Under the moonlight, Qin Ziyi's pretty face is full of intoxicating blush. The beautiful appearance makes the moon lose its color!

Tang long can't help it!

however, just as he was about to launch an action, suddenly, a wolf howled in the distant night sky:


Tang Long stopped at once!

In the heart, what disorderly idea, all thoroughly vanished!

"Woo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo..."

the sound of wolf howling was heard one after another. Moreover, the sound was moving rapidly towards this side!

"No, wolves!"

Tang Long's face suddenly changed. Qin Ziyi also noticed the danger. He quickly sat up with Tang long, cautiously, and looked at the place where the voice came from!

In the moonlight, 50 meters ahead!

Countless blood red eyes, emitting red light, towards this side, fast approaching!

The number of wolves is not less than 100!

"Bad, it's blood wolf!"

Qin Ziyi is a little nervous and looks at Tang Long!

Tang Long bit his teeth hard!

He had no idea that his luck was so bad!

He finally found the opportunity to eat Qin Ziyi, and Qin Ziyi was very obvious, but he was quite cooperative. Unexpectedly, he met the blood wolf!

If there is only one blood wolf, Tang Long is not worried, because although the blood wolf is fierce, it is only a level six spirit beast!

But these blood wolves are hundreds of them!

This is no joke!

The most important thing is that Qin Ziyi's strength is still a little weak at this time. There is only the fifth level of Tianyuan realm. Even if Qin Ziyi deals with a blood wolf, Qin Ziyi has difficulties, let alone so many blood wolves!

"Ziyi, be careful when you wait!"

Tang Long is very careful to tell Qin Ziyi that he has already grasped the fire cloud sword in his hand!

"Woo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo!"

Blood wolf's howling sound and ears, blink of an eye, has been away from Tang long, less than 20 meters, a pair of blood red eyes, dead staring at Tang Long and Qin Ziyi!

In front of the blood wolf, even more than two meters, extremely tall and majestic!

Obviously, this is the wolf!

"Damn it, it's destroying my good things!"

Tang Long gnawed his teeth and swore. Qin Ziyi, beside him, heard his curse, and his pretty face turned red. She was almost killed by him!

Wolves, they're coming!

When they howled to the sky, the blood wolf with three black heads and red eyes suddenly jumped up in the air and attacked Tang Long and Qin Ziyi over their heads. They opened their big mouths and their tusks were thick. They bowed their heads to Tang Long and Qin Ziyi and bit them fiercely!

"Lightning strike!"

The sword in Tang Long's hand suddenly trembled slightly and turned into a purple gold sword!

Jiupin martial arts!

Originally, it was also a skill of using a sword, but at this time, Tang Long also used this skill on the sword!

The power of lightning strike is amazing. What's more, it's a quick word!


Zijin's sword, with a burning energy, suddenly across the night sky, toward the neck of the blood wolf, which is flying towards the sky, flashed in the past!


Strong wind whistling, purple light across the sky, a touch of blood line, was blown away by the strong wind!

A deep bloodstain has been left on the neck of the blood wolf. The throat has been broken and falls on the ground. If it is moved for two times, it is still!

At this time, the other two blood wolves, however, are about to bite Tang Long's head!

Tang Long is not disorderly in the face of danger. His face is majestic and domineering. The sword in his hand is suddenly shocked!


The roar broke out from the sword!

suddenly, Tang Long's sword was extremely strange and turned into two purple and gold swords!

Two purple and gold swords, seemingly regardless of the order, toward the other two blood wolves, like lightning chopped in the past!

Purple gold sword, with a touch of blood light, blink of an eye, then from the throat of the two blood wolves, the two blood wolves, also from the air, fell to the ground!

However, there are five blood wolves, toward the Tang dragon, they rush!

Qin Ziyi's sword has also been firmly grasped!

Wolves, they've been surrounded!

Qin Ziyi, with his back to Tang long, made great efforts to gather his strength. Facing four or five blood wolves, he also launched an attack!

Tang Long's attack became more and more fierce, and the lightning strike was extended to the limit. The sword in his hand turned into 13 dazzling purple and gold swords!

The sword roared in the air, leaving a deep scar on the body of a blood wolf!

Qin Ziyi is a little dangerous!She waved her sword and tried to block the attack of two blood wolves. However, at this time, there were already three blood wolves. They opened their mouths, and their tusks were thick, and they were biting her arms!

She was in a panic and wanted to withdraw her sword to dodge. However, it was Tang Long behind her!

If she dodges, Tang Long is unprepared and must be seriously injured!

All of a sudden, she gave up dodging, screamed in panic, and closed her eyes in a hurry. However, she did not feel any pain!

Open your eyes, a great back, will completely block her!

It's Tang Long!

Qin Ziyi's heart, filled with a large area of tenderness, but at this time, two blood wolves, toward her fierce bite, she quickly put the heart of this feeling, efforts to press down, condense vitality, and strive to resist the attack of blood wolf!

Tang Long has started to move rapidly!

He protected Qin Ziyi behind his back, and his sword turned into layers of sword shadows. With a series of purple and gold swords, he attacked the blood wolves around him one after another!

At the same time, the spiritual strength is also displayed!

"Whoosh -- whoosh --"

in the night sky, the sharp sound of breaking the sky rings out one after another. The ghost needle of the netherworld attacks these fierce blood wolves incessantly and stabs the eyes of blood wolves blind!

Even, the netherworld ghost needle, directly stabbed into the brain of these blood wolves!

Although the blood wolf is fierce, but under the Tang Long's fierce attack, for a time, they also have no way to take Tang Long and Qin Ziyi!


Suddenly, Tang Long roared and disappeared!

In the blink of an eye, he had already appeared in front of the most powerful blood wolf not far away. The sword was waving and turned into purple and gold thunderbolt. Facing the neck of the blood wolf, he was mercilessly chopped down!

This is the wolf's blood!

The wolf tried to dodge, but it was too late!


Purple gold sword, with strong wind, fell on the head of the wolf's neck, unexpectedly, directly cut off the wolf's head with a sword!

Around the blood wolf, see the first wolf was killed, immediately, are a little afraid!

At this time, Tang Long's shadow body method has been applied to the limit. In a blink of an eye, it is back to Qin Ziyi's side. However, the sword is put away and directly displays the group attack skills:

violent wind and rainstorm, earth shaking fist!

All of a sudden, the streamer is flying, the fist shadow is flying, a head of blood wolf, is bombarded everywhere, the sound of howling is continuous!

Qin Ziyi's sword did not stop!

Look at the gap, her sword is to stab hard, but also can kill a few blood wolves!

The number of blood wolves is rapidly decreasing!

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