Chapter 1830 Two Souls Conundrum.

Name:Supremacy Games Author:
Chapter 1830 Two Souls Conundrum.

1830 Two Souls Conundrum.

While Ares' soul was near its completion, Felix seemed to be running into some unexpected difficulties.

At the moment, he could be seen gazing with a hardened expression at the bottom half of his newly created soul sphere...It wasn't even a sphere yet, just an empty bottom half.

It seemed to have completely stopped its growth.

"It's been like this for over a century now." Candace wondered as she gazed at Elder Kraken, "Is this normal?"

The souls expert knitted his eyebrows in puzzlement.

"Felix's situation is unique and I genuinely don't know much about it. But, this shouldn't be normal." Elder Kraken clarified, "Once a soul's rebirth was launched, it shouldn't stop on its own."

"You mean something is interrupting it?" Felix asked.

"Maybe? I don't know." Elder Kraken shook his head, not wanting to give the wrong information.

"Can it be Asna's core as we envisioned before?" Felix frowned.

"It might be." Lady Sphinx agreed.

Felix and Asna had already discussed the possibility of her soul's rebirth interfering with his soul's rebirth before they committed to the plan.

After all, Felix and Asna were not ordinary beings; their souls were derived from celestial hearts, which were fundamental components of the universe's framework.

Knowing that he was the lost consciousness of the universe made him linked to all seven celestial hearts, including Asna's.

This deep connection suggested a possibility of the universe being thrown into confusion when both souls' rebirth occurred at the same time.

"Asna's soul is attempting to reform, but so is yours. You both draw from her core. It's... unprecedented." Lord Shiva involved himself with a stern tone, "Never before have two such closely linked souls attempted rebirth simultaneously from the same source. This is uncharted territory, even for the cosmos."

Elder Kraken rumbled thoughtfully, "It seems the heart that binds you and Asna is caught in a cosmic conundrum. It desires to give birth to both of you but at the same time, it seems confused on how to do it without merging your souls."

Felix's brow furrowed deeper as he absorbed their insights...They had already spoken about this, knowing that the universe had always chosen Felix as the new guardian of laws every time he had taken over a core without a host.

He tried to speak Asna out of this in fear of the universe choosing his soul over hers, leaving her to perish for good just like what happened to Hephaestus, Zeus, and the other victims.

But, she ignored his warnings and still wanted to give the plan a shot. In her eyes, all possibilities were favorable.

If the universe decided to recreate her soul, so be it. If it chose Felix's or merged them, she would also be fine with it.

After all, Felix could always bring her back when he dealt with the three rulers and took over his throne as the universe's consciousness.

His soul's rebirth had been halted for a century now and the fact that Commander Bia still hadn't returned to pick him up kept playing with his mind.

"Step down,"

Felix's voice echoed in Asna's core, a direct order but carrying a hint of care in it. Asna's core quivered slightly, acknowledging the weight of his words. "Take the position left by Lilith's core."

Without an ounce of hesitation,Asna's core began to descend gracefully, moving toward the lower tier of the internal celestial arrangement.

Meanwhile, the space left vacant by this movement didn't remain empty for long. As Felix expected, The Stone of Reality was propelled by unseen forces to take up the central position.

Meanwhile, Liltih's core took its position, concluding the arrangement.

As the Stone of Reality settled into its new role, the other celestial cores adjusted their orbits slightly, aligning themselves with the new center, and stabilizing under the stone's authoritative influence.

The transition had been smooth, the universe swiftly accommodating his will without hesitation or conflict.

Felix and the rest sighed in relief, but they knew that their problem was far from solved.

'Did it work?'

All of them gazed at the bottom half of the soul barrier without a single blink, afraid they would miss any movement.

After a mere moment, the soul barrier's color swiftly changed from pure white to creamy white. Yet, the most drastic change was the shape of the soul!

"Am I tripping or the sphere is somehow deforming?" Thor murmured with a startled tone as he eyed the soul barrier changing its shape from half a perfect sphere into a rounded bottom of a pebble...It was still spherical, but just not perfectly round like a ball.

"It must be because of the stone of reality's original shape resembling a stone, which affected my soul too." Felix smiled wryly, "I do not know what this means, but at least my soul has restarted its recovery."

"Better yet, it looks like Asna's core has finally kicked off its rebirth process." Lady Sphinx added after picking up on the new changes occurring within Asna's core.

"It looks like this problem was the one holding it back." Thor smiled.

Since none of them had a clue about how Asna's soul rebirth was going to occur or when it would happen, all they could do was be patient and wait.

However after an entire century of nothingness from both souls, they realized that they needed to be proactive. Fortunately, the solution wasn't that difficult and everything went smoothly.

Alas, in Felix's universe, there was no such thing as a smooth experience...

The moment Asna's soul began the rebirth process, two seductive feminine voices repeated the same sentence in their minds.

'It's time at last...'

Lilith's and Medusa's eyes gleamed from two different locations, their intentions were as secretive as they could be, but it didn't take a genius to presume their nature to be evil...