
Juli rhinoceros glared at Tang Long and roared. He suddenly stood up again. His whole body broke out with a fierce and fierce momentum. He ran into Tang Long fiercely!


Tang Long grinned strangely. His whole body was domineering. He did not dodge. He clenched his fist directly and aimed at the forehead of Juli rhinoceros. He smashed it with a fist. He still used the ninth grade martial arts skill: Tiangang Shenquan!


Heavy impact, shaking the ground with the shaking, the strength of the roaring, Tang Long and this giant rhinoceros, it is actually back two meters!

However, Tang Long's body shape, just stabilized, then the body flash, blink of an eye to the giant force rhinoceros!

"Earth shaking fist!"

Like a crazy rainstorm, the fist turned into a dense fist shadow. It attacked the powerful rhinoceros one after another, and retreated step by step!

Finally, after 20 punches, the giant rhinoceros falls to the ground with a bang!

Tang Long's attack still doesn't stop!

He directly rushed to him, knelt down on the neck of the giant rhinoceros, and his fist was like a raindrop!

For two minutes, the powerful rhinoceros finally did not move, and the ground on which the giant rhinoceros fell, at this time, the stones on the ground had been smashed by the powerful force!

The whole ground, is slightly collapsed!

"What an aggressive attack!"

Eight mercenaries, shocked at Tang long, eyes full of envy!

"It's done!"

Tang Long clapped his hands at will and walked towards Qin Ziyi and ye Qingling. Ye Qingling, a little girl, had already run over happily and seized Tang Long's hand with a bright smile on her face.

Qin Ziyi is embarrassed to be like a little girl.

Her heart, too, was very happy!

Toward Tang Long came over, standing beside him, did not speak, but in his eyes, there was a strong friendship flowing!

The eight mercenaries had been paying attention to Juli rhinoceros before, but they didn't pay attention to Ye Qingling and Qin Ziyi. At this time, they saw these two beautiful girls in a mess. All of a sudden, they were completely dull again!

They have never seen such a beautiful girl!

However, in front of my eyes, there were two of them!

of the best!

Tang long looked at the greedy eyes of these people, but he frowned slightly.

"Let's go!"

He didn't say much, and he didn't want to have anything to do with these mercenaries. He pulled Ye Qingling and Qin Ziyi to move forward, but he was blocked by a mercenary.

This mercenary, of course, is one of the eight mercenaries.

This man is about 40 years old, with a beard and a square face. He looks dignified and upright. In his eyes, there is a bright light. It is obvious that he has experienced countless lives and deaths!

"What's the matter?" Tang long looked at the man and asked.

"What's your name, little brother?" Asked the beard.

"Tang Long!"

"Ha ha, my name is lillock. It's predestined to meet each other. Besides, you have saved our lives. Let us thank you, anyway." Li Locke was very enthusiastic.

Besides, several other mercenaries also gathered around. Although two of them were seriously injured, they all seemed extremely enthusiastic.

They all tried their best to keep Tang Long:

"brother, you must stay. It's almost noon. Let's treat you to a meal!"

"You saved our lives. Thank you for everything we say."


These people's enthusiasm, is a little exaggerated, but Tang Long is not happy in the heart, suddenly slightly frown.

He could see that these men didn't care about him, for their eyes, intentionally or unintentionally, looked at Qin Ziyi and ye Qingling. It was obvious that the eight mercenaries were greedy for the beauty of Qin Ziyi and ye Qingling.

The meaning of drunk man is not wine!

Although he knew that these people posed no threat to him, he did not want to waste his time here.

"Sorry, we have something else to do. Goodbye!"

Tang Long refused very directly.

"Don't worry. Let's at least thank you." Li Locke looked more and more enthusiastic. He glanced at the mercenaries around him and turned his head to Qin Ziyi: "this girl, you must be tired when you are on the way. It's better to go to the front and have a rest. There's a cave there. It's very comfortable!"

Next to the mercenary, is a burst of extremely enthusiastic retention!

Qin Ziyi turns his head and looks at Tang long, apparently to let Tang Long make up his mind!

Ye Qingling also looked at Tang long, but looked forward to: "brother long, people are so enthusiastic, we agreed, and, it's noon!"

Tang long curled his mouth.

Qin Ziyi hesitated a little. Seeing that these mercenaries were really enthusiastic, she couldn't bear to refuse.She also looked at Tang Long and said, "dragon, let's have a rest."

Seeing Qin Ziyi and ye Qingling, Tang Long agreed. After thinking about it, he looked at Li Luo and said, "well, go to the place you said and have a rest."

"Please, please!"

Li lock's eyes flashed a surprise, and then, together with other mercenaries, immediately led the way ahead, and the people strode forward.

Tang Long's eyes, a touch of cold light flash away!

Although this Li Locke looks upright, Tang Long is not a judge by his appearance. He knows that some people, the more upright they look on the surface, the more sinister they are in their hearts!

He did not remind Ye Qingling and Qin Ziyi.

He agreed to go with these mercenaries because he wanted to teach Qin Ziyi and ye Qingling a lesson that they should not only look at the appearance of people outside!

after all, people have ulterior motives!

without setbacks, they can never really grow up. Only through personal experience can they learn the best lesson. Tang Long wants Qin Ziyi and ye Qingling to experience setbacks themselves, We should let them know that if they are too attentive, they will always harbor evil intentions behind them!

All the way forward, not long after, they came to a mountain cave.

"Everybody, you rest here. We'll make some delicious food. We're all tired just now. It's too late. We should have a good rest." Li Lok said enthusiastically. He started to make a fire!

Tang long did not say much.

Qin Ziyi didn't think there was anything wrong with this. She was really tired after such a long journey. Moreover, she was also very distressed for Tang long. Just now, Tang Long fought with the powerful rhinoceros. She must be very tired. She also hopes that Tang long can have a good rest.

The little girl looked energetic.

Her smart eyes, flashing, very attractive, but her eyes are not far away, looking at those mercenaries busy barbecue!

Tang Long knows, this girl is greedy!

"Greedy cat!"

He was a little helpless, in the little greedy cat that jade face, gently scraped!

The little greedy cat was not happy at once. He bumped into Tang Long's arms to act like a coquette: "brother Tanglong is not a good man, and others are not greedy cats!"

"Isn't it?" Tang Long ha ha smile, smile in his eyes, let the little greedy cat more dissatisfied, angry left Tang Long's arms, turned his head not to see the villain: "hum, ignore you!"

Tang Long faintly smiles and doesn't care. His eyes scan around the mercenaries, but he has found that eight mercenaries have become seven!

He pretended not to notice, quietly, but in close attention around!

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