The warrior stopped, looked at Tang Long and said seriously: "as the leader of luomei mountain villa, I naturally have some things that I can handle, for example, herbs that can improve our strength."

"Oh Where are these herbs

"As long as you promise to avenge me, I can give you these herbs first, and then I will tell you the whereabouts of the site. How about it?"

Tang Long asked: "wanduzong is so powerful, how do you know that I have the ability to avenge you?"

"Because of her!" The warrior turned his head and looked at Ye Qingling: "I can see that she is very good to you. As long as it is your request, I believe she will certainly agree. And if she works hard, I believe my revenge will be rewarded! "

"Ling'er!" Tang Long is a bit surprised and looks at Ye Qingling.

Ye Qingling was a little discontented and looked at the Warrior: "I will not help you!"

"But don't you help him either?" The warrior looked at Tang Long: "I believe that if he promised to help me, you would certainly help me!"


Ye Qingling snorted a little unhappily, but did not speak.

"I promise you!" At this time, Tang Long was very sure: "I can avenge you, that is to say, the transaction between us has been concluded. Now, you should fulfill your promise and give me the herbs that can enhance our strength!"

"Good!" The warrior simply said, "let's go to luomei villa now!"

"Your luomei villa should have been occupied already." Tang Long slightly frowned: "do you think that the things you hide can still exist?"

"There is a very secret treasure room in luomei villa. Only my brother and I know it there!" "What's more, the luomei villa is not occupied, but destroyed," said the warrior

"As long as I get the medicine, I promise to destroy wanduzong!" Tang Long is very serious!

He decided to exterminate wanduzong, not only because of the warrior, but also because he knew that he and wanduzong would be enemies. Because wanduzong was ye xuanyue's man, he would be his enemy!

In fact, Tang Long now, there are other plans!

"You are seriously injured. In order not to affect your journey, I decided to give you a little treatment!" Tang long looked at the two warriors.

"Will you heal?" The warrior looked at Tang Long curiously.

"Of course Talking is Ye Qingling, she is very proud of looking up: "my brother dragon is the best, hum!"

Tang Long said, "first, what's your name?"

"My name is Huang Fu Jin, and this is my brother, Huang Fu Yin." This warrior introduced himself and the middle-aged people around him.

Tang Long didn't ask more questions, and he used his mental strength to condense the huangquan needle!

Huangfu Jin felt the mental power from Tang long, and suddenly his eyes were full of disbelief. He did not expect that the young man in front of him was actually a Dan master, and he was also an eight grade Dan master!

It was a shock to him!

Eight grade Dan division, such talents, even in Tianying City, will be robbed by many forces!

What's more, Tang Long is only so young!

"It seems that I am right this time. This boy should be able to avenge me!" Huangfu Jin secretly thought, turned to look at his brother Huangfu silver, Huangfu silver's eyes, is also flashing a ray of hope.

And then, Huangfu gold and Huangfu silver were more and more shocked!

They were shocked by Tang Long's medical skills!

Tang Long didn't give them any panacea. He only used the energy needle of spiritual strength. In 20 minutes, he even reduced their internal injury by a factor of two!

Even, the pain on their bodies has been greatly reduced!

"Thank you very much, little brother." Huang Fu Jin and Huang Fu Yin stood up together and expressed their sincere thanks.

"Polite" Tang Long lightly waved his hand: "now, we can go


The two men no longer talked about it any more. They were about to walk down the mountain with the three Tang dragons, but suddenly they saw the dust rolling in the distance. There was a serious chaos in the ten thousand poison sect!

"What's going on?" Huangfu Jin looked at the other side very doubtfully.

Tang Long's mouth, there is a faint smile: "nothing, it should be the death of Tuoba family, run to wanduzong to make trouble!"

"Tuoba family?" Huangfu Jin was stunned.

Even the purple dragon in the eyes of the Tang Dynasty, all of them have guessed the situation!

Tang long had already turned around and was walking toward the foot of the mountain: "let's go!"

Huang Fu Jin and Huang Fu Yin both guessed that the chaos of the ten thousand poison sect might have something to do with Tang long, but they couldn't figure out why. They didn't want to think about it any more. They went down the mountain with Tang Long and hurried to the direction of luomei villa.

Five days to go!At noon on the sixth day, Tang Long finally arrived at their destination.

This is not luomei mountain villa, but a deep mountain valley about ten kilometers away from luomei mountain villa.

"The most secret treasure room of luomei mountain villa is here." Huangfu Jin's voice dropped and he turned around to look around. He didn't find any danger. He walked towards a stone wall in front of him.

Tang Long took Qin Ziyi and ye Qingling and followed him.

Huang Fu Jin and Huang Fu Yin stopped by a stone wall.

Huangfu Jin in a very hidden place, took out a stone, suddenly there, there, a small hole.

Huangfu Jin put his hand into the small hole and pressed a mechanism button. Then, a well disguised stone gate opened slowly, revealing a cave!

This cave is not far from the ground, beside the stone wall!

"Young Xia Tang, please come with us!" Huangfu Jin's voice dropped and he took the lead in jumping down the cave.

Tang Long went over and carefully explored the movement in the cave. Knowing that there was no danger, he did not hesitate. He went down slowly with Ye Qingling and Qin Ziyi. There was a long passage ahead.

Huang Fu Jin led the way ahead, and Huang Fu Yin took the last step. After a long passage, they came to the stone gate of a basement.

"The treasure room of luomei mountain villa is here!"

Huangfu Jin pointed to the stone gate in front of him. After saying this, he opened the stone gate directly!

Tang Long followed Huangfu Jin into the chamber of secrets, and immediately there was a light in front of him. In Tang Long's eyes, there was a surprise!

In this chamber of secrets, in addition to medicinal materials, there are many gold and silver treasures!

Besides, there are two stone gates around the secret room. Tang Long guessed that behind the two stone gates, there should also be some precious treasures hidden behind them!

Tang Long doesn't care about money!

What he needs most now is to cherish medicinal materials! , the fastest update of the webnovel!