Arc 1.9 : A Group Blind Date

The two Military Leaders finished speaking in turn, and then sat at the table with the leaders to prepare for dinner. The Deputy Leader suddenly stood up and called “Ye You, come over here.”

Ye You looked up and saw that the Deputy Leader was waving at him. Although he was not very willing to go there, he had to stand up and walk over there.

“He is a recruit that sing Care in the dream and the one who played Return. His name is Ye You. Although he is still a recruit, his basic skills are solid, and he practice very hard. Today is his first performance on stage. There were no mistakes and we were able to complete the performance smoothly. We are also very pleased.” The Deputy Leader introduced Ye You to the officers and two Military Leaders.

“You don’t have to be modest on his behalf. Although we don’t know how to play musical instruments or vocal music, we still have some level of appreciation. We can all hear it. This time, your Cultural Regiment had picked up a treasure among the recruits and we asked you to call him over just because we wanted to praise him face-to-face. And our Combat Legion will not rob your person, what the use for you to hide?” Xu Zhengjiao said with a smile.

“Xu Zhengjiao, this is what you said, you won’t come to rob our people, ah.” Head Leader Wu immediately grabbed the key points in his words.

“Sigh! I said, old Wu, I haven’t seen you for years. You still can catch people’s faults in this way. The ‘rob’ that I’m talking about, was not the same as the ‘rob’ you’re talking about.” Xu Zhengjiao point to the wine cup in front of Head Leader Wu and said: “Hurry up and pour the wine, today must fine him a few glasses.”

Ye You stood silently as he looked at them, thinking when he could go back to have his dinner. Suddenly, he felt a line of sight watching him attentively. Ye You followed his feeling and look over, he found that it was the Lieutenant Colonel who had looked at him just now. The eyes of the two met again, and Ye You conveyed to the other with his eyes. This time, you are the one who looked at me first, so I only looked at you.

Du Yao understood what Ye You had wanted to convey. Although he didn’t have any expression on his face, he couldn’t help but wanted to laugh. He felt that Ye You was so cute and very interesting. This was his first close look at Ye You, and he thinks he will always remember this moment.

Ye You looked at Du Yao’s eyes, but couldn’t guess what he was thinking, which made him a little surprised. Although his sixth sense do not include mind reading, when he looks at a person’s eyes, he can guess the thoughts in the other person’s heart according to every of their tiny micro expressions and gestures in the other person’s eyes. The accuracy for all his guesses were quite high. But now, he can’t see what Du Yao was thinking.

After Xu Zhengjiao forcibly sanctioned Head Leader Wu for three glasses of wine, turning his head and looking at Ye You, he said, “You can see that your Head Leader and Deputy Leader attach great importance to you, don’t disappoint their expectations and continue to work hard. To strive to become the pillar of the Cultural Regiment in the shortest possible time.”

“Yes, I will continue, and I will never let down the expectations of the leaders.” Ye You straightened his body and replied seriously.

Xu Zhengjiao habitually wanted to pat Ye You’s shoulder, but suddenly thought that Ye You were not the rough guys from their Combat Legion. This action will not do well for him, so he lowered his hand and said, “Meet three point1Raw 见面三分情 (jian mian San fen qing); google give me meet the three point love… orz I was like “?????” Lol. It seem like “it’s the first time we meet but I have a favor to ask you” kind of mean. For more information you can go to this website : In the future I hope you can come to perform, this is not an order, it is to ask for your favor in advance.”

“Yes.” Ye You thought, after this he must definitely have to go to the various Combat Legions to perform. This political and religious person were not bad, plus today’s performance was for their regiment. If it can be chosen independently, it shouldn’t be wrong to choose them.

“Quick go have a dinner,” the Head Leader of the group said to Ye You, and then stood up and said to his people: “Everyone who are full today can go back to rest. Two days after tomorrow, I will give you a holiday.”

Ye You walked back to his seat under everyone jealous eyes, and then sat down to eat, there were so many Literary Art soldiers participated in the performance, but only he received the praises alone, and was personally favored by the political education2Raw 政教 (zheng jiao); church and state; government and education; political education. This kind of treatment was something that most Literary Art soldiers dare not think about. But today Ye You really did perform exceptionally well, and even if they were unwilling, they have nothing to say.

Ye Chen tightly held the chopstick. His stomach was very hungry, but after two bites he felt that he could not eat anymore. He worked hard for a whole month to practice dancing and finally looked forward to the performance. He thought he would be the most outstanding one and he would be the one who getting praised, but after the performance, he was just one of the many supporters.

Ye Chen struggled to control his emotions. He told himself not to be jealous. If he jealous, he will loses more thoroughly. As long as he work harder, he will definitely be better than others. He certainly can do it through his own efforts.

No matter how hard Ye Chen wanted to control his mood, whether he wanted to admit it or not, he really feel jealous towards Ye You.

There were another two days of vacation, after leaving the cafeteria, Ye You called home and asked Ye Song to pick him up tomorrow morning.

Although Ye You has said that he will not live with Elder Ye anymore, the original’s parent were still a little worried. They worried that he just said this because a moment of anger. After the anger disappear, he will still go to live with Elder Ye.

When they received Ye You’s call, they were naturally very pleased and wanted to take him home that night, so that he could live one more night at home.

After returning home, Ye You relaxed and rested seriously. In addition to being in a daze, he chatted with Ye Jiande and his wife to understand each other and what they did during this one month. When Ye Jiande and his wife heard Ye You say that he was praised by the leaders, they were very happy and proud, thinking that how good it would be if they could see such a picture with their own eyes.

After the holiday, Ye You returned to the Cultural Regiment. This time when he walked into the Cultural Regiment’s front gate, he still get a lot of eyes on him, but the emotions were very different from the last time he was here.

After arriving at the dormitory, Ye You distributed all the food he brought from home to Ji Wen and Zhao Yu. Both Ji Wen and Zhao Yu were not from the local. Wanted to go home? Unless they took a long vacation, beside the transportation in this era also very inconvenient, a lot of time will be wasted on the road.

“In the past two days, I heard some news, the authenticity is very high.” Ji Wen said to Ye You while eating the cut fruit in the lunch box.

“What news?” Ye You asked.

“I heard that the group will arrange for us to go on a blind date.” Ji Wen whispered.

“We? Blind date?” Ye You said with some surprise and doubt. “The group still care about this things? Are they worried that no one wants us? That’s not possible, ba?”

Those who can enter the Cultural Regiment, don’t talk about anything else first, the appearance and talent were definitely not bad, and most people’s family conditions were very good. Besides, with the name of the Cultural Regiment, when they go back home, there must be someone eager to have them.

“How could it be that no one wanted us?” The fruit in Ji Wen’s mouth almost spewed out. “The military camp is a place that most bachelors are concentrated. Arranging us for blind dates is, of course, trying to solve the marriage problems of older military officers.”

“New recruits must also participate? Is it okay not to go?” Ye You was not only not interested in the blind date, but also disgusted. Although his real age was 23 years old, but now the body was only 19 years old. Even though people in this world were getting married early, he still thinks that a blind date at 19 were too early.

“I heard that as long as you are single, no partner and you like no one, you have to participate, if you don’t go, it is equivalent to acknowledging that you already have someone you like.” Ji Wen said, “In fact, it is not a big deal to go through the formality. When the time came, you can say that there is no match, the leader will not force you to choose one. Many people are very happy after knowing this news, because I heard that this time arrangements are all military officers.”

“So this time the group blind date is not for character, but for ability. No wonder they are very happy.” Ye You nodded unequivocally.

“I think there is no conflict between the two. Among the capable people, isn’t it the best to have both way?” Ji Wen said with a shrug.

“It sounds like you are also very interested.” Ye You looked at him and said.

“Since it is arranged in the group, then just go and see, maybe you can meet the right one? Even if there is no match, you will not lose anything, right?” Ji Wen thought that it did not matter whether he went or not, mainly because he was too lazy to make excuses.

When the Head Leader of the group gathered all the single unmarried members, and then began to do ideological work, Ye You somewhat admired Ji Wen’s ability to obtain information, and felt that he was very suitable for intelligence work, because all the things he said to Ye You was right.

The Head Leader of the group first talked about marriage was a major turning point of lifelong event. After solving the major events in life, just can work hard and feel at ease to advance bravely. Also something about settle down and established an occupation before enter the main point. After talking about the key points, the Head Leader also mentioned that considering that the literary and art soldiers have high conditions, so in order to avoid some embarrassing situations, this time of the group blind date, the arrangements were all officers with good conditions in all aspects. Such opportunities were not available every time, and they must be well grasped.

Finally, the Head Leader of the group said that he would not force everyone to participate. If there was someone who does not want to participate, they can write an explanation for the reasons of not participating and give it to the team leader. After determining the number of participants, they also can start making arrangements.

Hearing what the Head Leader said, Ye You knew that he must go, because the leader of their recruit was Liu Hui. If he went to hand in the written instructions that he didn’t want to participate, he would inevitably be ridiculed by her with the gun and the stick3Raw 夹枪带棒 (jiā qiāng dài bàng; idioms); refers to the hidden irony in the language. Instead of facing the irony of Liu Hui, he might as well go to the group blind date.

After a day of training, the soldiers washed away the muddy sweat in the public bathroom.

Du Yao came out of the bathroom after bathing, walked to the dormitory in slippers and carrying towels, Lin Dong came out quickly behind him and asked him, “Captain, you have worked so hard to facilitate this group blind date. What would you do if the person you wants to meet didn’t go?”

“Whether he goes or not, mainly depends on fate. I believe there is enough fate between us to meet.” Du Yao said calmly.

Lin Dong was silent for a while and said, “Captain, sometimes I’m really puzzled. Why do you have the confidence to succeed no matter what you do? Do you never think that you may not succeed??”

“Man proposes but God disposes; I will do my best to create a higher chance of success. I will try again if I can’t do it. Until I succeed, I will never fail because of bad luck. I will always succeed. At the time, this was the source and basis of my confidence.”

Lin Dong sincerely admired Du Yao in various senses, but still couldn’t help persuading, “Captain, if someone already has a lover, don’t be too demanding, after all, the twisted melon are not sweet.”

Du Yao just smiled and did not answer him, but in his smile, the meaning was hidden. He thought to himself that he would naturally not going twist the unsweetened melon. He would dig up the root of his favorite melon, plant it in his own land, and then cultivate it carefully to irrigate it. This melon will become sweet one day.4The ML is a bit……….. o(╯^╰)oThough I respect his confidence.

A/N : A heads up….

One, I’m going to try translate as many chapters as possible so I can edit and post when the time come. It’s getting harder to understand some of the words, the meaning was so deep that I have to go to so many translation website to compare them, to see if I get it right. Lol..

Two, actually I’m feeling a bit down when I saw there are not many people interested in this novel.. So, temporary this novel will be slow down and the update might be sporadic.

I don’t wanna raise the flags but I will try my best not to stop in the middle. Wish me luck ya~ and see you next chapter. *kiss*

Edited on 25 Oct ’21