Chapter 187.1 - Divine Soul Sprout

Name:Supreme Dragon Seal Author:
Chapter 187.1 - Divine Soul Sprout

In the manor where the exchange group from the Sunset Royal Academy was staying, almost everyone was pointing and whispering about Shi Liumang, who sat alone by a small stream, lost in thought.

Shi Liumang, known as the fifth young master of the Nord family, had long been a well-known figure. However, it drew attention that he remained here today, the day of the Nord familys grand ceremony.

Huo Siqin and Feng Ruoyu, who usually stayed close to him, did not approach him today. Instead, they were huddled together at a distance, engaged in a conversation whose contents were unknown.

Several guards patrolled nearby, occasionally casting glances at the absent-minded Shi Liumang. A few gardeners, while lazily working on weeding, also stole glances in his direction.

At that moment, two middle-aged men exuding a fierce aura descended from the sky. Judging by their powerful presence, they seemed to have reached the level of Earth-ranked warriors.

The two men glanced at Shi Liumang, and the tension in their expressions eased slightly. However, like everyone else, they appeared highly puzzled. Given that everyone knew his identity, why did he continue to pretend?

The two Earth-ranked powerhouses positioned themselves, seemingly ready to observe Shi Liumangs every move.

As noon approached, Shi Liumang remained in a daze, seemingly unaware of his surroundings. He blinked his confused eyes occasionally, but his posture remained unchanged throughout.

Second brother, somethings not right with Qi Bei. Is he pretending to be foolish or is he really foolish? One of the blue-clad Earth-ranked warriors spoke to the white-clad one.

It does seem off, Old Five. Go and test him, the middle-aged man in white responded with a furrowed brow.

The middle-aged man in the blue attire nodded, his figure flashed, and a gust of wind swept past Shi Liumang, lifting him several meters high in the air before slamming him forcefully onto the ground. He coughed up blood as he lay there.

The man in white suddenly narrowed his pupils and immediately stepped forward. He grabbed a handful of Shi Liumangs hair and yanked it downward, tearing off a magical mask.

However, the face beneath the mask was not Qi Bei at all. Instead, it was the face of a pale, bulbous-nosed, crooked-mouthed fool.

Weve been deceived. Hes not Qi Bei. The real Qi Bei has already slipped away from our surveillance, the white-clad man shouted angrily.

Second brother, what should we do? the blue-clad man asked.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Old Kurt sent me here to find you, probably for some kind of deal you reached with him. And to catch the attention of the old man, your status among the Goths must be quite high. Could it be that youre a princess? Qi Bei chuckled.

Ye Longshas beautiful eyes flickered, and after a moment of silence, she said, No wonder youve managed to come this far from being a mere playboy. Its definitely not just luck.

Even if we had some grudges in the past, it was for our own survival and interests. Since youve reached a deal with the old man, I suppose the past issues are no longer a problem. The old man sent me here, so its not for a reunion with you, I assume, Qi Bei said. He would never underestimate this Gothic princess. Her ruthless methods, demonstrated when she mercilessly killed the young Goth man to keep the secret from leaking, were not to be underestimated. This Gothic princess was cruel and ruthless.

Ye Longsha narrowed her eyes slightly. Three years ago, although she was lucky enough to escape, Qi Bei had torn off her clothes along with the fake belly. She was left naked in the icy snow for three days until she found a female corpse and took her clothes to avoid freezing.

But because of that incident, she fell ill and nearly died in the harsh winter of the Northwest. Every time she thought about it, she gnashed her teeth in hatred for Qi Bei.

However, now is not the time to settle scores. At least for now, the two of them are on the same boat, and their interests align.

Follow me, Ye Longsha said, and walked forward. Qi Bei followed closely behind her, like a shadow.

The secret passage was not straight but twisted and turned, going up and down like a roller coaster. Seemingly aware of Qi Beis confusion, Ye Longsha explained without turning her head, This tunnel was built according to a special pattern that can shield powerful individuals and certain unique abilities of magic beasts.

Im impressed, Qi Bei sincerely commented. The fact that the tunnel was dug at a depth and angle that coincided with a specific point in nature, creating a shielding effect, amazed him. The Goths truly lived up to being descendants of the goblin race, who had mastered the art of underground construction to an unparalleled level.

Before long, Ye Longsha led Qi Bei to the end of the secret passage.

At the end was a neatly circular pit that led directly above. The pit was covered with blood-red metal plates, embedded with many magic crystals and other energy stones.

You go down and sit in the center. That way, you can absorb the incoming energy, Ye Longsha said.

Okay, Qi Bei nodded. But just as he was about to jump down, he turned back and smiled, My dear Princess, can you guarantee that theres nothing else going on here?

Of course. I promised the old man that I would ensure the absorption of the incoming energy, Ye Longsha replied with a hint of anger.

Alright. Lets assume I was wrong to doubt you, Qi Bei smiled.

Well, thats about right Ah Ye Longshas face cleared up slightly, but the next moment, she let out a scream. A hand shot out with lightning speed, grabbed her, and threw her down.