Arc 1.49: Love Rival Appear

Ye You was alone in the dormitory, sitting on the bed in a daze, thinking about what the situation Du Yao might be in now.

Ji Wen ran to the door of the dormitory, slammed the door open abruptly, he was out of breath and said: “Ye You, come on, the Deputy Leader wants us to gather outside the Regiment building.”

“Why have us gather at this time? There has been no performance recently, and the time for the confrontation exercise has not yet reached the end.” Ye You raised his head and asked suspiciously.

“He didn’t say, but I think it is likely that there is news from the Combat Legion, and he is going to announce the victory to us! Otherwise, he won’t suddenly have us gather.” Ji Wen said excitedly.

Ye You immediately stood up, and walked downstairs quickly with Ji Wen, and said as they walked, “Isn’t it going to end until tomorrow? Why is there news coming today already?”

“I think it may be over in advance, but this is just my guess, and it is possible what the Deputy Leader wants to say is other things also not certain1Raw 也有可能副团长要说的是其他的事情也不一定。Roughly translated; It is also possible that what the deputy head wants to say is that other things are not necessarily. We might understand if reading directly from the raw sentence, but I’m stump on how to phrase it in English Orz What JW means here that what the deputy leader want to say are not necessarily about DY’s victory, it might be about other things..” Ji Wen said.

The Deputy Leader summoned everyone in the Regiment. He stood on the flag-raising platform outside the regiment building, and waited for the people to be almost there before he announced an important news.

Ye You, Ji Wen, and Zhao Yu have all arrived outside the building. They looked up at the Deputy Leader and waited nervously for the Deputy Leader to speak.

More and more people arrived, but the Deputy Leader still didn’t spoke, which made them even more nervous and couldn’t help but began to urge.

“Deputy Leader, please hurry up and speak!”

“Yes, quickly say it!”

“Don’t hang our hearts, we are all about to die of nervousness.”

“Yes, hurry up, don’t wait for those who haven’t come yet, they will also know anyway.”

“Say it quickly, Deputy Leader!”

Ye You clenched his hands tightly. He believed in the strength of Du Yao and the strength of their army, but he still couldn’t help feeling nervous, even his palms were sweating.

The Deputy Leader cleared his throat and raised his hand to signal the people below to keep quiet, and then immediately there was no sound. All of them stared at the Deputy Leader hard, as if they wanted to hear clearly with their eyes.

“Just now Head Leader received a call. Our army’s combat performance with the Aurico army has ended ahead of schedule.” The Deputy Leader said and he paused on purpose, then said: “Our army, has won!”

Below immediately boiled, cheers erupted, and everyone jumped and shouted, expressing their inner excitement and happiness with great excitement.

“We won, we won! Our army won!” Ji Wen took Ye You’s hand and shook him excitedly and said, “I knew it, I knew our army would win! What venomous bee or hornet, isn’t it shot to death under the palm of a lion! In the future just change to honeybees ba.”

Ye You originally was already stir up with excitement, after listening to Ji Wen’s words, he laughed until his stomach hurt.

“Today we have an extra meal in the cafeteria, and we will have a day off tomorrow. Everyone can has a good celebration!” The Deputy Leader said loudly, but his voice was drowned. Not many people heard it at all. Everyone was too stir up emotionally with excitement.

After returning to the dormitory, Ye You and the others were still very excited. Ye You thought that if he could see Du Yao right away, that would be nice. He wanted to hear him talk about how they achieved the victory.

Du Yao and the others won ahead of scheduled and the entire Military Region was quite happy. After all, the opponents also had beat many special forces from many other countries. Moreover, this kind of confrontational exercises which was the same with competition characteristic may cause injuries, but almost no one actually died. Unless there was an inevitable accident, there was nothing could be done. After all, in the usual training, there may also be an accidents.

The joy of victory has infected everyone and everyone was celebrating with joy. The victory of the real war may not be so exciting, because the war itself was not an exciting thing, even if it was won, it was also joy and sorrow coexists.

Marshal Bunaber was hit hard because of this defeat. Their army was really not an expert at mountain battle, but before coming, he had never thought that they would be lose so thoroughly. Even though he had heard of and studied Du Yao and the others’ performance in the Jingnan warzone, knowing that this was a very scheming and powerful team, he also come with enough confidence to defeat them.

Marshal Bunaber shut himself in the room, reflecting with heavy mood, the face of Marshal Cheng couldn’t help appearing in his mind, thinking that he had underestimated the old man who looked nothing special. He hadn’t expected that a person could be treacherous and cunning to such an extent with soldiers.

The soldiers of Aurico were also received a big blow, one by one with their heads drooping, squatting on the ground and thinking, if they were on the real battlefield, they would have died. They also never expected after winning so many times, they would actually be falling here so miserably.

Frank still had a wound on his mouth. He said frustratedly: “There is no way to confess to my beloved girl with the medal of victory. I originally hoped that after I gain the victory, she would see me bravely accepting the medal and develop feelings of admiration.”

Alger glanced at Frank, thinking that he still thought it was a boy, and then asked, “So, are you going to give up the confession?”

Frank clutched his heart with a heartbroken expression on his face and said: “I don’t want to give up, but I don’t want her to see me in such a sorry figure. Maybe I can write her a letter and put my photo inside, and then we are going to communicated by letter. When we come next time, I will stand in front of her like a hero, she will definitely fall in love with me, and then we will live a happy life.”

When Alger watching Frank’s expression gradually become happy and joyful, he reminded him aloud: “Captain, your summary report has not been finished yet, Colonel Chersky2Raw 切尔斯(Qiè ěr sī); Chersky. is still waiting to see it.”

Frank immediately awoke from his beautiful dream. He opened his eyes and habitually curled the corners of his mouth. Then he immediately covered the corners of his mouth and cried out in pain, “Oh, my God! That hateful man, he made such a cruel moves. If I meet him, I must beat him to the ground!”

“I think you may not be able to beat him,” Alger looked at him and said, “Before we could see what happened, you were already beaten to the ground by him, and then all of us were captured. “

“They mount a sneak attack. We had no defense, and of course we were not their opponents. If it is a head-on contest, it doesn’t necessarily who would beats who to the ground ne!” Frank said as he punched the bed board hard.

Alger silently turned his head and looked out the window, and began to be in a daze again. He thought to himself that even if he competed head-on, Frank would still be unlikely to win.

Frank got up and walked to the table and sat down, took out the pen and paper and immediately started to write, but he was not writing a report, but a love letter to Ye You, he wanted to impressed Ye You with the most beautiful verse.

Originally, after the end of the confrontation act, the soldiers of the Aurico Country were about to return. But Marshal Bunaber felt that he was not reconciled to go back with failure just like that. Since they were not good at it, then they has to put in practice to become good at it. After he returned, he will also face criticism and accusations anyway. At least he has to bring some valuable things back.

So Marshal Bunaber went to Marshal Cheng and said that he wanted his soldiers to train with their soldiers for a period of time, so as to promote exchanges, learned from each other, and make progress together.

Marshal Cheng immediately refused, and saying politely that the soldiers of Aurico do not need to learn from them how to train, but Marshal Bunaber still knew his thought from his eyes and expression of “how our training methods can be stolen by you secretly”, made his decision to let the soldiers stayed for training even more firm, and offered many benefits in an attempt to persuade Marshal Cheng.

Marshal Cheng could only make a concessions and agreed to let them stay and train together for three days.

Marshal Bunaber promised more benefits, and then proposed 15 days of field training together, and all the actual combat training modes must be in place, it can’t just be the kind of running and fight training against each other.

After hearing the benefits given by Bunaber, Marshal Cheng’s eyes has wavered, but he still hesitated. Marshal Bunaber immediately added more benefits3Raw 加码(Jiāmǎ); overweight{Google translate}, to raise the price of commodities, to raise stakes (in gambling),to increase a position (e.g. in futures markets), to encode, mark-up{ApproaChinese}, Marshal Cheng was obviously moved, and temporarily agreed to Marshal Bunaber’s proposal, then asked him to come back tomorrow to discuss the specific process.

After watching Marshal Bunaber leave with satisfaction, Marshal Cheng’s face showed a smile then. The other generals also changed their solemn face and exchanged meaningful glance with smiles to each other.

In fact, the training method was really nothing to learn. Although their army was indeed better at mountain battle, but the main reason they can win lies in the flexible used of the art of war and tactics left by their ancestors, as well as all kind of traps that were only the crystallization of wisdom.

However, since Marshal Bunaber voluntarily paid tuition to study, although they would not give them all, but they would also let them learned something, and then let them leave with satisfaction.

After they discussed, regular fifteen days of field training was determined. Marshal Bunaber felt that since he had given so many benefits, they must learned all the valuable things, so he requested that all must be trained in accordance to the real battle process.

Marshal Cheng agreed, and arranged for the Medical team and the people of Cultural Regiment to give them a completely real combat training.

After receiving the order to participate in the training, the Cultural Regiment immediately began to make arrangements. They also occasionally participate in actual combat training and exercises, so they were used to it.

The Cultural Regiment arranged two groups of people, ready to be arranged into the Medical team, taking both the tasks of performing and helping with the Medical team. Ye You was still the leader of the first group, but the leader of the second group was no longer Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was still in the the period of suspending performance to received ideological education. Originally he could not participate in the actual combat training, but he took the initiative to find the Deputy Leader and said that he did not want any points and would not carry out the performance. He just wanted to help with the Medical team and asked the Deputy Leader gave him a chance to exercise himself.

The Deputy Leader saw him very sincere, thinking that recently he had received the ideological education and it was not bad, he would write a letter of remorse and a letter of guarantee every day. When he was studying with the Medical team before, the score and evaluation he got were all quite high. Since he voluntarily didn’t want points to help the Medical team, the Deputy Leader felt that if his thought has really changed, it would be a good thing for the Cultural Regiment to have one more capable team member, so he agreed to give him this opportunity to exercise this time, and tell him that if he can perform well in this actual combat training, he can reduce the time of his suspended performance.

Ye You felt very happy when he thought that he would meet Du Yao soon, and that he could participate in actual combat training with Du Yao. When he was in the original world, he was a military fan. He can used all kinds of firearms, now he can finally felt the feeling of participating in actual combat training.

Ji Wen looked at Ye You, who was happily packing up things, shook his head and sighed, “The spring of the little bird is here again.”

“What did you say?” Ye You looked at Ji Wen suspiciously and asked, “Aren’t you packing your things? We have to leave in the afternoon.”

“I said you are like a bird that welcoming the spring happily.” Ji Wen said: “That little bit of things can be packed in a few minutes, it doesn’t take a few hours to pack them up.”

“It’s also good to pack up early, if you pack up in a hurry, what if you forget something?” Ye You said with a smile.

“There are not many things to bring, how could I forget.” Ji Wen sighed, walked to the desk and sat down.

“What’s the matter with you? Yesterday was still so excited and today you started to sigh again?” Ye You asked.

“Isn’t the points updated today? In the morning, I applied to check my points, and I am now ranked very far behind.”

“You didn’t participate in the last performance, the points will definitely be pulled away at once, you can try to make up the points again later.” Ye You comforted.

“Now that I really think about it, I might as well listen to your suggestions and go to the intelligence department to study and see how is it.” Ji Wen said.

“This is an important decision related to your life. You must think carefully about whether you want to go or not. So I think you’d better consider it carefully and decide as soon as possible. Once you have made a decision, don’t regret it. Do it bravely and strive to do the best you can.”

Ji Wen nodded, and then said: “Oh, yes, your points have been ranked first in the same period, and you have pushed the second place far away, and you should soon be able to surpass those veterans.”

“Yeah.” Ye You also nodded, then walked over and patted Ji Wen on the shoulder and said, “Don’t be upset, go and pack your things, we’ll go out for a walk when we’re done.”

Ji Wen sighed again and got up to packed his things.

In the afternoon, Ye You and the others were sent to the Lion Brigade, and then immediately went to the Medical team to report, to determine their respective arrangements and work.

At night, they ended the meeting. Everyone had a pen and a notebook in their hands. When they were ready to return to the dormitory, they would write down the contents of the meeting and remember them in details.

As soon as Ye You walked out of the conference room, someone said to him: “Ye You, Du Squadron is here to pick you up.”

Ye You immediately looked up and saw Du Yao standing under a street lamp not far away looking at him.

“I’m leaving first, you guys go back to the dormitory.” Ye You turned around and said to Ji Wen and Zhao Yu.

“Well, go now.” Ji Wen said with a smile.

Ye You walked over to Du Yao quickly, and laughter came from behind him, but these laughter were not malicious.

Looking at the backs of Ye You and Du Yao walking side by side, many people were still full of envy, but now they also feel that if there was no way to be as good as Ye You, what qualifications were they to envy him for having outstanding husband? The gap between them and Ye You was really too big, they haven’t reached the level that can be jealous of Ye You.

As soon as he entered the room, Du Yao hugged Ye You and kissed him deeply.

Ye You put his arms around his neck, was picked up by him, and then pressed down on the sofa.

“Do you miss me?” Du Yao asked while kissing Ye You’s lips.

“Yeah, miss (you)4YY’s answer “嗯,想。” which is “En, miss.” Since this miss had not only have one meaning, I inserted you in this sentence to avoid confusion. *scratch head* but honestly, DY and YY’s whole conversation here is a bit “yellow” .” Ye You replied.

“Where do you miss?”

“Miss everywhere, most in my heart.”

“Except in the heart, which part of the body do you miss the most?”

“……you guess.”

“I guess it’s here.” Du Yao slowly went down.

Ye You leaned on the back of the sofa and screamed silently with his mouth open. He didn’t dare to scream out loud, because once he screamed out loud, he could not control his voice becoming louder and louder.

There were people next door. He didn’t want to be heard by others. If he couldn’t control it anymore, he could only fumble the coat pocket next to him, find the handkerchief and put it in his mouth to bite.


Ye You stood on the back of the sofa. If Du Yao hadn’t stood behind him and hugged him, he would have knelt on the ground with soft feet.

Du Yao hugged Ye You, let him leaned on his body, and kissed him on the cheek.

“I want to take a bath…” Ye You said weakly, “I feel uncomfortable.”

“Understood, you go to sleep, I will help you wash.” Du Yao finished speaking in Ye You’s ear, holding him into the bathroom.

Du Yao sat on the stool in the bathroom, holding Ye You to help him take a bath. After washing, he held him back to the bedroom to sleep. The whole progress Ye You closed his eyes and was half awake.

Ye You sleeps most peacefully now only when he was leaning against Du Yao’s arms.

Early the next morning, all those who participated in the actual combat training set off into the mountain.

Du Yao and his combat corps marched into the mountain first, and then choose a place to station. Ye You and the rest of the Cultural Regiment people followed the Medical team and marched behind. When they arrived, the soldiers had been stationed and set up already.

Although there will be many small-scale confrontations in actual combat training, there was still a certain difference from actual combat exercises. Every team member will have their own training content, including Ye You and the others, and the training content also was not easy.

Du Yao took people to explore and understand the surrounding situation, Frank also took people to follow. Marshal Bunaber gave him the order that he must follow Du Yao closely and learned everything that can be learned from him. Frank was actually very unconvinced. He felt that his combat ability was definitely better than Du Yao, but now he has to learned from Du Yao. The hatred of Du Yao beating him last time, he will definitely find the right time to beat him back in a reasonable and fair manner.

After Du Yao and the others came back from the investigation, it was almost time to eat at noon. Ye You and the others were carrying the kettle and pouring water to the soldiers who had just returned from the investigation and were sitting on the ground resting.

“Here.” Ye You handed Du Yao the water cup, then turned around to pour water for the other soldiers.

After Du Yao took the water glass, he drank the water while looking at the map that Lin Dong had already marked.

“Captain, take a look at this…” Alger took the map and walked towards Frank. As soon as he looked up, he found that Frank was standing there and looking forward in dazed. He asked suspiciously: “Captain, what’s the matter with you?”

“This must be the destiny of heaven…” Frank whispered.

“What did you say?” Alger did not hear clearly, and listened attentively.

“Alger!” Frank turned around suddenly and firmly grasped Alger’s shoulder and said: “She is here too, my beloved girl, the Gods sent her to my side! It must be my love for her, had moved the heaven!”

Alger turned his head and looked over, and was stunned when he saw Ye You, then looked at Frank and asked, “Are you still planning to confess to her?”

“Of course! What a rare opportunity this is?!” Frank said excitedly: “We have fifteen days to get together. The sooner I confess, we will have enough time to deepen our feelings for each other later!”

“But after the confession? It will hard for you guys to get results, right?” Alger calmly analyzed to him: “Have you ever thought that your father, Count Levi, would agree that you will make a pledge to be married with a foreigner? Didn’t he always want you to marry the daughter of Earl Claure’s family?”

“True love is invincible!” Frank said affirmatively: “As long as we truly love each other, I believe we can overcome any difficulties and break through all obstacles! Maybe our love story will become a legend that moved all.”

Seeing Frank’s firm attitude, Alger could only say: “Well, since your heart is determined, I will not try to persuade you to give up again. After all, no matter what difficulties you have afterwards, you must face it yourself. But there is one last sentence I have to say, if you still insist on confessing after listening, I support you and pray for you.”

“What?” Frank let go of his hand and looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

“She doesn’t…,” Alger said with both hands on his chest, “She doesn’t have breast.”

Frank turned his head abruptly. Although he was far away from Ye You, he could still clearly see that Ye You’s chest was very flat5Original text 偏袒(piāntǎn); biased. But base on the situation and Alger’s meaning, we know what he means is flat, I guess this 偏袒(piāntǎn) is typo bcoz it almost had same pinyin with 平坦(Píngtǎn); flat..

“You…” Alger wanted to say, can you be sure that she is really a girl? But before he could say it, he was interrupted by Frank.

“Although I used to like women with big breasts, but after feeling the true love, I am not as superficial as before.” Frank said seriously: “My love for her is from soul and spirit. In the face of this above-all love, the flesh is no longer important, not to mention her face is more beautiful than the stone statue of the goddess in the temple.”

Alger thought to himself, in fact, you just like her face, right?

Next chapter will be up after VGSB and BPLW! (≡^∇^≡)

See you! -=≡ヘ(*・ω・)ノ