In a flash, two hours have passed!

In the inheritance space, the giant halberd made of cold energy suddenly turns into a silver dragon again, which directly rushes into Tang Long's mind and disappears!

and then, the spirit of Tang Long also retreats from this inheritance space!


He breathed a long breath, only felt his whole body was boiling with blood, and his heart was full of lofty sentiments. He wished that he could not rise to the sky and roar up to the sky. He had already expressed his arrogance in his heart, but in the end, he still resisted.

Calm down and exercise the magic skill of the three moves Silver Dragon halberd in your heart!

At this time, his strength is still unable to display his magic skills, but it is always right to learn first!

Practice until midnight, Tang long just stopped, but he took out the heaven and earth tripod, took out some medicinal materials, and began to refine the elixir he usually needed.


When Tang longcai got up, he suddenly felt the voice of Qin Ziyi in his heart. Knowing that Qin Ziyi was in contact with himself through huixinmen, he quickly entered the strange space of huixinmen.

"Yiyi, what's up?"

"Tang Kuo has come to see you, right here!"

"Oh, how soon did he know I was in Tianying city?"

"He was very anxious. He said that he wanted to find you immediately. He said that Tang Lei and their lives were in danger and dying after being wounded."


Tang Long's heart, suddenly a little nervous.

Tang Lei and their characters are not only good, but also smart and prudent. Tang Long has high hopes for them. Even Tang Long has helped them to modify their spiritual pulse!

Tang Long hopes that Tang Lei can become his most effective assistant in the future.

How can he allow them to be in danger?!

"Where are they?" Tang Long asked anxiously.

"Outside the city, it's safe for the time being, but it needs treatment!"

"Tell Tang Kuo to come to me right away. I'm at the back Inn, on the Hongguang road..."

Tang Long told Qin Ziyi his detailed address.

Now, he can't go directly to Qin Fu!

First of all, Qin Ziyi will encounter many things when he goes back. Secondly, he has just made a big event. If you go to Qin Ziyi now, it will bring a lot of trouble to Qin Ziyi!

Before he goes to Qin Ziyi, he must first solve his own troubles!

He thought for a while and said, "Yi Yi, if ling'er comes to you, you can let her wait for you. I have something urgent to look for her."

"I see."

Qin Ziyi agreed and cut off the contact with Tang long.

Tang Long sat in the room and waited for about half an hour. Outside the door, there was a knock on the door: "Dong Dong Dong Dong."


"I'm Tang Kuo!"

"Come in!"

Tang que opened the door and went into the room. Looking at Tang long, he said in a quick voice: "young master, you must save Tang Lei. They are dying!"

"What's going on?"

Tang Long frowned. He didn't have time to ask more. He stood up and walked out quickly.

Tang Kuo followed him out and said, "we snatched the precious medicine and were beaten!"

"Baoyao?" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng, but did not ask more, hurried out of the inn: "lead the way ahead!"


Tang Kuo agreed, then no more said, toward the city to fly away!

Tang Long follows Tang que, and Tang Kuo tries to find an empty alley. They are on their way very fast. They hurry out of Tianying city. An hour later, they find Tang Lei and Tang Lei in a remote abandoned village house outside the city!

At this time, Tang Feng's injury is not heavy, responsible for taking care of the three Tang Lei!

Tang Lei and them are all in a daze!

"young master!"

When Tang Feng sees Tang Long coming, a surprise appears in his eyes. He comes to salute, but he is stopped by Tang long.

"Talk to me first

Tang Long grabs Tang Feng's wrist directly, explores his pulse, frowns slightly, and then goes to check Tang Lei and their four. As expected, they are all seriously injured!

Tang Feng is still good, but the meridians are damaged. Tang Lei, Tang Yun and Tang Dian are all cracked in the five internal organs, and their lives are not guaranteed!

"Take the golden elixir first!"

Tang Long took out a bottle and handed it to Tang Feng.

Tang Feng didn't dare to neglect him. He opened the bottle in a hurry. Seeing the glittering pills in the bottle, his hands were shaking slightly, but he didn't ask much. He took out four pills and took one for himself. Then, he fed them one for each!

Tang Long has already told Tang Kuo: "go and burn four pots of boiling water!"


Tang Kuo turns to be busy.

Tang Long went to Tang Feng and said, "sit down with your knees crossed. I'll start to treat your internal injury!"


Tang Feng immediately sat down!Tang Long agglomerates huangquan Shenzhen, and it takes more than 20 minutes to complete the treatment of Tangfeng. At this time, the damage of Tangfeng and meridians has been improved!

Next, Tang Long gave them treatment.

After his treatment, Tang Kuo came in and said, "young master, the boiling water is ready."


Tang Long nodded and went out.

Boiling water, four cylinders!

Tang Long went to the boiling water tank and put some herbs and healing elixir into the water. Seeing the color of the water, he turned to Tang Kuo and said, "take the four of them into the water tank!"


Tang Kuo agreed to work with Tang Feng. First, Tang Lei, Tang Yun and Tang Dian all got into the water tank. Then Tang Feng himself jumped into the water tank!

At this time, Tang long looked at Tang Que and asked, "tell me about the situation?"

Tang Kuo said: "after we arrived in Tianying City, we bought a big house and repaired it according to the young master's order. And we've never been idle these days. "

"What have you done?"

"Before you said, if you want to improve your strength, you must find a way to concentrate all kinds of resources, so we are looking for all kinds of miraculous drugs in Tianying city. As a result, we found a precious medicine

Of course, Tang Long knows what Baoyao is!

There are many kinds of medicinal materials. Ordinary herbs can only treat diseases and wounds, or strengthen the body. Rare herbs can enhance the strength or play a greater role.

Better than rare medicinal materials, is treasure medicine!

Treasure medicine is also divided into grades, the best treasure medicine is the nine grades, treasure medicine refined into a golden elixir, the effect is very high!

However, the precious medicine is extremely precious, and it is very difficult to find. Before Tang Long's medicine, there are at least two kinds of rare Sanpin Baoyao!

"What kind of medicine did you find?" Tang Long asked.

"Soul quenching sting!"


Tang long heard the three words of soul quenching sting, his eyes couldn't help but stare at thunder!

Soul quenching sting, this is the four treasures medicine!

The rarity of this kind of precious medicine is absolutely extremely rare, and it is extremely rare. If it is taken to the auction house, it is worth tens of millions of gold coins, and it will be more than that. Tang Kuo and his colleagues have discovered this kind of precious medicine!

The medicine of soul quenching sting is very strong. Moreover, it is a precious medicine that can enhance spiritual power. How can Tang Long let go of such a treasure?!

He asked in a hurry, "whose hand is the soul piercing sting now?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!