An ancient sect is often controlled by many countries. Although these powerful clans never participate in the disputes between countries, they also have a lot of small actions because of some interests!

moreover, as long as anyone joins the ancient clan, whose family will surely be valued by the Empire!

Tuoba family, in the Tianying Empire status, very high!

At this time, outside the main gate of the fire mercenary regiment and among the black demon army's ranks, two men, riding Black Unicorn horses, came to the side of Li Keng, head of the black bear mercenary regiment.

The two men in black, one in his fifties and the other in his early twenties, were extremely handsome young men.

The young man looked at Li Keng and asked, "how about it? Are they willing to make friends? "

Li Keng was extremely respectful to the young man!

He sat on his horse and bowed deeply to the young man. Then he said, "Tuoba childe, I have long guessed that they will not hand over people!"

This Tuoba childe a face arrogant, light way: "in this case, that destroyed them!"

Li Keng nodded quickly: "I have this idea!"

Tuoba childe followed closely: "the little phoenix of the fire mercenary regiment, you must keep it for me. I must have this woman. As for other people, you can do whatever you want to do with it!"


"Broken soul grass, must get, this is my ultimate goal, this matter is very important, absolutely can't have any mistake!"

"Don't worry, in the fire mercenary regiment, I've already arranged for it!"

Li Keng voice down, eyes, again fell on the front of the door, eyes, has been flashing out a touch of sinister cold!

He stared at Dugu he on the wall of the door and said in a deep voice: "commander Dugu, since you don't want to drink a toast, you must eat the penalty wine, so don't blame me for not being friendly with Li Keng!"

The voice falls, he slightly pauses, suddenly sinks the voice to drink: "hands on!"


This reply came from Dugu he's side!

Four guards of Dugu he!

At this time, they are actually obeying the order of Li Keng!

Dugu he immediately noticed the abnormality and quickly gathered his vitality. However, it was too late!

By his side!

The four guards had long swords in their hands. Before Dugu he could do it, the long swords were already on Dugu he's neck: "don't move, or you'll be killed!"

All the people in the fire mercenary regiment did not expect this incident!

Dugu he was kidnapped. All of them didn't dare to move!

On the square, Dugu Feng's face had turned blue, and her eyes were full of panic. She was about to run down the watchtower to save her father, but Tang long held her hand tightly: "be calm, don't be impatient!"

"My father --!"

"If you rush to it now, you and your father are finished!"

"But --"

"wait, calm down, be calm!"

Dugu Feng's face was nervous and worried, but Tang Long tightly grasped his wrist and couldn't shake it off. For a while, he was helpless!

At this time, Qin Ziyi is also worried.

She turned to Tang Long and said, "what should we do? Now Dugu he is under siege. Once the gate is opened and people outside rush in, we will not be able to resist at all! "

Tang long thought about it and said in a deep voice, "the only way now is to be honest and listen to them!"

Qin Zi was stunned: "what do you mean?"

"Take risks!" After a pause, Tang Long said, "let's go down quietly, and then we will do what I say. Then we will act according to the circumstances --"


outside, that Tuoba childe didn't expect that Li Keng had such a beautiful move. He actually made an internal and external match!

With a satisfied smile on his face, he raised his hand, patted Li Keng's shoulder heavily, and praised: "leader Li, you really have you. You have done this very beautifully!"

"Thank you for your praise Li Keng was busy courting: "you can rest assured that Dugu he is here. The women you want, as well as the medicinal materials, are guaranteed to be successfully obtained."

"Good!" Tuoba nodded with satisfaction: "after this, I can allow you to use the flag of my black devil army in this area, that is to say, you will become the representative of the black devil army in this area!"

"You -" Li Keng's eyes flashed with ecstasy: "what do you mean --"

"join the black devil army and be a commander in chief!"

"Thank you very much! "

Li Keng made a deep bow in a hurry. His eyes were full of deep surprise!

Although, as the head of the black bear mercenary regiment, he is also famous in this area, but how can he be compared with joining the Tuoba family?!

Only the superior cultivation conditions of Tuoba family have made Li Keng's eyes shine with gold!

Not to mention, he can be a commander!The position of commander Qian represents that he can lead a thousand people in the future, which is already very high in the black army. After all, as far as he knew, there were only ten commanders in the black army!

At present, this Tuoba childe, Tuoba Honglie, is the son of the commander-in-chief of the black demon army, with a high status!

Tuoba Honglie is in the Tuoba family. Although he is only a son of a family, he has a very detached position. After all, he controls an army, and he is such an army with strong fighting power!

The black magic army!

even if it is placed in the regular army of Tianying Empire, it is also one of the best!

Tuoba Honglie waved to Dugu he: "do something!"


Li Keng promised in a loud voice!

at this time, he felt that the whole world was stepping on his feet. He felt that he had stepped on his feet. He even forgot his son's death for a while!

But in his heart, he is also a little curious, this Tuoba Honglie, why must get the broken soul grass?!

For this broken soul grass, Tuoba Honglie led people and horses to come here and stayed here for more than a month!

There is only one place in this area, which is suitable for growing heartbroken grass!

That is the valley of broken soul!

Duanhun Valley is full of wind and wind all the year round, and it is full of cold and Yin atmosphere. Moreover, it is impossible to grow duanhun grass in such a place!

It's a pity that Dugu Feng was the first to find a broken soul grass!

Even, this is still a hundred year old broken soul grass!

Once broken soul herb reaches 100 years, its medicinal power will be extremely strong. Even if it is only a single grain of soul controlling pill, it can definitely make people with extremely strong mind lose their own autonomy and be completely controlled by people!

And this control power can last more than ten years!

Li Keng's eyes looked at the door of the fire mercenary regiment, and looked at Dugu he, who was held by him. He said in a loud voice: "Dugu he, if you don't want to die, you should send someone to hand over your daughter immediately!"


Dugu he gave a cold hum and turned his head away!

How can he give up his daughter? It's better to kill him!

"I don't agree, do you?" Li Keng's face was gloomy: "give me a hand, let him suffer!"


Four armed men who held Dugu he agreed in a loud voice, and at the same time, they hit Dugu he's stomach!



Heavy impact sound, accompanied by the sound of Dugu he's blood spurting sound!

Dugu he's whole body suddenly bows up, his face is pale and his face is in pain. However, these four people do not stop at this point. They are all kicking and kicking at Dugu he! , the fastest update of the webnovel!