"I have received the order from Princess Tang immediately." Song Hongfa looked at Tang Long and said, "Tang long, I'm just waiting for you. I'm afraid that you'll be killed by others. If I kill you, I'll be able to make a great success immediately."

With a faint smile, Tang Long asked, "so you must kill me today?"

"Of course

Song Hongfa vomited out these two words. In her eyes, a fierce light suddenly burst out. She raised her hand and yelled at the servants behind her: "give me up. These two people will be killed for me!"


After Song Hong's birth, there are eight servants in total, all together. Chaotang long and Tang que rush up!

when these servants rush forward, Tang Long also moves!

Tang Long's body was in a flash, and the whole person turned into a virtual shadow. Before the servants rushed out, Tang long had already appeared in front of them, and his fists burst out like lightning!

"BAM -- BAM --"

"ah -- ouch --"

the dull crashing sound, accompanied by screams, kept ringing. Song Hongfa just realized that something was wrong. All the eight servants had already flown out and landed on the ground, all of them were in agony!


Song Hongfa steps back and stares at Tang Long with caution in her eyes.

The servants he brought were not ordinary people. The weakest ones all reached the fifth level of the earth spirit realm, and the two strong ones even reached the first level of the heaven spirit realm!

However, in such a blink of an eye, Tang Long actually knocked down all these people!

Even just now, song Hongfa didn't see Tang Long's move!

He didn't expect Tang long to be very powerful!

However, he believes in his own strength, after all, he has a natural vein, but Tang long, is just a waste!

Most importantly, he has explored Tang Long's strength from his momentum.

Tang Long only has the strength of the fifth level of heaven spirit realm!

He's the seventh floor!

"Tang long, I didn't expect you were very good!" Song Hongfa has a long sword in his hand. He has burst out a silver light and a strange bright silver thin line around him, which is slowly rotating!

he opened the sky directly!

With the strength of the seventh level of heaven spirit realm and the opened spirit vein, song Hongfa believes that he can kill Tang Long with one move!

Tang long looked at Song Hongfa, with a disdain in his eyes: "Song Hongfa, you don't deserve to kill me!"


Song Hong snorted coldly, and her face showed a touch of ferocity. The sword in her hand was shocked, and she stabbed Tang Long with a silver light sword spirit!

on the side of Tang Long's body, song Hongfa's sword had already wiped her chest, causing no harm to Tang long, and Tang Long's fists had been struck out like lightning!

The blow brought out the sound of wind and thunder!

Nine thunder fist!

This is the four level martial arts. In the eyes of Tang long, it is the lowest level of martial arts, but in Fengyun City, it is a unique skill!

Four level martial arts, only the martial arts of heaven and spirit realm, can play its power!

"First punch!"

Suddenly, Tang Long's fist fell on Song Hongfa's chest with a sudden burst of violence, which turned into a force of terror, and made song Hongfa stagger backward!

Song Hongfa stepped back five steps, and before he could stand firm, Tang Long quickly flashed to his eyes!

"Second punch!"

Tang Long's fist, hit hard again!

With this blow, Tang Long's fist suddenly burst out with silver light, and the sound of wind and thunder was more obvious. The strength of this fist was more than twice as strong as the first one!

Nine thunderbolt fist, a total of nine consecutive punches, and the power of each fist, than the previous one, are twice as strong!

The ninth fist will be used, and the power of the stone will be broken and the sky will be shocked!

Song Hongfa only received the second punch, and then she was beaten and flew out. She flew ten meters away. Then, she fell heavily on the ground and spewed out a mouthful of blood. As soon as her eyes were closed, she stopped breathing!


Tang Long's mouth slightly pull up, face, appear a touch of pride!

Originally, he didn't want to kill song Hongfa, but when he knew that Tang Xingtong's death was related to song Hongfa, he immediately decided to kill song Hongfa!

With a glance at the dead song Hongfa, Tang Long turned his head and glanced up from the ground. One by one, the servants with pale faces turned to Tang Kuo and said, "knock them out and throw them out!"


Tang Kuo agreed, and then his body swayed, towards these servants who just got up, suddenly rushed over!

After a fight, all the servants fell to the ground and passed out!

however, just as Tang Kuo was about to throw all the dead servants out, Tang Long's eyes suddenly sank: "Tangku, go back to the room immediately!"Tang que Leng Leng Leng, and then, quickly away!

Tang long stood still, staring at the open front yard gate. He was a Dan master, with strong spiritual strength and induction ability, which was beyond ordinary people!


He felt a fierce murderous spirit. He knew that there was a man outside, who had killed countless people!

It's not killing countless people. There's absolutely no such fierce murderous spirit!

Tang long stood still and waited for 30 seconds!

Thirty seconds later, a black masked man appeared quietly at the door!

this man only showed a pair of eyes!

This is a pair of wolf's eyes, the fierce light in the eyes, let a person see, is the heart is extremely cold, produce fear!

At this time, the pair of eyes, straight staring at Tang long, the masked man said darkly, "I didn't expect that you were not a waste, you could kill song Hongfa, which is quite unexpected to me!"

Tang Long's expression is calm, light asks a way: "is ye xuanyue sent you to come?"

"Not bad!" In a flash, the man in black appeared in front of Tang Long: "originally, I came to kill you, but now, I have to kill you. You should know that you must die!"

Tang Long's eyes looked up and down at the masked man in Black: this man is of average height and thin figure. His hands and fingers are slender and thin, with a faint blue color. The fingernails of the thumb and the little finger are very long, and the nails are very thick, among them, with a trace of gray brown

A sneer and smile appeared on Tang Long's face.

He looked at the man in black and snorted softly, with a faint voice and obvious disdain: "nine stream poison master!"

A pair of wolf eyes of the man in black suddenly burst into fierce light: "boy, do you deserve to question my poison skill? Do you know what will happen to you with this sentence? "

"Do it!" Tang Long closed his eyes and turned his lips in disdain: "use your sword or sword to make sure everything is safe and sound."


The man in black snorted coldly. In his eyes, his eyes were cold and fierce, and his fist had been tightly grasped!

Tang Long is still with his eyes closed!

the man in black has a strong momentum. Tang Long knows that he is not his opponent at all, and he can't stop his move at all. Therefore, he simply does not move and let others kill him!

In my heart, a name has been deeply imprinted: ye xuanyue!

The man in black didn't punch.

He reached into his arms and took out a bottle!

Dark bottle!

"Since you want to increase the pain, I will help you!" The voice of the man in black fell, the bottle was in his hand, and it was crushed directly. A pill was lying in the palm of his hand!

the pill was blood red with three circles of pale gold lines!

Sanwen Lingdan!

He reached out his hand like lightning, grabbed Tang Long's jaw, and then exerted a little force. Tang Long's mouth was directly pinched open!

Blood red pill, into Tang Long's mouth!

The skinny fingers of the man in black lit Tang Long's chest like lightning, and said coldly, "Huagu phage Xin Dan, remnant meridian amputation hand, no solution. You can enjoy the last five minutes!"

The voice fell, the man in black turned and left quickly!

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