Not to mention how you deal with Geng yuan'er, an Yan sees you leave and looks at Han Ze.

"Do you think manager you's words are believable? How true are they?"

Anyan is not stupid. She believes everything you say. Although she intuitively thinks that you are telling the truth, such a thing can't be determined by intuition alone. If it is true, she can't manage the shop under her name to the present situation.

"What do you think of yourself?"

"I think what shopkeeper you said is somewhat credible. At least there is collusion between de Shan Tang and Tartars. I think it should be true. Now it's uncertain whether manager you is a double agent or a face-to-face agent. "


This is a new word. Anyan often comes up with a few words that he can't understand. Han Ze is used to it and can guess the meaning.

"I mean, shopkeeper you is very smart. He is mixed up with the people of Shande hall and Tartars. Maybe he wants to inquire for us. Another possibility is to curry favor on both sides and seek benefits for oneself. "

Han Ze nodded, an Yan said this to the point, he is the same view.

"You're right, so what we need to find out now is not only the Tartars, but also the role of shopkeeper you. If shopkeeper you is loyal, he should be reused and promoted. But if shopkeeper you really flatters on both sides, then this person is quite dangerous, even more dangerous than the tartar spies. "

" in fact, I prefer to believe in the loyalty of shopkeeper you. If I didn't believe in the character of shopkeeper you, I wouldn't let him come to the shop here.


" I hope you don't let him down. "

" I hope so, but I'll leave it to you to check. I have a limited number of hands, and I'm afraid I can't cope with the Tartars involved. "

an Yan is willing to rely on him, and Han Ze is too happy. Besides, this matter is not just a matter for the shop.

"Don't worry. I'll check it out. You don't have to worry. I'll explain it to you as soon as there's progress. "

one of the purposes of Anyan's coming to Yuncheng is for the business of the shop. Han Ze took over the business, but she was idle.

"Master, councillor Liu gave me a post. Please go to the banquet with your adult. "

" Liu Yuanwai? "

Anyan knows that Liu Yuanwai is also a big family in Yuncheng, and there are several rice shops in her hands. Although Anyan has not dealt with Liu Yuanwai directly, she has also met with Liu Yuanwai because of some business matters, so she knows something about Liu Yuanwai.

"Yes, on Liu Yuanwai's 50th birthday, many people, including the young master of the Chu family, also received posts from Liu Yuanwai. "

" brother Chu also received the post? "

" it's true that Mr. Chu not only received the post, but also promised to attend the birthday party outside of Mr. Liu's family. It's very popular in the circle of Yuncheng. It's said that many people want a post from the Liu family just to meet the young master of the Chu family. "

an Yan is not surprised that Chu Qi will receive the post, but it really surprised her that she would take part in Liu's birthday party. Regardless of her identity, Chu Qi doesn't have the temperament to take part in such a party.

"Ma'am, will you and your grown-up take part in the birthday party outside of member Liu? "

" let's see it then and ask your parents what they mean. "

it's just a small matter. Anyan doesn't care about it. But since Chu Qi is going to the party, someone is so jealous that Anyan doesn't dare to offend.

Han Ze has been busy checking the shop these days, or rather the spy of tartar. He is too busy to touch the ground.

"What's the matter, isn't it very difficult? "

Anyan asked when she saw that Han Ze was in a bad mood when she came back. Han Ze is very self disciplined and can control his emotions. Usually, his emotions outside are seldom brought to her home, let alone shown in front of her. It's rare to bring his emotions outside home.

"It's all right. It's a bit of trouble, but it's not so difficult. These people are secretive. If they don't know, maybe they won't find out. But now that they know their details, it's not so easy for them to hide. There's shopkeeper you in the room. It won't take long to find out. "

" then why are you not happy? "

" these bastards, as Dajin people, work for Tartars and commit many crimes. They are not worthy of being human! "

"What did they do to make you so angry?"

Han Ze rubbed an Yan's head, but he didn't say any more: "in a word, it's not a good thing. Listening to it, it also pollutes your ears. Now you should take good care of your body. As soon as' frost flower 'arrives, let LAN Niu make an antidote to remove the poison. I'll deal with the business of the shop. "

Anyan doesn't speak and just looks at Hanze.

When Han Ze saw his daughter-in-law like this, he knew what it meant.

"Yan Yan, I don't want to decide anything overbearing, but these things are really appalling. LanNiu said that although the poison in your body has been suppressed, you still have to pay more attention to it. You can't be too excited or too tired. It won't be long before frost will arrive. You have to take good care of your body, and the antidote will have the best effect. So you don't have to worry about these things until the poison in your body has been detoxified. Can you bear with them for a little longer? "Anyan worried about Han Ze's eyes: "well, but you can't hide everything from me."

Han Ze nodded and told Anyan about it, but he didn't say the specific cruel things.

Anyan is not really so naive. In the past few years, she has been running outside and has seen the cruelty of reality. However, Han Ze doesn't want her to touch more of these things to affect her mood. She is also affected by Han Ze's kindness.

Just like this, Anyan is also angry after listening to Han Ze's Narration: "these Tartars are really damned. When there is no Ansheng, there are their things everywhere."

Han Ze was in a bad mood. Seeing an Yan like this, he calmed down.

"Yanyanguai, the most important thing for you now is to take good care of your body. Don't think about these things. Don't get angry."

"Well, I'm not angry."

Anyan remembers LanNiu's explanation. She doesn't need Hanze to remind her to control her emotions, so she doesn't think about Tartars.

"By the way, councillor Liu sent us a post and wanted to invite us to the birthday party. Will you go or not?"

Anyan said so, did not mention Chu Qi also want to participate in things, so that this guy is jealous, how to underestimate Hanze's well-informed degree.