Chapter 163 - 0163 - Enchantment Of Spirit Veins

Chapter 163: Chapter 0163 - Enchantment Of Spirit Veins

Chapter 0163 - Enchantment Of Spirit Veins . . .

More than half an hour passed, and only now was Liu Menger able to move. Although she could not utilize her True Qi, she was still able to see the True Qi in her dantian. It was being suppressed by a powerful and bizarre power, preventing it from being mobilized.

At this point, the Empress like majesty had disappeared from Liu Menger. With a weird expression in her eyes, she looked at Chen Xiang and asked softly, "Under these circumstances, do you still want to go and search for the Black Tortoise Adamantyl Armor? Why can you recover faster than me?"

She knew that Chen Xiang's body was very tough, but no matter how strong it was, it couldn't possibly be compared with her's. After all, she had been standing on the apex of the entire Chenwu Mainland for many years now. Trace back the roots of this material to n0v$lbin

Chen Xiang slightly smiled, as if all those unpleasant things that had occurred previously, hadn't occurred.

"Hei hei, your body may possibly be much stronger than me... However, my body is refined using special means!"

Chen Xiang had tempered his body in the Immortal Devil Pool and also taken the Dragon Blood Dan for quenching his body. All of this had allowed his body to gain a near miraculous fast recovery ability. When both of them were sucked inside the Black Tortoise Mysterious Realm, all of their strength had been drained, which is why they felt so exhausted. However, with Chen Xiang's special body characteristics, he was able to recover extremely quickly.

Liu Menger stood up. At this moment, she felt that her whole body was very weak and she was just barely able to walk. Meanwhile Chen Xiang was full of vim and vigor. If Chen Xiang wanted to do something bad to her right now, she simply did not have the strength to resist. Thinking of this, she once again began to secretly worry in her heart. However, it soon became evident to her that Chen Xiang held no interest towards her whatsoever. She was very impressed at Chen Xiang's mental fortitude. At the same time, she was also a little disappointed. With her temperament and enchanting aura, she actually could not tempt a young and vigorous little rascal.

"Eat!" Chen Xiang threw a jade box at her. Inside, there were many Quenching Body Dans. "I want to go and find the Black Tortoise Adamantyl Armor, and the journey may be dangerous. Do you want to follow me? Although our strength is millions of Lis apart, now it is hard to say."

"Humph, don't be so proud! If we're competing in our physical prowess, I would absolutely not lose to you! In the entire Chenwu Mainland, only a few people could be compared with me!" Liu Menger declared with a soft snort, "I promised Xianxian that I won't allow the slightest mishap to happen to you. Of course I'll follow you!"

Chen Xiang sighed, "Because you hate me, you will not teach me how to refine equipment! I really wanted to learn."

Liu Menger let out a low snort, and said, "I won't teach you! Aren't you are already learning alchemy, why do you still want to learn how to refine equipment?"

Chen Xiang truly wanted to ask advice from this Empress of the refiners community, however, now it seems that there was no hope.

"I know how to refine various kinds of dans, although, only a few among the countless different dans. I found aside from the relatively common ones, there are those that are either less useful or have no apparent usage. I would like to learn some information on refinement procedure of equipment to see if I can combine it with alchemy and maybe create a new type of dan!" Chen Xiang said as he started walking towards the sound of distant flowing water.

Liu Menger also closely followed him, she too intended to walk towards that location.

For this idea of Chen Xiang's, Liu Menger just thought it was wishful thinking. She ridiculously said, "Don't even think about it! That is simply impossible. Although both alchemy and refining requires the use of fire, the process is very different! Alchemist can not necessarily refine equipment and vice versa! For example, Elder Dan can only refine Poor Level Spirit Weapons while I too can only refine some Low-Grade Dans."

Chen Xiang just shook his head and smiled, "That's ok, just wait for me to refine the first envisioned dan! Then I'll personally deliver it in your hands, thrashing your face."

Liu Menger casually said, "You're always welcome to try. But at that time I might have already ascended to the Heavenly Realm!"

Liu Menger was looking down on him, Chen Xiang suddenly felt somewhat unhappy. He stopped in his tracks and took out a sheet, on which there were many messy Spirit Veins drawn. However, on a closer look, this seemingly chaotic mess of Spirit Veins were very orderly. It was as if a law had crisscrossed them together. If one looked into it even more carefully, Divine Sense would fall into it, and closely follow those Spirit Veins.

Liu Menger just took a glance and was instantly captivated. She could not extricate herself, her eyebrows were tightly knit, as she constantly reflected and followed those Spirit Veins. She wanted to see what effects these Spirit Veins had. She wanted to know the law of this diagram that had been composed of these many Spirit Veins.

Liu Menger was completely engrossed with those Spirit Veins, meanwhile Chen Xiang was proudly smiling. He immediately retracted that sheet, and continued to move forward. This made Liu Menger angrily stamp her lotus like foot and softly snort.

After Liu Menger saw the space door that had been established by Long Xueyi, Liu Menger knew that Chen Xiang had many secrets. Although those Spirit Veins made many people feel a painful headache, she really liked these sort of things. In her opinion, the Spirit Vein Chen Xiang had just showed her was the most peculiar and complex set of Spirit Veins she had ever encountered. According to her estimates, it may be a High-Grade Spirit Vein, and if used properly it could release a very fearsome power!