"Tang Long!"

Qin Ziyi exclaimed and hugged Tang long in a hurry!

Tang Long fell in Qin Ziyi's arms. His face was pale. He vomited two words: "go quickly!"

As soon as the voice falls, Tang Long's eyes close and he faints directly!

Qin Ziyi's forehead, immediately exudes a layer of sweat, eyes, full of intense tension and worry, dare not have the slightest hesitation, carrying the comatose Tang long, toward the distance, ran out in disorder!

Now, she just wants to leave here as soon as possible, and leave Lucheng as far as possible!

She knew that danger would not end!

When Tang Long wakes up, he finds himself lying in a very comfortable place. Beside him, he is sitting quietly and watching him nervously.

This vague figure, of course, is Qin Ziyi.

"Where is this?" Tang Long asked, feeling his whole body, is extremely painful, can not help but is frowning.

Before him, under the condition of stimulating his potential, he forced to use Qipin martial arts, meridians and skeletons. All of them were injured by Yuan Qi, and his blood vessels almost burst!

It is also thanks to his cultivation of divine power!

If the cultivation of the body of divine power is successful, his physical quality will become very strong. Otherwise, his meridians will be broken inch by inch!

Even if you're a dead man!

Qin Ziyi gently said: "here, from Lucheng, more than 50 kilometers, is in a deep mountain, you can rest assured, they will not find here in a short time!"

"Woo Hoo Hoo!"

Tang Longzheng wants Qin Ziyi to help himself up, but suddenly, he hears a strange voice.

He was in a daze.

He heard it clearly. It should be the voice of an animal. He turned his head to see it immediately. In Qin Ziyi's arms, there was a cute little animal!

A little lion!

This little lion is very small, less than 20 cm in length. It seems that it has just been born. Its whole body is red, but its eyes are shining with gold!

Obviously, this is not an ordinary spirit animal!

"This is -"

Tang Long was stunned at the little lion.

Little lion, looking at him without blinking, is rushing in Qin Ziyi's arms. Obviously, this little thing wants to get close to Tang Long!

Qin Ziyi held the little lion in his arms and said, "I don't know where this little lion comes from. I take you to the cave. It suddenly runs out and revolves around you. I look at it very cute, and I don't drive it away!"

Tang Long nodded slightly.

Qin Ziyi continued: "look at the appearance of this spirit beast, it should be a seven level spirit beast, like a flame demon lion, but there is a little difference, but it's dark, you can't see clearly. I'll have a good look tomorrow."

Tang Long looks at the little lion. The golden eyes of the little lion are also looking at Tang long.

It moves in Qin Ziyi's arms. It seems that he wants to get close to Tang long!

"I've decided to keep it!" Qin Ziyi held the little lion in his arms. His eyes were full of love: "it's so cute, and it's so small that it can train. Maybe, if it grows up, it can become my assistant!"

"Level seven spirit beast, weak point!" Tang Long frowned slightly.

Level 7 spirit beast's strength is very limited.

This level of spirit beast, even if fully grown up, is only equivalent to the combat power of the martial arts in Xuangang realm.

In Tang Long's opinion, this kind of strength is useless at all!

What's more, this little lion is still so small. It will take many years to grow up!

However, since Qin Ziyi likes it, Tang Long won't say much. He smiles and says, "since you like it, keep it."


Qin Ziyi answered, looked at Tang Long and asked, "are you OK with your injury?"

"You forget, I am a Dan master, and my medical skills are not comparable to ordinary people!" Said, Tang Long slightly pause, way: "help me up, I want to heal!"


Qin Ziyi agreed, put the little lion on the ground and touched its head: "be good, don't run around, you know?"

Voice down, this just let go of the little lion!

She was about to support Tang long, but she didn't expect that her hand had not touched Tang long. Suddenly, the little lion rushed towards Tang long. In an instant, she had already rushed to Tang long. She opened her mouth and bit Tang Long's arm!


A deep wound appeared in Tang Long's arm!


Qin Ziyi did not expect that the little lion would suddenly run to bite Tang long. Originally, she was very fond of the little lion, but at this time, she suddenly hated this thing.

She was angry in her heart and was about to kick the little lion, but she was stopped by Tang Long's urgent voice: "wait a minute!"

Qin Ziyi at this time, has also found the abnormal!She even saw that the little lion's body was suddenly emitting a strange red light!

The red light is like a fire, wrapping up the little lion, and then the red light gradually expands, and Tang Long is also wrapped in it!

"What's going on?" Qin Zi asked in a daze.

"Life contract!"

Tang Long's simple way, eyes, has been flashing out a thick surprise!

He thought of the same treasure in Fengtian flag!

Tianling garden!

Tianlingyuan is one of the three peerless treasures in Fengtian banner!

Tianling garden, paradise of animals!

At this time, Tang Long has guessed that the little lion must have sensed the existence of the heavenly spirit garden, and was attracted by the heaven spirit garden. Then he would bite him and sign a soul contract of the god beast!

This is the life contract!

"Is this little thing a god beast?"

Tang Long's heart, has some expectations.

If this is a mature beast, even if you know that Tang Long owns the heavenly spirit garden, it will not be so easy to show the life contract to Tang Long!

However, the little lion is still very small, nature can not resist the attraction of Tianling garden!

The red light enveloped Tang Long and little lion. Gradually, it turned into a very strange array. In the array, there was a burning flame. Then, the flame and the array were all reduced together!

Finally, the red light and the array disappeared together, but they disappeared on Tang Long's body and the wound of Tang Long's arm!

The moment the array disappears, the wound of Tang Long's arm also miraculously disappears!

Followed by the disappearance of the strange little lion!

Qin Ziyi saw that the little lion suddenly disappeared, so he quickly turned to look for it, but he could not find the trace of the little lion any more. He looked at Tang Long curiously: "Tang long, how can the little lion disappear?"

"I'll explain it to you later." Tang Long smile: "help me up first."


Qin Ziyi no longer pays attention to the little lion's matter, very carefully, supports Tang long to slowly sit up.

She asked with concern, "is your injury really OK?"

"Don't worry!"

Tang Long smiles, then closes his eyes, condenses the huangquan God needle, and begins to heal himself.

Two hours have passed!

After healing, Tang Long opened his eyes and turned his head to see Qin Ziyi beside the stone wall. Qin Ziyi was asleep beside the stone wall.

At this time, it is late at night, Tang Long is also very tired.

Gently sat down beside Qin Ziyi and held her in his arms. Then he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

When I woke up, it was already bright.

Tang Long opened his eyes and looked down at his arms. Qin Ziyi, who was still asleep, looked at her beautiful face, such as jade skin. He could not help but lower his head and gently touched her moving mouth.

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