Holding Qin Ziyi in his arms, Tang Long quickly arrived at the edge of the cold pool, and then, together with Qin Ziyi, jumped off the cold pool.

Qin Ziyi is no longer held by Tang long.

She was holding hands by Tang Long and entered the cold pool. She felt that the water in the cold pool was surprisingly warm and comfortable. She could not help but secretly call it strange!

Qin Ziyi is curious. Tang Long's voice has already sounded in her ear: "Yiyi, the opportunity is rare and can't be wasted. We should seize the time to practice!"


Qin Ziyi responded, and then found that the water in the cold pool had a strong buoyancy. When he was in the water, he could float naturally. When he turned around, the people of lingjingzong, one by one, showed their heads on the water and began to practice seriously.

Qin Ziyi began to practice hard.

Tang Long is also practicing.

He didn't want to waste a little time. After all, the cold pool only has three days to open. These three days are very precious.

When the formula of swallowing heaven started, Tang Long suddenly felt that there was infinite energy in the water. At this time, with the cultivation of Tang long, these energies were all towards Tang long, and they gathered together madly!

Around Tang long, the original calm water surface, at this time, there has been a slowly rotating vortex!

Qin Ziyi quickly realized that the pool around him had abnormal flow.

She stopped practicing, opened her eyes, and saw the slowly rotating pool. After a pause, she moved a little towards the distance, leaving a large space for Tang long.

Tang Long didn't realize it. He practiced the formula of swallowing heaven and practiced it seriously.

He has already settled down!

he feels that he has arrived in a very strange world, which is full of pure and incomparable energy, and these energies are gathering towards him crazily!

He was very surprised!

Originally, he did not hold too much expectation for this millennium cold pool.

But now he knows that he will get great benefits in this cold pool!

"It's a worthwhile trip."

He sighed in secret, and he practiced harder and harder.

With Tang Long's practice, the water around him was spinning faster and faster, and even on the water, there was a gust of wind!

Gradually, the pool water rotation more and more urgent, has turned into a vortex!

Tang Long is in the center of the whirlpool, always striving to cultivate!

Time in a hurry, three days passed in a twinkling of an eye!

Three days later, at noon, everyone was still practicing hard in the cold pool.

All of a sudden, a terrible cold force surged from the cold pool. The rotating pool water suddenly slowed down, even the surface of the pool began to freeze!

Someone has stopped practicing, and then, leave the cold pool quickly!

More people left the cold pool!

Finally, Qin Ziyi also left the cold pool!

At this time, although the pool water in the cold pool still contains strong energy, it also contains the extreme cold force!

This kind of cold force is very cold and domineering. It can freeze the human's meridians and bones!

other people in the pool have already landed, but Tang Long is still practicing!

At this time, shore!

Qin Ziyi and them are all looking at Tang long.

Although the pond water kept freezing, because the current whirlpool around Tanglong was always rotating rapidly, the ice formed in the pool was soon broken by the rotating current!

Over the cold pool, the wind is howling!

Qin Ziyi felt that the temperature around him was getting lower and lower, so he felt a little worried.

She looked at Ouyang Tianbo and asked, "will Tang long be ok?"

"I don't think so."

Ouyang Tianbo's heart is full of ups and downs!

At this time, they were standing on the shore, all felt cold to the bone. How could Tang Long bear it in the freezing water?!

He felt that if he was still in this pool, he would be frozen!

Blink of an eye, twenty minutes later!

The wind on the icy water is getting colder and colder. In the cold pool, the rapidly rotating water, the outer circle, has all frozen. The whirlpool around Tang Long is becoming smaller and smaller!

Tang long in the center of the vortex, still motionless!

Ouyang Tianbo is a little uneasy.

He doesn't want Tang long to have something to do. In his heart, he is still looking forward to something. He must rely on Tang Long for this matter!

He turned to look at Qin Ziyi and said, "we must get him up!"

"This --"

Qin Ziyi was a little hesitant.

Tang Long is practicing, and it is obvious that he is in meditation. At this time, if he is disturbed, he may be possessed by the devil. This is an extremely dangerous thing!

Qin Ziyi thought a little and said, "let's wait a little longer."

Ouyang Tianbo said: "Miss Qin, you don't know. The cold in the cold pool is generated by heaven and earth. It is called the force of cold. The cold force can even freeze the soul. If Tang Long doesn't come out again, his life will be in danger!"Qin Ziyi, listening to Ouyang Tianbo, felt nervous!

After biting her teeth, she had to make a decision and said, "let's try to get him up!"

"Find a board and we'll lift him out of the water and try not to touch him!" A martial artist of lingjingzong nearby was very clever. He gave an idea: "let him practice on the board. We don't disturb him. We can carry the board out of the water. This should be OK!"

"That's a good idea!"

Ouyang Tianbo immediately nodded, but followed closely, and frowned!

Now, the cold pool is so cold that even with his strength, he can't resist the cold force in the pool. Who can enter the water and lift Tang Long up?!

"Ten elders!"

He bit his teeth and said in a deep voice!


The ten elders of Lingjing sect, gather here in a hurry!

But at this time, when Ouyang Tianbo was preparing to ask the ten elders to carry Tang Long up according to the way he had just thought, suddenly, Tang long, who was practicing in the whirlpool of the pool, suddenly burst into a dazzling purple gold light!

In this light, there is also a trace of gold and lightning!

A terrible heat, spread from the purple gold light, so that the cold wind around, all more silk warm!

Qin Ziyi's heart was shocked, and his eyes immediately kindled with hope:

"this is the vitality of his cultivation. His vitality seems to be able to resist the force of the cold!"

Ouyang Tianbo and the ten elders heard Qin Ziyi's words and their faces were shocked!

Around, all the disciples of Lingjing sect were shocked. What kind of vitality did Tang Long cultivate? How could it be so domineering that it could resist the cold weather?!

They are all blinking, looking at Tang Long!

Tang Long's body, that purple gold light, has become more and more dazzling, and in his body, at this time, has burst a purple gold flame!

In the fire, a strange monster, roaring, roaring!

"Spirit vein totem?"

Ouyang Tianbo took a deep breath and looked at the monster roaring in the purple and gold flame. His eyes were full of shock!

The monster in the totem, he has never seen it!

This monster, with a pair of golden wings, but a lion's head, that magnificent body, like a dragon, long tail, covered with golden scales, four legs, but also lion's legs!

When Ouyang Tianbo was shocked, the monster in the totem suddenly changed!

The head of the lion, at this time, has changed. It looks like the head of a dragon, but it looks like the head of a lion. It seems that in this totem, there are two monsters, which are in a strange fusion!

Gradually, no one can tell whether the head of the totem is a lion or a dragon!

It seems that it has turned into a totem of dragon and lion!

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