Arc 1.23 : Sad1Raw 不幸(bù xìng); misfortune; adversity; unfortunate; sad; unfortunately. News

Ye Chen took three packs of wedding candy and came to Ye You’s dormitory, then said to Ye You: “The things before are in the past already so just let it go. After all, we are still a family, so don’t worry about those things anymore. In a few days will be my engagement banquet with Du Hao. I hope you, uncle and auntie, also Ye Song brother can all come to attend. You are all my maiden family2Raw 娘家 (niang jia); family from the bride’s side, I will be very happy when you come. When the time come, I can introduce you to the Du family and Sun family.”

“Thank you for your kindness. My parents and my brother are usually very busy. They may not have time to attend your engagement banquet. I don’t really want to go, so I won’t specially go to bask in your light. Don’t think of us as your maiden family, because become your maiden’s family is too expensive, our family does not lack money, but there is no habit of wasting money.” Ye You put the wedding candy on the table back to Ye Chen’s hand and said, “I wish you and Du Hao can get married soon, and then grow old together. I hope that no matter what happens in the future, you won’t come to find me again. As long as you two can take it as I don’t exist, I will be grateful to you. “

Ye Chen looked at Ye You and didn’t know how to go on. He really didn’t understand. Ye You clearly liked Du Hao before, but suddenly it seemed as if he had never liked Du Hao. And when did he become friends with Du Yao? This makes him very puzzled. If he does marry Du Yao in the future, wouldn’t they change from cousins to brother-in-law3Actually it’s sister in law because 妯娌 (zhóu li) means; wives of brothers. I take the liberty and change it to brother in law? In any case, he must find a way to prevent this from happening.

“Wait a minute.” Ji Wen stopped Ye Chen, who was about to turn around and left, and returned a packet of wedding candy on his table to Ye Chen. “Sorry, I have always had a toothache these days. I’m afraid I won’t be able to enjoy these candy, you better gave it to someone else.”

“Ji Wen.” Zhao Yu called Ji Wen, then threw the candy on his table to Ji Wen, asked Ji Wen to help him and return it to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen took three packets of wedding candy, and after a glance at them, he turned and left.

“Looking at him like that, he must go to other people to pretend to be pitiful again, saying that we deliberately did not accept his wedding candy or something, and then other people will say, ignore them, they are just jealous of you.” Ji Wen guessed what would happened after Ye Chen left and he guessed it correctly.

In fact, after the incident between him and Du Hao was exposed, Ye Chen went around pretending to be pitiful and miserable, saying how difficult the process of dating was for him and Du Hao, how painful they faced the opposition from the family, and then got a lot of people’s sympathy. Ye You felt, this was also his protagonist’s halo at play, otherwise, not everyone can succeed in showing how miserables they were4Raw 卖惨 (mai can); lit. sell miserable, in other word, show how pitiful was their own life bcoz of one or another problems.

Ye You and his family did not attend Ye Chen’s engagement banquet, nor did they send gifts. Ye You’s parents knew that Du Hao and Ye Chen had made Ye You take the blame, and they spread rumors everywhere that destroy Ye You’s reputation and humiliated him. They were so angry that they wanted to kill Du Hao, and absolutely impossible for them to join Ye Chen and Du Hao’s engagement banquet. Also,  they had made up their mind to cut off contact with Elder Ye and second house’s family5Raw 二房 (er fang); second branch of an extended family; concubine, and will have nothing to do with each other in the future.

Many people from the Cultural Regiment attended Ye Chen’s engagement banquet. When they return, they discussed which military leaders and officers they saw at the engagement banquet for several days. Then they admired Ye Chen’s good marriage and that he will be very happy in the future.

Ye Chen was enjoying everyone’s admiration and envy, and he felt as if he walked with the wind6走路都觉得带着风一样; literally, light as a feathers. When Ye Chen was in his original world, he liked men, but in his country, same-sex marriage was not legal. Before transmigrating, Ye Chen had always imagined that he could be an object that everyone envied. When he transmigrated over and learned about everything related to the original owner, he knew that in this world, all his dreams would be able to achieve. Betrothed to Du Hao was just the first step to realize his dream.

Before Du Yao went to perform the task, Ye You had met him twice, and the two secretly dated, and then stick together like clay affectionately. Ye You used to think that those young couples who could stay together for a day without doing anything, it was really hard for him to understand. Now he realized that even if they didn’t do anything, only hugged each other together, the time flies really fast.

This time Du Yao left, he will not returned until at least two months later. Ye You felt that the feeling of longing was sweet at first, but over time, it became a torture. He really missed Du Yao, and he was worried about whether he would be injured, waited and counting the days he left everyday.

Ye You knew that he really fell in love with Du Yao, so he had already thought about it. He felt that since they really love each other and they are dating on the premise of getting married, both parents also have no opinion. In that case, just follow Du Yao’s suggestions that after he comes back, they will get engaged first.

But Ye You never thought that what he was waiting for was a huge bad news, and this bad news was conveyed to him by Ye Chen.

During his mission, Du Yao was seriously injured and in a coma, now his situation was very dangerous.

“Just about two days ago, Du Squadron was seriously injured and was sent back to the Military Hospital. He is still lying unconscious in the hospital. Doctor said that he may never wake up again. There is a great possibility that he will be in vegetative state forever.”

Ye You clenched his fists with both hands to keep calm, and looked at Ye Chen’s eyes without expression7Ori text: 面无情(miàn wú qíng); ruthlessly. There’s an idiom 转面无情(zhuǎn miàn wú qíng); to turn one’s face against sb and show no mercy (idiom); to turn against a friend. I assume there’s was a typos, whether it’s a 面无表情(expressionless) or 转面无情(idiom)., trying to judge the truth of what he had just said. At this moment, he very much hopes that Ye Chen deliberately frightened him, but his reason told him that Ye Chen should not be stupid enough to frighten him with such a lie, at best it would deliberately aggravated the severity of the matter. Also, the fake sympathy on Ye Chen’s face, and the gloating that couldn’t be hide in his eyes, were enough for Ye You to judge that Du Yao was really injured.

“Previously, you said that you are good friends. Although I don’t know to what extent your good friend relationship is, I think you would want to know the news. So after Brother Hao told me about this, I immediately came here to tell you. But you don’t have to be too sad. I think you two shouldn’t have developed to the point where you already talk about marriage. Although the status of uncle as a businessman will limit your ability to find partner in the future, it should be easy to find a good one base on your conditions.”

Ye You didn’t show any emotions or say anything, he just turned around and walked away.

Ye Chen looked at his back and a joyful smiled revealed from his heart. This news really satisfied him. For him, it was simply a belated engagement gift. Du Hao told him that Du Yao was seriously injured and the possibility of waking up was very small. Even if he wakes up by willpower, it will be difficult for him to lead soldiers in the future.

Ye Chen felt that in this way, he didn’t need to do anything, and it was impossible for Ye You to marry Du Yao. That also saved him from trying his best to prevent them from being together. It was basically impossible for Ye You8 In original text 叶晨(ye chen) but I assume it was a typos to find someone better than Du Hao. He has found out all the military officers of the marriageable age. There were some very good conditions, but overall,  it was absolutely not as good as Du Hao’s conditions. What’s more, many military officers with backgrounds looked down on merchant families, unless he can find someone who can ignores the family’s opposition in order to marry him.

Before Du Yao left, he gave Ye You a number and told him that if he encountered something that couldn’t be solved, he can call this phone, and someone would naturally help him solve it. Now he wants to know Du Yao’s situation immediately, so he can only call this phone to ask.

Ye You came to the telephone room of the Regiment Headquarter. When he pressed the number, his hands were shaking. He couldn’t help feeling flustered, worried that he might heard news that even worse.

Ye You picked up the receiver, and after the call was connected, there was a low male voice. Ye You told him his name, and then asked him about Du Yao’s situation. The other party told him that Du Yao was seriously injured and unconscious, but his family had already received all the best doctors in the country for his medical consultation. There was still hope for Du Yao to wake up and being cured. If he wanted to confirm Du Yao’s condition with his own eyes, he can go to the hospital to see him.

After asking about the location of Du Yao’s ward, Ye You hung up the phone. He felt weak, but he felt that as long as Du Yao had a chance to wake up, he would be very lucky.

Ye You didn’t want to wait even for a moment. He wanted to rush to the Military Hospital immediately, but the person who answered the phone told him the most suitable visit time. If he went at other times, perhaps he can’t see Du Yao.

Ye You could only ask for leave first, and then wait for the next day to go to the hospital.

After Ye You returned to the dormitory, Ji Wen saw that his face was not good, so he asked him what happened. Ye You told him about Du Yao’s serious injury. Ji Wen was also very shocked, and then kept comforting Ye You.

Ye You stayed up all night, and left the Cultural Regiment early the next morning, then set off to the Military Hospital.

Ye You was extremely nervous all the way, but after arriving outside Du Yao’s ward, he was less nervous. He thought, as long as the person was still alive, no matter how badly he was injured, he will not give up on him.

DY got seriously injured!!! YC also looking for dead bcoz YY is not a vegetarian!

This chapter really surprise me! I know overall it will be HE. But will there be a HE for this arc?!  *shaking with dread*