Extra 4: Zhuang Zhou’s Dream of Butterflies1Raw 庄周梦蝶(Zhuāng zhōumèngdié) is philosophical argument(not just a theory) put forward by Zhuang Zi((Zhuangzi (approximately 369 BC – 286 BC) , Zhuang family, named Zhou , also known as Zixiu,  about the same time as Mencius, was a Mongolian native of the Song Dynasty, and once served as an official in Qiyuan. He was a famous Thinker, Philosopher, and writer in the middle period of the warring state period in China)),  which believes that it is impossible for people to accurately distinguish between reality and illusion. When a person thinks that there is a difference between reality and illusion in things, there is already a problem. The materialization point of view was put forward.[[ Please refers to Wikipedia for more details]]

Perhaps because the atmosphere was so good and the person in his arms was so sweet, Du Yao was so engrossed that he didn’t immediately notice someone approaching. And when he noticed, the man was already getting closer.

Du Yao moved Noi slightly, completely blocking him in front of him so that no one could see him. Then he let go of Noi’s lips and slowly turned his head to look behind.

When Du Yao saw Jin Lan standing not far away and looking at him with resentful and angry eyes, he felt very baffled and couldn’t help but frown.

Noi patted Du Yao’s chest gently, then looked up at him and mouthed asked him who was that person.

“I don’t know what his name is. If I remember correctly, he seems to be the eldest son of Prince Slyn.” Du Yao said as he looked at Noi.

Jin Lan also heard what Du Yao said, and his face became even more ugly. Obviously his father had said that he would marry Du Yao, but Du Yao didn’t even know his name.

In fact, Slyn’s desire to have Jin Lan marry Du Yao was just wishful thinking on his part. He didn’t even find a chance to let Du Yao know his thoughts, and then Jin Lan began to think that he would definitely marry Du Yao.

Jin Lan, Noi was thinking to himself, what was he doing out in the garden alone in the middle of the night and didn’t sleep?

After thinking for a while, Noi walked around Du Yao, looked at Jin Lan and said, “Jin Lan, it’s so late, why aren’t you sleeping yet?”

When Jin Lan saw that the person walking out was actually Noi, his eyes widened in shock and he looked at Noi stiffly, unable to react. He never thought that the person kissing Du Yao in the garden would be Noi, that was to say, the two of them.

“Jin Lan,” Noi said with a frown, “I’m asking you.”

“Your, Your Highness, I can’t sleep, so I went out for a walk.” Jin Lan was too shocked and his brain could not function normally, so he could only answer Noi’s words instinctively.

“It’s very late, go back to sleep.” Noi said in a commanding tone, “When you stay in the palace in the future, don’t wander around at night.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Jin Lan turned around and left like a robot receiving instructions.

“I didn’t expect that the first person to discover our relationship would be him.” Noi took Du Yao’s hand, walked to the long swing sofa chair under the flower stand nearby and sat down, then hugged Du Yao’s waist and lean into his arms.

“Do you want to confess to your father, the Emperor, and your mother the Queen as soon as possible?” Du Yao asked, holding Noi in his arms.

“My father Emperor and mother Queen should have already guessed what happened to us, and they are just waiting for us to take the initiative to tell them.” Noi said, “Choose a suitable time and let’s go and confess to them together. They have guessed and still remain silent. They will definitely not object, and there is no reason to object. It’s just the democratically elected party and my ambitious imperial uncles will definitely not give in easily, but it doesn’t matter, it’s useless for them to object, our one hundred years have not been in vain.”

“Anyway, everything has been discovered. We don’t intend to hide it anymore. It doesn’t matter if more people know about it. You can go to my residence to spend the night tonight.” Noi stood up, took Du Yao’s hand and walked toward his residence.

Noi’s attendants were stunned when they saw that Noi actually brought Du Yao back to the residence at such a late hour.

“I have something important to discuss with Commander Du Yao tonight. Don’t disturb us, got it?” Noi ordered.

The attendants looked at Noi’s closed bedroom door, and then with a ‘you looked at me and I looked at you’, they didn’t know what to do. They wondered whether important matters should be discussed in the bedroom, moreover it was already so late.

Noi turned his back to Du Yao and slowly took off his clothes, then sat on the edge of the bed, looking at him(DY) while supporting his body and move backwards. This was his bedroom, his bed. No one other than himself has ever slept in this bed before. To him, this bed was like an animal’s strictly guarded and inviolable territory. Today, this bed welcomed another owner.

Du Yao seemed to be bewitched by Noi’s deep eyes. After slowly walking in, he kissed his lips.

The early morning sunlight shines into Noi’s bedroom through several floor-to-ceiling windows, and the middle part of the big bed in the bedroom was shaking rapidly.

Du Yao hugged Noi tightly and asked in his ear, “Are you comfortable?”

“Yes.” Noi nodded slightly, a tear falling from the corner of his eye.

“One more time.” Du Yao kissed his tears away.

“It’s almost time. Today’s celebration is about to start. Get up quickly.” Noi opened his eyes and urged.

The two went to the bathroom to take a shower before changing into clean clothes and attending today’s celebration banquet.

Jin Lan stayed up all night and looked a little haggard, which made his mother think he was sick and asked him to go back to rest. But Jin Lan said he was not sick or uncomfortable, and insisted on staying. He didn’t know what he was insisting on, even if he knew very well in his heart that Du Yao and Noi were together, it meant that he had almost no hope. How could he win against Noi, but he just couldn’t admit defeat willingly.

When Jin Lan saw Noi and Du Yao appearing together, his heart ached. He tried hard not to look at them, but he couldn’t help but keep looking at them. When he saw the loving eyes of the two people looking at each other, and the seemingly casual, yet tacit and caring little gestures, he finally couldn’t bear it and turned around and left. Now he just wanted to find a place where no one was and crying his heart out.

The Emperor and the Queen also already knew about Du Yao’s stay in Noi’s Residence. They would inevitably lamented that their child was of age and will get married2Raw 儿大不中留(er dà bù zhòng liú) it is actually 女大不中留( Nǚ dà bù zhòng liú) which means when a girl is of age, she must be married off (idiom). And then waited for the two of them to confess to them.

Everything went very smoothly, and nothing unforeseen matter happened. Even if someone objected and deliberately made some small moves, they could not prevent their smooth engagement.

More than a hundred years later, the palace was busy with the wedding of Noi and Du Yao.

Noi did not expected that he would be pregnant so soon, but he was still happy and ready to welcome a new life. He has been particularly sleepy recently, especially at noon, he must take a nap.

Du Yao came to the flower room to look for Noi, and saw Noi sleeping soundly on the sofa bed. Du Yao walked over lightly, squatted down and kissed his smooth and shiny face.

“Ye You, Ye You3Yep! You read it right! It’s 叶攸(Yè yōu); Ye You, not 诺伊(Nuò yī); Noi. This sudden change of name making me confused for a second there o(´^`)o.” Du Yao hugged Ye You and wanted to wake him up.

When Ye You heard Du Yao’s voice, he reluctantly opened his eyes, but his brain was still confused and he didn’t understand where he was now.

“Ye You, it’s time to get up, otherwise you won’t have time to have breakfast.” Du Yao picked up Ye You, kissed his cheek and said, “We have a busy day today, so we can’t skip breakfast.”

“What are we busy with?” Ye You asked, looking at Du Yao in confusion.

Du Yao looked at Ye You’s sleepy and cute look and felt even more in love with him. After kissing him hard on his face and mouth, he said, “Of course busy with our wedding.”

“Wedding, isn’t the wedding prepared already? There are still more than ten days left, isn’t it?” Ye You felt as if his mind was stuffed with cotton, and his memory was too confusing to sort out.

“It looks like you are really confused. Let’s go, wash your face and sober up.” Du Yao picked up Ye You and walked to the bathroom.

After Ye You finished washing, he felt quite awake and his brain could think and function normally. He walked to the window and looked at the flowers and plants outside the window bathed in sunlight. He still couldn’t figure out whether it was just a dream or something that really happened in a certain time and space. Thinking further, he didn’t even know whether Noi’s life was just a dream for him, or whether his life was Noi’s dream. But no matter what, he was happy.

After Ye You and Du Yao had breakfast, their attendants helped them change into their wedding clothes.

Ye You was wearing a white classical wedding robe and his prince’s crown. Just standing there  made people feel extremely noble and holy, as if he was a person from a myth.

After Du Yao and Ye You get married, he(DY) will become a prince, so he also changed into a white classical robe and formal prince attire.

Du Yao walked up to Ye You, knelt down on one knee, held Ye You’s hand and kissed it, then looked up at Ye You and said, “I hope to marry you, love you and take care of you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me, Your Highness?”

“I do.” Ye You had tears of happiness in his eyes. He stroked his belly with his other hand and said with a smile, “The children are here already, and it’s no longer okay if don’t want to.”

Ye You was pregnant. Naturally, the Emperor’s little grandson cannot become an illegitimate child. Otherwise, it will be a scandal for the entire royal family and the entire Empire. Therefore, no matter who opposes it, it was useless. Before the child was born, they must get married.

Du Yao stood up, turned Ye You’s body and hugged him. He stroked his belly with his broad palm and said, “This child came at the right time. He seems to be a very sensible child.”

Ye You smiled, his heart full of happiness and sweetness, and he tilted his head to kiss Du Yao.

The two held hands together and went to the palace hall to start the wedding ceremony.

This extra still got this plot ahh~

No wonder the title…