Tang Kuo has come in from the outside.

He looked at Tang long. For a while, he didn't know what to say. After he woke up from his coma, he seemed to become more and more mysterious, and seemed to have become very capable!

Tang long light way: "sit down."


Tang Kuo agreed. He went to take a futon and sat down in front of Tang long. He guessed that his young master might have some way to help him improve his strength.

He was a little excited, but he tried to hold back.

Tang Long was very satisfied with Tang's performance.

He also sat down on his knees behind Tang Kuo. Then, the yellow spring needle condensed in his hand was directed to a position behind Tang Que and quickly pricked it down!

God needle live, ghost needle die.

Tang Long is using it now. It's huangquan needle!

A needle fell, blink of an eye, Tang Long's hand, has once again condensed a yellow spring needle.

He stabbed Tang que with hundreds of needles in succession!

he stopped and took a deep breath. In Tang Long's hand, he once again gathered a golden needle.

Suddenly, a gust of wind suddenly rose and gathered fiercely towards tangque. It seems that Tang Kuo at this time has suddenly become a container for absorbing energy!

When the energy converges on Tang que, it disappears!

Tang Kuo concentrates his mind and calms his Qi. He feels the surging strength, which makes him surprised!

He has also cultivated vitality. However, he has always used the most basic cultivation techniques, and he has not used any medicinal materials, so his strength has been improved very slowly. After five years of practice, his strength has only the second level of xuanlingjing.

However, at this time, with the influx of fierce energy, he felt that his own strength had begun to improve wildly!

the third, fourth and fifth levels of xuanlingjing were all the way to

finally, he directly rushed out of the Xuanling realm and reached the spirit realm. Even unexpectedly, he was still rushing upward!

Tang Kuo is a little unbelievable!

He has never heard of it. It's hard to imagine that the cultivation of vitality can be so fierce!

twenty minutes later, Tang Kuo's strength has already broken through the spirit realm. However, he is still on his way up and has directly broken through the Ninth level of the spirit realm!

Heaven spirit realm!

Finally, when the strength of Tang Kuo reached the second level of heaven spirit realm, it finally stopped!

"Stand up!"

A faint voice rings behind Tang que.

Tang Kui is shivering all over his body. The speed of this strength promotion is just against the weather!

Stupidly, after half a minute, Tang que finally stood up and turned to face Tang long. He suddenly knelt on the ground: "young master -"

"I trust you, so you will get the best." Tang Long lightly waved his hand: "go out first."


The expression on Tang Long's face returned to calm soon. He promised respectfully and then turned to go out.

"This boy is loyal and steady, and can control his emotions well. His future development is limitless." Tang Long's voice dropped gently and began to use the needle to help himself improve his strength!

Two hours later, he walked out of the room.

His strength has also been promoted to the realm of heavenly spirit, but it is only the first level of the realm of heavenly spirit, which is one layer weaker than that of Tang Kuo. This is not surprising, after all, tangxing copper has never cultivated vitality before.

Tang Kuo is standing at the door of the room. Obviously, he is guarding the safety of Tang long.

See Tang Long come out, Tang lack respectfully way: "young master."

"How much money is there?" Tang Long asked

"A thousand gold coins."

"Go and buy some daily necessities. We'll go out tomorrow."


Tang Kuo agreed, did not ask much, quickly left Tang Fu, soon disappeared in front of Tang long.

"I hope this time I come back, I can successfully condense the power of chaos. In this way, I will have the biggest capital to become a world-class strong man!" In Tang Long's eyes, there is a sharp light. On his delicate face, there is a look of resolute determination.

Tang que went out for more than three hours, and finally came back with a large package, which contained all kinds of things he had bought.

"Young master, 3000 gold coins are given by the Qin family." Looking at Tang long, Tang que hesitated and said, "it's used to -"

"I know." Tang long light way: "this matter, I will handle, a month later, when we come back, this Qin family, I must go, because, I just want to see that woman!"

"Yes." Tang Kuo nodded respectfully. He knew that his young master had always secretly liked that woman. It was a very beautiful woman.

However, he did not know that the young master in front of him, in fact, had not seen the woman!

Tang Long took out a crystal stone the size of a soybean, looked at Tang Que and said, "this is a space crystal stone, which can store things. Here, take the stored things.""Yes." Tang que goes over and takes over the small crystal stone given by Tang long.

The crystal stone was originally used to store Fengtian flag. Although the crystal is very small, its quality is superior. The space inside the crystal is more than 1000 square meters, which is at least 1000 times higher than the ordinary space ring!

At this time, on the crystal stone of this space, the original Tang Long's own soul brand has been erased by Tang long.

Tang Kuo imprinted his soul on the space crystal stone. Suddenly, he took the hand of the space crystal stone and trembled fiercely. He looked at Tang Long: "young master, this is too expensive. I --"

he knows that this small space crystal is worth at least 100000 gold coins!

Such a valuable thing, Tang Long gave it to him!

"Since I gave it to you, it will be yours in the future. If you have time, you can find a ring and inlay the space crystal on it." Tang Long said faintly, "now, I will teach you martial arts and skills."

"Yes." Tang Kuo unexpectedly, immediately restored calm again, still did not ask much, went to Tang Long and sat down in front of him.

Next, Tang Long began to teach Tang Kuo to practice martial arts.

As the God of blood knife and war, a famous Dandi ten thousand years ago, Tang Long has no lack of top-level skills in his mind.

Even, he has many legendary skills!

He knew that any of the top skills he could master in this world was enough to make those super followers in this world jealous to commit suicide. After all, he had the ability to control a world before.

But now

The world where Tang Long is now is called canglan realm.

Canglan is a large area with a population of more than 100 billion. Tang Long knows that canglan realm is not under the control of lie Qingtian. At least 10000 years ago, lie Qingtian did not control canglan realm.

Tang Long is teaching Tang Qian to practice martial arts.

Tang Long taught very seriously, and Tang Kuo studied hard. After half a day, Tang Kuo had learned the mysterious skills that Tang Long taught him!

This is the skill practiced by Tang long before: Ba Tian Jue!

Tang long no longer practices the formula of heaven.

Ten thousand years ago, when he became the God of war, he once got a kind of extremely mysterious skill. Unfortunately, he could not practice that skill at that time, because he was not qualified to practice that skill at that time!

Now, he is practicing that skill:

swallowing Tianjue!

The skill of swallowing Tianjue is not only mysterious, but also very fast to improve the strength!

Most importantly, this skill is very practical.

Once the cultivation of this skill begins, it will be integrated into life and gradually become a habit. In the future, it can be practiced at any time and under any circumstances!

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