"Go, I have something to discuss with you!"

Tang long, in the stupidity of the people in Qin's mansion, goes to Qin Ziyi and holds her jade like hand.

Qin Ziyi was stunned, followed closely, and pulled her hand hard. However, Tang long held tightly, and her hand could not be pulled out!


Qin Ziyi cursed in her heart. She was so bold. In front of so many people, she was really a jerk!

She wanted to kick him, but he had already pulled her and was walking towards the backyard.

"Shameless bastard, I will not marry you Although Qin Ziyi was very angry, but after all, there were so many people here that she finally resisted her anger and left the front yard with the bastard.

Naturally, she doesn't have to worry about the rest of the things here. She will have someone to deal with it.

Tang Long pulls Qin Ziyi. Soon, he has entered the previous room. He knows that this is Qin Ziyi's special room.

Qin Ziyi finally pulled his hand out of Tang Long's.

Tang Long didn't care. He went to the wide chair where he sat before and sat down. Looking at Qin Ziyi, he said seriously, "now, I'll talk to you about business."

"You and I have nothing to talk about!"

Qin Ziyi airway, this shameless guy, actually a pair of let her listen to the way, unexpectedly so overbearing, she did not listen to him.

However, angry return angry, she is still in the opposite of Tang long, sat down.

"If you have something to say, say it, and then go away."

She glared at Tang Long's angry way, and suddenly found that the guy in front of her was so angry that she was angry when she saw him!

Even if I think of it, I'm angry!

Tang Long doesn't seem to know that Qin Ziyi is angry. Looking at her, he looks very serious.

"If I think so, the people from the evil ghost cave will come again!" Tang Long affirmed: "they are instructed by others."

Qin Zi was stunned: "how do you know?"

Instead of answering Qin Ziyi's question, Tang Long asked, "how far is the ghost cave from here?"

Qin Ziyi glared at Tang Long and said, "you should know that the evil ghost cave is in the evil ghost mountain. The evil ghost mountain is nearly 200 kilometers away from Fengyun city. It is not close to Fengyun city."

"How long has the evil ghost cave existed in this area?"

"At least twenty years, as far as I know!"

"Are the people in the ghost cave very strong?"

"Of course not. They are not even Jiuliu forces. If we are in Tianying City, any strong one in Qin's house can destroy the whole ghost cave!"

"Are the people in the ghost cave stupid?"

"Of course, everyone knows that the Qin government of Tianying empire is linked together, but they still dare to come to the Qin mansion to act wild. They are looking for death. They are not fools. They will never do this!"

"If they were fools, would they be here and survive for so long?"

"Just a fluke!"

"There's no such fluke under the sun." With a faint smile, Tang Long said, "they are notorious and have committed many crimes for so many years. This shows that although they are vicious, they have a good sense of propriety."

"Proper?" Qin Ziyi stares at Tang Long: "do you have a sense of propriety and come to my Qin house to make trouble? Is it easy to bully my family

"So I said, they were told to come prepared!"

"Why do you see it?"

"The devil mountain is far away from here. However, when Li Luotian was killed, the four men came so quickly, which showed that they were together. But why did Li Luotian appear alone? "


"Because their purpose is very clear, that is to rob their relatives. At the beginning, they must think that it is enough for Li Luotian to win the challenge arena alone!"

"Do you mean they're coming for me?"

Tang Long said with a faint smile: "the younger generation of Fengyun City, no one is Li Luotian's opponent. Li Luotian's strength can completely win the challenge arena. However, because of my accident, Li Luotian failed. Those four people will find an excuse to break into the Qin palace. Their bold behavior is enough to explain everything!"

"Who do you think is behind the scenes

"The one who wants you, of course!" Tang Long stopped, looked at Qin Ziyi, and said directly: "I guess that you got to Fengyun city because you had to hide your marriage."

Qin Ziyi glared at Tang Long fiercely and didn't refute it.

Tang long continued: "if the people in the evil ghost cave are instructed to come, they must be prepared. Those four people dare to enter the Qin palace. They must have a second hand!"

"What do you mean --"

"tonight, there may be changes, so the Qin government must be prepared!"

Qin Ziyi thought for a while, and thought that the guy in front of him, conjecture, was really reasonable. He paused and said, "I'm Qin's mansion. Now, these people are the only ones. Sun's strength has not recovered. I'm the strongest now!"Her meaning is very obvious, now the wind and Cloud City Qin Fu, can not resist the attack of the evil ghost cave.

Tang Long smile: "I stay."

"You think so!" Qin ziyidun angry: "I know, you are not good, you want to take advantage of me!"

"Then I'll go." Tang Long spread out his hands and said, "anyway, I just have something to do now. I can't stay here!"


Qin Ziyi glared at Tang long.

In fact, she wanted Tang long to stay. She said that she would not leave Tang long. It was just angry words, and it was also a strategy. She had thought that this shameless person would be shameless and ask to stay, so that she could fight for some initiative.

Now good, this shameless man, should go!

After biting her teeth, she said angrily, "go and go. What's great about it, huh?"

Tang long did not speak, and a smile of evil spirit appeared on his face.

He stood up and walked towards Qin Ziyi step by step. He saw that he had come to Qin Ziyi's eyes.

Qin Zi was nervous.

"You - what do you want?" she sat on the wide chair, in her heart, there was an inexplicable panic, let herself as far back as possible, as far as possible, the distance between himself and Tang long, bright eyes, dodgy looking at Tang long, heart Huo Huo disorderly bump, brain, has been a mess.

She thought that this guy might bully her!

Tang Long doesn't speak. He looks at Qin Ziyi. His hands slowly support the armrests on both sides of the wide chair. He slowly leans over and gets closer to Qin Ziyi. His eyes are less than five centimeters away from Qin Ziyi's eyes.

On his face, there was still a smile of evil charm.

Qin Ziyi panic!

She felt that this guy was going to bully her. She didn't know what to do!

"We, we have an agreement -" she said nervously, her eyes dodged, her voice weak and tense: "within half a year, you can't bully me, you, you promised --"

Tang long did not speak, still looked at her closely, still with a smile on her face, like this, showing pride in the overbearing.

Qin Ziyi is more and more flustered!

Looking at Tang Long like this, she felt that this guy is a wolf!

She worried that the guy would come over and bite his teeth, so she had to compromise temporarily: "you, don't mess with me It's a big deal. I, I promise you, will marry you for three months. But now, you can't bully me -- "

" Ziyi, I found that I actually like you very much! " Tang Long's eyes, showing a touch of flame, suddenly, his hands left the armrest of the wide chair, stood up, and suddenly opened the distance from Qin Ziyi.

Qin Ziyi's heart a loose, but suddenly, the hand has been caught, and then, a strong surge!


She exclaimed, had been pulled up, involuntarily, directly into the arms of Tang long, was tightly held!

Her whole body was tense and her heart was beating wildly. She lowered her head severely: "you don't --"

Tang Long put her head forward and reached Qin Ziyi's ear and gently breathed. Her voice was very light, with a different flavor: "see you at night, my woman!"

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