


Like the roar of countless thunder, reverberated in the void.

Rolling vitality, raised a huge storm, in this space raging, shaking heaven and earth.

Even TIANYAO mainland was rocked by the escaping air!

The world will be shaken by the competition between giants.

"What happened?"

"What's the matter, and there are strong people who can't make a lot of noise?"

"This breath seems to come from the deeper part of TIANYAO continent!"

The hundreds of millions of living beings who did not fall into the imperial dynasty panicked, and a sense of depression like an avalanche enveloped everyone's mind.

The terrible breath stirred the sky, and endless thunder clouds rolled in and covered the whole sky.

In an instant, the earth was shaking, mountains and rivers collapsed, and the sky was split with ferocious cracks.

A picture of the end of the world!


At this time, a painting of ink and water spread out in the sky, revealing a vast world, hanging horizontally on the nine days.

Ink rhyme Miaomiao, Jiangshan for painting!

A continuous streamer falls, protecting the whole sky shining continent.

On the vast expanse, two large formations rose.

"Let's go, crack down!"

A strong breath of crisscross entanglement, into a large array, a respected strong have to hand.

Together with the eight trigrams array of mountains and rivers, yin and Yang eight diagrams array, and mountain and river map, we can suppress TIANYAO mainland, which can avoid the tragic situation of blood flowing into a river.

"Where is the deepest void of heaven shining on the land?"

"What's the matter? Isn't that where the emperor closed down? How can there be a strange smell? "

"Foreign invasion? Who are you meeting with?

Sun Chen emperor? Or which giant of heaven? "

The spirits of the powerful in the imperial dynasty were constantly shaking and communicating. Many strong people's faces were not good-looking, and their eyes were full of worries.

If there is a collision in the depth of TIANYAO continent, it would be like an avalanche.

The life on the whole TIANYAO land may be destroyed by the aftershocks, and be wiped out from the heaven and the world!

Is it easy for the giants to fight?

Today's TIANYAO continent, space hardness is moving towards the ancient times, ordinary emperors can not shake.

But it can't bear the competition of giants!

A wisp of afterwave may destroy the whole TIANYAO continent.

"You can protect the mountains and rivers without worrying!"

A strong will suddenly came from the underworld, a faint voice sounded in the ears of the strong.

This will is extremely great, with a strong indifference.

It is not indifference penetrating into the world, but indifference as high as the way of heaven.

This will swept across the whole land, the broken mountains and rivers instantly restored to their original appearance.

"Respect the emperor's orders!"

Smell speech, a strong heart must, deep voice response.


When many strong people look up, it seems to see a fuzzy figure, following the law of the river, into the depths of the mainland.



The fury of the momentum dissipated, endless ripples swept across the four sides.

The world is shaken by the lofty will of hegemony, and the heaven is suppressed by the lofty will of majesty. The two wills are constantly colliding.

How strong are the two wills. In just one breath, they have fought more than ten million times!

Even the 18 great formations outside the seven prisons world were shaken by both.

If it had not been for the Bull Demon King, both had scruples and did not dare to do it with all his might, the land of TIANYAO would have been shattered.

"The way of heaven in the big world of seven prisons..."

Qin Yi lifted her eyes, her eyes flickered slightly.

The next moment.

His body suddenly trembled, and a wisp of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

This is just a collision of consciousness. Qin Yi is shocked by the aftershocks of the two just after seeing it with his mind.

Nowadays, he is not enough to spy on the giant's struggle only by his own strength!

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