
Diji hissing sad voice, red dust snow they, also tearful eyes whirling, all stumbled, one took down six, two took down the red dust.

Six looks dull, red dust eyes empty, not closed eyes, not completely buried, but they are still confused, he does not know the emperor, he does not recognize the red dust snow and Chu Lingyu, only so dull, let the eyes light, a little scattered, let the infatuated woman how to call, also has no reaction.


The monks of the heavens sighed and could not bear to look directly. From the moment when the six paths of the red world killed the great Chu, they sacrificed the yuan God, and they were doomed to die.

Far away, ye Chen finally arrived.

Seeing that scene, his heart throbbed with pain. I don't know whether it's the emperor's wife or the world's six ways. When he died, he was still confused. He didn't know who he was and the meaning of existence. Endless years of wandering between heaven and earth were like two homeless souls.

There is a kind of sadness that only he can understand.

Not everyone knows the relationship between the three of them. He is their root. Because of the crisscross of time and space, they meet each other in this era. They don't know the pain, but they know the pain, and they know more about the unconscious hurt and sadness.

All of a sudden, the piano sounds.

It's the nine immortals song to awaken the world. The emperor Ji is playing and the red dust snow is playing. They want to wake up the six ways of the world of mortals with the immortal method of awakening the world.

It's a pity that nine immortals are useless.

They are still so ignorant.

Ye Chen's body is stiff. He wants to move his steps, but he can't lift his feet. He wants to save the world of mortals. What can he do! He is not omnipotent.

Even if emperor Zong was present, he could not return to heaven.

"I'm Lan'er!"

"Please, don't leave us."

Their call, full of tears.

At the end of the day, it's not Qingming for them, but for them.

Their laughter, the vicissitudes of life is incomparable.

At the moment of life and death, the world of mortals remembers the future: at that time, there were mountains of corpses and rivers of blood, the sky and the earth were dark to the point of no light, all the people were buried, and the emperor's capital was killed, and there was no chance to turn the tables.

Therefore, he came back to kill Ruoxi. Instinctively, he thought that as long as he killed Ruoxi, he could reverse history and fill the world with light.

That's his obsession.

At the moment of life and death, liudao also revived his memory, remembering the world of mortals and ye Chen. The world of mortals reversed time and space, but made a big mistake. Because he killed Ruoxi by mistake, wanyucang was defeated even worse.

therefore, he came back again and became the sixth way. He came back to stop the world of mortals and protect Ruoxi. He wanted to change history again and make up for the great mistake.

That is his obsession.

Now, all this is not important.

Remember how, the historical trajectory has changed, the future is beyond their control, the sky may still be defeated, but they believe, believe that ye Chen, can burn hope more dazzling than the sun.

"The weather will last forever."

Red dust raised his hand, his voice was hoarse.

"The weather will last forever."

Six also raised his hand, smile tired.

Both of them are facing Ye Chen with their fingers open. In the palm of each person, there is a group of light, full of the power of time and space, and they all fly into Ye Chen's body.


Ye Chen couldn't help but hum, stagger and nearly fall. The two forces of time and space were too strong. His holy body was about to explode, affecting the yuan God and the mind. His eyes were full of blood, and his memory was in a mess. At the moment, he could not distinguish the real from the unreal.

At that moment, Hongchen and liudao laughed again, raised their hands and hung down together. Their clear eyes fell into obscurity again, and a faint Qingming was slowly reviving.

And this Qingming is to their lover.

"As you were then."

Six Voices hoarse, he recalled his lover, also recalled the past: in which ancient star river across the bank, there is a playful girl, playing tricks on him, will laugh at him, will make faces at him.

"You are as stupid as you were then."

Diji hugged six and her eyes were dim.

"My life, too much regret."

On the other side, the world of mortals also smiles with warmth.

"Don't leave us."

Red dust snow and Chu Lingyu have already cried into tears.

"I wish there were afterlife

This word is said by the six ways of the world of mortals.

They closed their eyes and went back to the nine days.

They have reversed the time and space, subverted the samsara, now, the dust return to the dust, the so-called mission, the so-called destiny, finally become smoke.


Diji hissed, and Chu Lingyu both hissed. She held six roads, and they were crying with the world of mortals. Blood and tears were streaming from the corners of their eyes.

"Farewell to my friends."The friars of the heavens all arched their hands, and their eyes were full of sadness. Although they did not know who the six paths of the world of mortals were and why they were so ignorant, they saved the lives of the whole world.

Ye Chen finally stands firm, Zheng for a long time.

After a long time, he suddenly laugh at himself, I do not know is sad, or pain.

He slowly turned around, his back was bleak, his pace was still as staggering, and his sword in his hand fell into the sky.

If they don't get involved in the turbulent flow of time and space, they don't have to die. What about the half step success and the slaughter of the emperor? In the face of life and death, he is more powerless than a mole ant, and he feels more about him. This is a joke.

It was terrible behind her. Her hair turned white, like a fool. Hongchenxue and Chu Lingyu's hair were also white. If they lost their souls, they all hugged their loved ones and did not let anyone get close to them.

The other two stars are the same.

Whether it is qingluan or Xuangu emperor, they are like stone statues, moving like the emperor's concubine. They hold their lovers and keep them away.

Time, will record that eternal moment.

Years, will brand the vicissitudes of love.


Lin's poems and paintings speak softly. I don't know how many times she called it. It was a kind of psychic animal in her previous life. She had a tacit understanding of spiritual communication. She could clearly feel the pain of qingluan. She had already suffered to the death of her heart.

"I'm sorry."

The emperor's son looked at the new moon, and his sorrow was hard to hide.

I don't know when I saw the five of them get up. Qingluan is holding the armor of mingjue, Tianshuo is holding the bloody clothes of Baizhi, the imperial concubine is holding the remains of liudao, Zhongxiao and chulingyu are holding the memorial tablets of the world of mortals. They are like walking corpses and walking towards the depths of the starry sky step by step.

On this day, they all lost their loved ones.

When the world is sad, so is the emperor.

Five fought for the emperor, and four died in battle.

This war is too tragic.

At the end of the war, the starry sky was full of devastation. Because of the chaos caused by the flood and the war between the emperor and the Tao, how many people died, and the great mountains and rivers were in ruins.

Ye Chen is silent, step by step a bloody footprints. The holy body is bursting out too many cracks. There are bright gold blood flowing over, and there is still a bite. But his holy body is broken not because of this, but because of the strength given by the six paths of the red world before his death, which is the force of time and space, and is also full of the laws of time and space, all of which are integrated into his body.

His form has become a little strange. When walking, his figure sometimes illusory, and sometimes condensed. There are laws of time and space, which seems to be hidden.

He didn't know this. After walking and watching, he could vaguely smell the spirit of the remaining demons, as well as the spirit of the great famine. Without asking, he knew that in this war, the misfortunes of the heavens were not only from the demons.

It's hard to hide his killing chance. The stronger the killing opportunity is, the more blood will flow from the corners of his mouth. All kinds of injuries are intertwined. He is in a very bad state and is seriously injured.

PS: Happy Birthday to Tianjie Jiuwen Dan!!!

Wish you a happy birthday!!!