"Brother long!"

With a cry, ye Qingling didn't want to think much about it. His sword flew out directly!

The sword turned into a streamer, and flew towards the dead man who attacked Tang long. Ye Qingling's other hand, however, showed a violent wind and rainstorm finger, and burst out a strong spirit, which retreated the attack of the leopard!

The dead man who attacked Tang Long was aware of the strong wind behind him, but he did not dodge. He continued to attack Tang Long's head with his sword!

The tip of the sword is about to pierce Tang Long's head!

Tang long, who is practicing meditation, suddenly moves!

He suddenly stood up and turned around quickly. His fist was full of cold energy and smashed the sword towards the dead man!

The icy strength, on his fist, directly condensed into a mass of solid ice!

Hard ice, hard hitting on the tip of the sword!


The strong spirit is roaring, and the ice is broken by the sword, and turns into a turbulent force of ice and cold. The sword of the dead man has already been hit by Tang long!

It's too late to avoid the sword coming from behind!

This sword, it is Ye Qingling that flies out!

The sword that ye Qingling threw out stabbed the dead man's back directly and fiercely, and followed closely. A cold sword awn beside him also stabbed the dead man's left rib!

This sword was stabbed by Qin Ziyi!


Not content to fall on the ground, and not far away, the red flame lion has also another killer, directly a paw to fly out!

Qin Ziyi saw that Tang Long was all right, and he suddenly vomited a long breath!

"Fortunately, you have finished training!"

Qin Ziyi looks at Tang Long and thinks about the situation just now, and feels a bit frightened!

But Tang Long said, "silly girl, how can I be busy? If there is no defense, how can I practice so boldly in such a place? I cultivate special skills. Even when I break through, I can act at will. But in this way, the effect of improving my strength will be much weaker. "

Listen to Tang Long say so, Qin Ziyi is a little worried.

"Then your strength..." she asked

"It's not affected at all." Tang Long smiles and explains, "when the dead man came here, my training was just finished. Therefore, the attack of the dead man did not pose any threat to me!"

Listen to Tang Long said so, Qin Ziyi is completely relieved.

At this time, the red flame lion has killed another dead man, ran back, and ye Qingling quickly killed the last leopard left.

The little girl ran over and took Tang Long's hand. She was in a state of shock: "brother long, I was scared just now."

Tang Long gently scraped the girl's nose and praised him: "it's good. The reaction speed is very fast. In such an emergency, he even knows how to use a sword as a hidden weapon. It's worth praising!"

Ye Qingling got the praise of Tang long, and immediately he was happy and giggled: "cluck!"

Tang Long raised his hand and took Qin Ziyi's soft hand and looked around: "let's go, let's leave here first. Since the dead have found here, I believe that before long, more people will come!"


Qin Ziyi gently responded and looked at Ye Qingling on the other side of the Tang dragon. The three of them walked quickly towards the front.

Tang Long stopped suddenly.

After thinking about it, in the past, he picked up the sword of the dead man, took a look at a small mark on the sword, and then he took in the Fengtian flag. Although the sword was of good quality, he did not intend to sell it for money.

He thought, in the future or, will be useful!

This time, Tang Long took that strange flower, and his strength was also improved a lot. He went directly from the seven levels of Shenyuan to the peak of the nine levels of Shenyuan. It was only a little short of Xuangang state!

At the same time, Tang Long has been looking for various medicinal materials with the help of red flame lion.

It's a pity that in the next few days, the red flame lion has not been able to gain any more!

A week later, Tang Long made a breakthrough in the strength of the martial arts and successfully reached the first level of Xuangang!

Ye Qingling and Qin Ziyi's fighting experience has become more and more abundant!

In addition, Tang Long also tried his best to teach them some of his martial arts skills, so that they could become more effective in the face of the enemy.

Seeing, the distance from Tianying city is getting closer and closer. The mood of the three people is different!

The little girl looks very happy!

Qin Ziyi was a little worried. She knew that once she returned to Tianying City, she would face dangers one after another!

Tang Long yearns for Tianying city!

He knew very well that after he arrived in Tianying City, he would encounter many things, because Qin Ziyi, because of Princess xuanyue, and because of the broken chaotic blood jade!The night is deep, Tang Long and they have been on the road for a day, and have reached the bottom of a cliff.

It's less than ten days from Tianying city!

"brother Tang long, I'm tired!"

Ye Qingling is used to holding Tang Long's hand and looking at him with a delicate look. In the eyes of shuilingling, there is a pathetic expression!

It's so cute.

Naturally, Tang long would not refuse ye Qingling's request, and now, the time is really late, and it's time to have a rest. He nodded: "since you are tired, let's rest here tonight!"

Qin Ziyi also wants to rest here, but she is not tired.

She has already seen that there is a pool near the front of the cliff. The water is crystal clear!

she hasn't cleaned it for three days. When she sees the pool, she doesn't want to let it go. She intends to make herself comfortable in it.

Three people are busy together, Tang Long is responsible for the barbecue, the two girls fight, the delicious barbecue is soon cooked.

Tang Long summoned the little lion out of the Tianling garden and rewarded the little guy with a large piece of barbecue. Then he and Qin Ziyi and ye Qingling began to enjoy the delicious meal.

After eating, the three sat in the moonlight and chatted casually for a while. Seeing that it was late, Qin Ziyi looked at Tang Long and said, "dragon, we want to wash. You, help us watch it!"


Tang Long nodded.

This time, he is not the first time to help two girls stand guard!

Qin Ziyi and ye Qingling, hand in hand, walked toward the water pool not far away. Tang Long sat down on his knees and practiced. At the same time, he kept an eye on any movement around him.

From time to time, Tang Long's ears were filled with silver bell like laughter and pleasant noises. Tang Long's heart was in a bit of a mess!

He is not a good man!

However, in addition to Qin Ziyi, there is a Ye Qingling, but he is not good at doing that kind of bad thing!

Most importantly, he must concentrate on preventing any danger from happening!


Just as he was paying close attention to the surrounding activities, a cry of surprise came from the pool. Tang Long immediately judged that it was definitely the voice of Ye Qingling!

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