Chapter 1414 As you would expect from a beast.

Name:Supreme Harem God System Author:
Chapter 1414 As you would expect from a beast.

Updated from n0velbIn.(c)o/m

The Barrier is still weakening, we do not have a lot of time on our hands." "As you command." Herms bowed his head, the son followed the father and did the same. Then, the two emperors excused themselves and left the room. Nawdren sat on his chair in silence as if he was pondering something. The nagging feeling he was feeling was still there, he just couldn't point out the reason behind it. Even now, his senses were at full alert, any changes in his surroundings would react in an instant, however, no matter how much he tried to look around and find something, he couldn't. In the end, thinking that his worries were unfounded, he simply walked towards his bed and sat cross-legged with his eyes closed. Of course, his guard was still up, he was a careful being. 'Beastly instincts are quite strong huh...' Nux, who was watching Nawdren's actions in silence couldn't help but comment. As someone who had a large amount of experience in dealing with Beasts, he knew just how strong their instincts were and what's even scarier was that, unlike other races, the Beasts trusted their instincts to an unimaginable level. After all, despite gaining intelligence because of their high cultivation, in the end, they were still beasts, beasts who relied on their instincts to do everything. This was also the reason Nux had so much problem sneaking around amongst the Beasts when he trained in Waranal. The Beasts there were simply too sensitive. 'Not that it matters.' Nux thought. Glancing at the man-beast in front of him and then at the sword in his hand. It was a 7-Star Sword he brought from the System Shop. After buying 10 similar swords, Nux returned from the Bloodhill Wilderness and came here, it was time to finish all this. Nawdren was strong, with Nux's senses and experience, he could tell that even though he was completely invisible and had all the time he needed to initiate the first attack, he cannot kill Nawdren in one attack. After all, even though he was only a Mana Cultivator, as a Pseudo Sage, his body was still too strong for him to fall in just one blow. A fight was inevitable, something Nux had long prepared himself for. "Haaahh..." In the end, Nux exhaled deeply, then, with his golden eyes shining brightly, gathering all the *Essence* around him, he pushed everything into his sword. Since he didn't have Devouring Mist in this life, incomplete Sword Aura was the only thing he could use right now. His eyes shined dangerously as he took his stance, then, his sword moved, rushing towards Nawdren's chest at a ridiculous speed even for a complete Master Stage Cultivator's standard. *Pierce* The Sword pierced through Nawdren's skin, his sword piercing 1 cm deep into the being's heart, almost killing him, but just as he expected, Nawdren reacted at the last moment, stopping his attack. 'Well, fuck.' Nux cursed as he glanced at man-beast who was now staring at him threateningly. "My instincts are getting rusty, maybe it is because I am no longer a complete Winged Linux," Nawdren commented with a calm look on his face. He could sense the boy in front of him was not strong, no, he couldn't sense his cultivation, however, the speed and strength in his attack were enough to tell Nawdren that the man was even weaker than an Emperor, let alone him. "To think my instincts were warning me about a mere bug like you." "Heh." Nux smiled. He tried his best to push to sword even deeper, but with the man holding his sword's blade with his hand, it was a contest of strength, a contest he would never win. "As you would expect from a beast." He commented as he jumped back, taking out another sword as he prepared himself for the upcoming battle.