. If they speak so well, they don't do it very well.

If you really have such a Bodhisattva's heart, you should donate it to that girl free of charge. Moreover, judging from her family, the other girl is obviously richer. In this way, how can you choose.

Anyan doesn't speak, waiting for LanNiu's choice.

Although she doesn't want to let Liu Chunhua have another helper, she can't interfere with LanNiu's own choice, but if LanNiu dares to help Liu Chunhua deal with her at that time, don't blame her impoliteness.

An Yan's heart flows.

Blue girl is hesitant, directly took the two ingots of silver that an Yan put down, her choice is self-evident.

Liu Chunhua was angry and anxious. He felt that he was about to go to something important.

"Girl, think about it again. Don't ruin your life for the sake of silver. "

LAN Niu didn't even leave Liu Chunhua. This woman is so hypocritical that she saw her when she came here. She hasn't seen her for a long time, but she came here after the lady gave her money. She also said these strange words. She didn't mean to ruin her business.

She decided to bury her adoptive father. If anyone dares to stop it, she will not spare anyone!

Thinking like this, LAN Niu looks at Liu Chunhua fiercely.

Liu Chunhua was startled by LanNiu's fierce eyes. She didn't understand why the girl was staring at her like this. It was clear that she was kind-hearted.

An Yan sees this scene, the eyeground exudes a little smile.

Have to say, can successfully stop Liu Chunhua, let Liu Chunhua less an arm, Anyan is very happy, looking at blue girl's eyes on a lot of soft.

After I bought the silver, I knelt down in front of you and asked you to help me! "

LAN Niu said this is not a kind-hearted thing, but a decision. Other things are deliberately kind-hearted, but this one is not allowed.

Anyan doesn't have any opinions. She didn't want to buy more servants, but when she meets LanNiu, she has to take care of it.

"Go, if you don't have enough money, you can come to me. As for selling one's life, there is no need to do so. There is no free lunch in the world. I can't give you money in vain, but you can work for me to pay off my debt. When you pay off my debt, you are free. What do you think of this? "

now that she knows the identity of LanNiu, Anyan thinks that this is the best arrangement. Now that she does this, it can be regarded as a favor to sell LanNiu.

Unexpectedly, LanNiu is stubborn: "I'm LanNiu. Since I've accepted your money, I'll sell myself to you. You'll be my master in the future. I'll never go back! "

" I don't need people, you really don't have to! "

" you will be my master. "

LanNiu is also a person who knows the truth of death, otherwise she would not have followed Liu Chunhua all her life in the book. She didn't even want to be a princess of the tribe, so she followed Liu Chunhua in obscurity.

Anyan see blue girl so, also temporarily don't her theory these, anyway to that time still early.

"It's up to you. You can arrange for your father's affairs first, and then come to me. I live in Mingshui village. I'm Hanze's daughter-in-law. You'll know when you go to the village. "

Liu Chunhua is on the side, looking at the development of things and unable to get involved. He is unwilling and resentful, and his eyes towards Anyan are full of bitterness.

Anyan, please remember that my good deeds are bad again and again, sooner or later, sooner or late