Arc 1.25 : Big Brain Hole1 It seems to be a slang(internet slang?) for a lot imagination. Um… Why do I feel that this title don’t have a connection to this chapter? 「(°ヘ°)?

Although Ye Chen had apologized and showed weakness to Ye You, Ye You didn’t plan to let him go.

Ye You looked at Ye Chen, show a serious expression of pondering, and then with a ‘sudden realization’ expression, said “I understand, you were deliberate from the beginning. You went to meet Du Hao, even if you were spotted by the soldiers on patrol, it was not a big deal, but you just want me to admit it for you, and then make the matter big. That was your first plan. You asked your mother to pester me and make a move on me, you actually want me fight back, and then she will said that I hit her. That was your second plan. Because the previous plans failed, so you deliberately came to me to say some ugly things and wanted me to do something to you. I just pushed you slightly because you blocked the door. After I left, you slammed yourself into the wall and hurriedly come to complain, saying that I dislocated your arm. This is your third plan. But you found that you were not cruel enough. Although the collision was very painful just now, but you are fine now and there is no dislocation at all, so you have no choice but to apologize. All you did was to make me unable to stay in the Cultural Regiment, because you know I can dance Po Zhen Dance, worrying that one day I will steal your limelight, so you tried your best to frame me, right?”

Ye Chen’s eyes widened and he was stunned. What Ye You said was reasonable and well-founded. If he hadn’t experienced all of this himself, even he would have believed what Ye You had said.

Deputy Leader already believed Ye You’s words completely. He felt very angry at first, and then froze for a while, watching Ye You, asked, “You can dance Po Zhen dance2For the love of me I can’t find about this dance anywhere, so I’m using pinyin 破阵舞(po zhen wu)

– 破(po); broken; damaged; worn out; lousy; rotten; to break, split or cleave; to get rid of; to destroy; to break with; to defeat; to capture (a city etc); to expose the truth of

– 阵(zhen); disposition of troops; wave; spate; burst; spell; short period of time; classifier for events or states of short duration

– 舞 (wu); to dance; to wield; to brandish.”

“I,” Ye You said as if he has let it slip accidentally.

“If you can, say yes, if you can’t, say no, it doesn’t matter if you can’t. As long as you tell the truth, I won’t scold you.” The Deputy Leader said gently.

“I used to learn musical instruments, vocal music, and dancing, but when I joined the Cultural Regiment, I felt that my energy are limited, so I never showed that I could dance. I know how to dance Po Zhen Dance, and the teacher who taught me said that my dance are not bad. Ye Chen knew about this. Although I tried to conceal that I could dance, I didn’t expect that he still didn’t want me to stay in the Cultural Regiment.”

Ye Chen was so shocked that he had completely frozen. He didn’t even know what Ye You was talking about, and he didn’t even know that he would actually dance the Po Zhen Dance. No, it’s impossible for him to dance to the top level of difficulty, even he(YC) hasn’t fully mastered it. How could he(YY) dance?

Deputy Leader stood up, then walked around the desk then walked to Ye You and said, “You come with me.”

Ye You followed the Deputy Leader and walked out. When he reached the door, he turned his head and smiled at Ye Chen, and then looked at Liu Hui. His smile and eyes made Ye Chen and Liu Hui feel creepy at the same time.

“What he said is not true. I really don’t know that he can dance the Po Zhen dance. No, he can’t do it. Teacher Liu, you have to believe me.” Ye Chen held Liu Hui’s hand tightly and looked at her with eager eyes.

“Don’t worry, teacher believe in you.” Liu Hui patted Ye Chen’s hand. She didn’t say a word just now, because of the previous lesson, she didn’t dare to speak rashly anymore, but even what Ye You said was very reasonable intellectually, but emotionally, she still chose to believe in Ye Chen.

Liu Hui sighed and said, “This Ye You,  his scheming is too terrible, and it is very difficult to deal with. You must strengthen your defenses in the future and be extremely careful.”

Ye Chen nodded, but the bad premonition in his heart became more stronger.

The so-called Po Zhen Dance was a dancer dancing back and forth on several big drums as they move a long red silk and beat the big drum next to it. A group of other dancers stand on the ground and beat the drums rhythmically. The whole scene was huge and very imposing.

Currently in the Cultural Regiment, no one can perform a complete Po Zhen Dance, because to dance this dance not only requires a certain amount of physical strength when jumping on the drumhead, but also requires a good sense of balance and a light, graceful, vigorous and powerful dance movement, which was very difficult.

If it was someone else in the Cultural Regiment said that they can dance the Po Zhen Dance, the Deputy Leader would definitely not believe it. But Ye You said that he can dance the Po Zhen Dance. Even if the Deputy Leader still had doubts in his heart, he was still willing to let him try, because Ye You would always surprise him.

The Deputy Leader asked people to take out all the drums used for practice, and then asked Ye You try. Ye You did not have his own dancing shoes and clothes. Deputy Leader asked someone to get new dancing shoes and clothes for him. After Ye You changed, he climbed up the drum with both hands, without accompaniment and no other drum beats, he started to jump.

Ye You danced this dance for the first time, however the original did learn it, but he gave up because it was too difficult. But the original owner had watched the teacher danced. He(YY) was imitating the teacher’s movements in the original owner’s memory. The ability to imitate and learn that like copy/paste was also included in his superpowers ability.

Ye You has the basic dancing skills, but since it was his first time to do such a dance, also the difficult level. So, after Deputy Leader watch the whole time, felt that although Ye You’s movements were a little strange, he did know how to dance. This makes him very excited. In the past few years, he has been asking the Dance team to do their best to trained the Art soldiers who can dance the dance, but has not been cultivated even one.

Previously, Liu Hui told him that Ye Chen’s talent for dancing was very high, and the possibility of completed the Po Zhen was also very high. He was quite looking forward to it. After seeing Ye Chen’s performance, he feels that he was indeed good and worthy to cultivate on training. But now after watching Ye You’s dance, he feels that Ye You’s performance was much better than Ye Chen’s.

After Ye You got off the drum, he was panting as he wiped his sweat and said to Deputy Leader, “It’s been a long time since I danced. It’s even more rusty than before.”

“You can dance to this level now is already very good, but the proficiency is still lacking, as long as you practice more, you will be able to do it.” The Deputy Leader has already imagined a beautiful picture in his mind that Ye You would dance the Po Zhen Dance in front of the soldiers. The Breaking Dance3 ………. (─.─||)

Okay, now google had translate this as The Breaking Dance… what do you think? I think it’s a dance in Chinese culture… if you know the dance’s other name in English please let me know so I can put it to use in the next chapter (if the dance name show up again) has their national characteristics and was extremely inspiring. It was the most suitable dance for sending the soldiers off to battle.

In the past two years, they would specially invite the famous dancer Ms. Pei Ying to come to perform The Breaking Dance for the soldiers who were going to the war zone and boost their morale. But these two years, Ms. Pei Ying was, due to her age and pain, physically unable to support the entire dance, so their Cultural Regiment are more anxious to trained people who can dance this dance. Seeing Ye You can dance, the Deputy Leader was very excited.

“Deputy Leader.” Ye You looked at the Deputy Leader awkwardly and said, “I have to practice both Vocal music and violin. The time is already full. I am afraid it will be difficult to find time to practice dancing. One is, I’m afraid that I can’t keep up with my physical strength. The other most important reason is that I don’t want to practice on the Dance team. Team leader Liu has always been uncomfortable with me, and she always targeting me. I’m already tired of practicing and I don’t want to face the difficulties from Team Leader Liu. I’m afraid that I’ll be exhausted physically and mentally.

The Deputy Leader nodded in understanding, because of Ye You’s words, he immediately calmed down. What Ye You said was true. In the past few years since the establishment of the Cultural Regiment, there have been some double responsibility, but the triathlon responsibility are rare. Even if there was no problem with the ability, physical factors still need to be considered.

“Well, let me think about it, and then I will discuss with the Head Leader to see what schedule is best for you.” The Deputy Leader said: “Full Triathlon responsibility is very hard work, but if you can do it well, in the future you will be the pillar of our Cultural Regiment. And you don’t need to worry about the military service promotion.”

“A bit of hard work is actually nothing. I just hope that Ye Chen and Team Leader Liu will not always find trouble with me in the future, so that I will not have that much mental pressure at least.” Ye You smiled helplessly.

“Don’t worry, as long as you can perform better, if they dare to trouble you again, I will find a way to make them leave.” The Deputy Leader promised.

“I will try my best to perform well. As for them, if they can really stay away from me in the future, I will forget about the previous things. You don’t need to make them leave. They are also not easy.” Ye You learned the black-bellied way from his two older brothers since he was a child, and appropriately intercedes for the enemy, which can make it more innocent and tolerant to win the favor of others, and it can also show how excessive the other’s behavior was.

Ye Chen and Liu Hui, who were hiding in the corner and peeking, were first shocked that Ye You could actually dance The Breaking Dance, and it was much better than Ye Chen, who was still learning how to dance, and then because of the Deputy Leader’s words, his face changed drastically. With a strong sense of crisis, it was like their strong desire to survive had arise, thinking that they must stay away from Ye You in the future.

But Ye You gave them so many opportunities, and they didn’t cherished it. When they had completely angered Ye You, Ye You would not let them go easily.

Ye Chen’s heart was incomparably alarmed and flustered. He felt as if he had fallen into Ye You’s trap. From the very beginning, Ye You set a trap and waited for him to walk in step by step. What ‘like Du Hao’, it was fake. Volunteering to help him out was the first step to get him into the trap. This person was really terrible.

On the third day, Ye You was notified that he had a call. He hurried to the telephone room to answer it. It was the voice of the person who answered his call last time. The other party told him that Du Yao had woke up and wanted to see him.

Ye You held the receiver tightly, feeling that the huge boulder hanging in his heart had finally landed. He felt that as long as Du Yao could wake up, he would have nothing to ask for.

“What is his situation now? I want to hear the truth.” Ye You worried that Du Yao would try to be brave, and then refused to tell him the truth.

“The person has already woke up, but the doctor said that the possibility of him standing up is very small, and he may be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.”

“I see.” Ye You couldn’t help feeling heartache. He knew that Du Yao was a particularly proud person, to have to rely on a wheelchair for his entire life, for him, he must be felt that death was better than live. He must be very painful now. Ye You wanted to appear in front of him immediately, hug him, and comfort him.

On the way to the hospital, Ye You was thinking that Du Yao wants to see him now, it was likely that he wants to break up with him, and does not want to drag him down.

Ye You has always been dislike to see people who give up on themselves when they encounter some setbacks, but the blow Du Yao was suffering now may be as uncomfortable as the collapsed of the world.

If Du Yao mention a break up with him, how should he answer or just scolding him, said that he(DY) actually despises himself(YY) for not being able to share happiness and suffering4 This sentences don’t have a ‘,’ or ‘.’ So I can only assume from the whole paragraph that here YY going to accused DY for despising himself(YY), and accuse DY for not want to share happiness and suffering together. I was going round and round on this paragraph for almost half an hour to figure out what it really means orz…, then turns around and leaves, or firmly disagrees with the breakup, and then comforts and encourages him.

Ye You was hesitating, until he came to the door of Du Yao’s ward, he haven’t think about how he should reacted if Du Yao broke up with him. Ye You took a deep breath, then opened the door and walked in.

DY woke up!! Hooray! But their relationship………. 

Anyway, see you in the next chapter! *run away*