"Ten thousand swords belong to the clan!"

Wolf batian burst out and drank. The shadows of thousands of long swords were all real. All of them were flying towards the Tang dragon!

Tang Long's face was solemn, and his whole body was domineering and majestic!

On him, the silver light is more and more dazzling!

He held his fists tightly. His arms were covered by a layer of dazzling silver light. His body was majestic, his face was firm and dignified, his eyes were like lightning. He looked like an invincible king, like an invincible God of war!

Deep voice, from his mouth, dignified spit out: "nine thunder fist, nine to one!"

The solemn voice fell, and Tang Long's arm suddenly and rapidly swayed, and all of a sudden, he was transformed into ten silver arms!


He suddenly burst drink, sound shock in the sky, engulf mountains and rivers, proud of the sky!

Dozens of silver arms, suddenly, all of a sudden, very strange coincidence together, into an energy arm, in front of the arm, there is a foot over the size of a football, energy giant fist!

The energy giant fist is shining with brilliant silver light!

the highest level of the nine heavy thunder fist, nine fists in a row, nine to one!

In the blink of an eye, the silver light boxing with energy condensation has been pounded with thousands of long swords!


The sound of roar, like nine days of thunder, that fierce force, the ground stones, all of the explosion, hurricane swept dust and gravel, instantly filled the sky!

Within tens of meters, the wind is howling!

In the gale, a figure, with a shower of blood, flew out towards the distance!

It's wolf!

Wolf batian flew more than 20 meters, and then he fell to the ground and struggled for two times, and there was no sound again!

"rush in and destroy the black wolf clan!"

Tang Long's voice is like a mountain with a heavy majesty!

Tang Lei's four people are all boiling with blood. They rush out of the front and follow closely. Tang que also rushes forward. At this time, all the strong men of the black wolf sect have been eliminated. Who else can stop them?!

They all the way forward, directly into the black wolf clan, and then, and the remaining warriors of the black wolf clan, launched a fierce battle!

Tang long did not rush into the black wolf sect.

Step by step, he came to the dead wolf batian.

Squatting down, he picked up wolf batian's sword, and then his eyes fell on the space ring of wolf batian. On his face, a smile appeared: "the Lord of the black wolf clan, surely, he will not be a poor man!"

You're welcome to take the ring off wolf batian's space.

After collecting the space ring, he collected all the space rings worn by the seven wolves. Tang Long came back to Qin Ziyi, took her hand, and walked forward slowly.

There are hundreds of warriors in the black wolf sect!

Tang Kuo and they rushed into the black wolf sect and were surrounded by hundreds of warriors!

However, they seem to be fearless and have a high sense of war!

Knife light flying in the crowd, killing intention, in the dusk, the afterglow of the setting sun, and sad blood color fusion, to the coming night, dyed a layer of tragedy!

Tang Long and Qin Ziyi have also entered the black wolf sect.

"I don't know what kind of surprise this black wolf clan can give me!" Tang Long turns his head and looks at Qin Ziyi.

Qin Ziyi looks at the Tang dragon.

She was very clever and knew what Tang Long was thinking. She said, "let's go to the front room to have a look, but the things here --"

"I'll give them to Tang Kuo, there won't be any problem!"

Tang Long's light way.

The rest of the people here do not have a very strong person. These people do not constitute any threat to Tang Kuo.

Qin Ziyi no longer said that, together with Tang long, he began to search for treasure in the black wolf sect!

Although Qin Ziyi's strength is not very strong, she dares to be proficient in the skills of organs. Even Tang Long admires this. Not long after, Qin Ziyi found the treasure room of the black wolf sect!

Looking at the treasures piled up in front of him, Tang Long's eyes flashed with brilliance!

Qin Ziyi is a little surprised!

She didn't expect that a little black wolf clan had hidden so many treasures, gold, silver and jade articles, but the value of these things was more than one million gold coins. In addition, there were several gold cards!

in the gold cards, there were thousands of gold yuan stones!

Thousands of gold yuan stone, this is tens of millions of gold coins, this is not a small sum of money!

Even if the money is taken to Tianying City, it can be regarded as a relatively rich person. The black wolf clan can be so rich, which is really surprising to Tang Long!

Put all kinds of treasures in this with several space rings. Tang Long and Qin Ziyi continue to look for them.

There is also a small treasure room hidden in this treasure room!Tang Long also opened the small treasure room.

This small treasure room is very small, but its contents are more valuable.

Qin Ziyi has seen a sword!

Qin Ziyi held the sword in his hand, and immediately felt that his whole body was comfortable!

"This sword is mine!" Qin Ziyi turned her head and looked at Tang long, and said in a coquettish voice, "you are not allowed to oppose it!"


Tang Long faint smile, Qin Ziyi like, then he certainly want to give her.

In Tang Long's opinion, anything in this can be taken away immediately if Qin Ziyi likes it. He will never stop him!

In this treasure room, there are not many medium-sized spirit weapons. There are only two swords.

"It seems that I'm going to use my sword recently."

Tang Long picked up a sword. The sword was a heavy one. It was a epee. It was a little longer than ordinary swords. On the sword, there were many strange small squares engraved on it. The sword was slightly red, just like the sunset in the sky!

On the hilt, there are three very small words: Fire cloud sword!

Tang Long stamped his soul on the fire cloud sword and waved it twice. He felt satisfied.

Next, the two continued to search the treasure room.

Around the treasure room, there are some shelves. On the shelves, there are more than 20 boxes. In the boxes, there are some precious medicinal materials. These herbs are basically used for healing and can improve the strength. None of them is available.

This Tang long can understand.

There are medicinal materials to enhance the strength, black wolf Zong that wolf dominates the sky, how can we not use it?!

Tang Long took away all the medicinal materials, and then his eyes fell on a gold table in front of him!

the golden table, which radiated light of gold, was extremely valuable and exquisite. On the table top, there was a big box, which was much bigger than the table top!

The box, made of jade, is extremely exquisite!

Qin Ziyi was a little curious: "Tang long, guess, what will be put in the box?"

"Tianren Xuangang!"

Tang Long guessed that in his heart, he was a little confused.

If it's Tianren Xuangang, is it necessary to put it in such a big box? If there are so many toughened Xuan Steel on this day, it is estimated that at least a dozen swords can be made!

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