Tang Long closed, of course, not for safety!

He turned his head and looked at Zhao Zheng: "Zhao alliance leader, next, I'll trouble you. Our three meals a day, and our safety, you can help us arrange it."


Zhao Zheng nodded.

Next, Tang Long and Qin Ziyi followed Zhao Zheng into a small room.

This is a training room, and it is a special training room for Zhao Zheng.

Zhao Zheng and Tang Long simply explained two sentences, and then, they left in a hurry. He has a lot of things to deal with, and he doesn't have time to stay here all the time.

These days, he will be very busy, to find out the ghost of the black spirit League!

Qin Ziyi waited for Zhao Zheng to leave. Then he looked at Tang Long and asked, "dragon, why do you want to shut down suddenly?"

"Because, I want to practice!" Tang Long smiles and follows his mind. The red flame lion has appeared at his feet: "Zi Yi, these days, let this little guy accompany you!"


Qin Ziyi liked the little beast very much. He answered and squatted down and held up the red flame lion.

Tang Long went to sit down beside him and said, "next, if someone comes from outside, you can pay attention to it. I need to close down for a few days. After that, I still need to do one thing, a very important thing."

Qin Ziyi asked curiously, "what's important?"

"I have practiced a skill." Tang Long said truthfully: "I want to use these days to reach the third level!"

What he said about the cultivation of skills is of course not the formula of swallowing heaven, but the chaotic body of practice before him!

Before, in lingjingzong, Tang Long gained great benefits in the thousand year cold pool. Not only did he improve his strength a lot, but he also cultivated the second kind of vitality: the power of cold weather!

At this time, he has to use these days to familiarize himself with the power of cold weather. At the same time, he is to practice the third level of chaos: the body of Vajra!

If the body of Vajra is successfully cultivated, the constitution of Tang long can be strengthened again, and its defense ability will be increased by ten times. Its own strength can also be greatly improved!

Before, he asked Zhao Zheng for the three kinds of medicinal materials, not to stabilize the spirit, but to cultivate the body of the King Kong!

In order to cultivate the body of Vajra, we need not only the needling of huangquan God, but also 100 kinds of medicinal materials. Among them, the most important three kinds of medicinal materials are Centennial Saussurea, Centennial Polygonum multiflorum, and Centennial Tripterygium wilfordii.

The remaining 97 kinds of medicinal materials are not very rare. Tang Long has already purchased them in advance.

At this time, the conditions for him to cultivate the body of Vajra have been reached, and at the same time, he needs to use all kinds of medicinal materials. He has, can start to cultivate the body of Vajra!

In the next few days, Tang long practiced silently.

In a flash, five days passed.

On the morning of the sixth day, Zhao Zheng came early in the morning.

At the door, Zhao Zheng knocked on the door.

A few days ago, the person who opened the door for Zhao Zheng was always Qin Ziyi, but today, the person who opened the door was Tang long.

"How about the closure these days?" Seeing Tang Long's hale and hearty appearance, Zhao Zheng's eyes flashed with joy and asked, "how sure are you about this alchemy contest?"

"Absolutely sure!" Tang Long's confident way.

In recent days, he has made great progress in all aspects. He has not only refined some miraculous elixirs, but also thoroughly mastered the power of cold weather. Moreover, he has successfully practiced into the body of Vajra!

At this time, his defense ability, than before, increased more than ten times, the physical quality of the strong degree, has been amazing!

The most important thing is that because of the successful cultivation of Vajra's body, Tang Long's strength has also been greatly improved. At this time, his strength has been upgraded from the Ninth level of Diyuan realm to Tianyuan realm!

Moreover, it is the third level of Tianyuan realm!

with such strength, coupled with the fire of chaos and the power of cold weather, the attack power of Tang Long is extremely strong!

"After the competition of alchemy, blood alliance, you will know the end of offending me!"

Tang Long's mouth, the emergence of a sneer!

He looked at Zhao Zheng and asked, "these days, you must be looking for the inner ghost of the Heiling League. I don't know now, what clues have you found out?"

"No!" Zhao Zheng sighed helplessly.

These days, he is really trying to find the inner ghost of Heiling League. However, the ghost is very cunning. No matter how he checks, he can't find out the clue!

Although he knew that the ghost must be at the top of the Heiling League, or even among so many people, it's a pity that these ten people, who have been exploring for so many days, have not even found any clues!

Even, not even a suspect!

Zhao Zheng had no choice but to gnash his teeth and said: "this ghost, staying in my Heiling League, is always a disaster. If I don't find it out, I feel uneasy all day."Tang long at this time, but a smile: "in fact, I know who the ghost is!"


Zhao Zheng stares at Tang Long with an incredible look.

Tang Long said: "the two people who assassinated me, before they died, I asked their confessions. From their mouths, I actually knew who the ghost was!"

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Zhao Zheng hurriedly said, "who is the ghost?"

"Vice leader Yu wenpo!"

Zhao Zheng became more and more unbelievable, shocked and said: "yuwenpo? How could it be him? He is the person I trust most. How could it be him? How can he be an insider if I treat him so well? "

Tang long light way: "you don't forget, now the blood alliance, already very not simple, bribes the individual, may not be unable to do!"

"Yes, the blood alliance now should have become a puppet of the black dragon empire!" Zhao Zheng bit his teeth and then asked, "why didn't you tell me this before? Why do you say it now? "

Tang Long's eyes flashed a cold light: "don't you want to use the ghost to clean up the blood alliance?"

"What do you say?" Zhao Zheng asked in a hurry.

Tang Long said: "behind the blood League, there is the black dragon empire. I think that now Tianguang City, any force, dare not openly deal with the blood League. In this case, only some people can disappear quietly!"

"How can it disappear without a sound?"

"A map!" Tang Long's mouth slightly pulled up, on his face, appeared a mysterious smile: "a treasure map!"

Zhao Zheng Leng Leng Leng: "what meaning?"

In the valley, there is no light in the valley

"Tianguang city is surrounded by mountains and jungles, and there are many adventurers. However, it is not difficult to find a valley without people." When Zhao Zheng's voice dropped, he was puzzled and asked, "what do you want to do with this? What do you mean? "

At last, Tang Long said his plan thoroughly!

Tang Long's plan is very simple!

He's going to set up a game!

First of all, he wants to make a fake treasure map and get information about a strong man's site. Then, after the competition of Danshi pagoda is completed, the contents of the treasure map will be transmitted to the blood League through the inner ghost, so as to attract the blood alliance's people and follow them to seek treasure!

At that time, they will lay out outside and destroy these blood alliance people!

If the plan is successful, the main force of the blood League will disappear outside without knowing it!

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