"Brother Tanglong, I'm so happy. To tell you the truth, I've been sighing about the affairs of the Tang family. It's really gratifying to see you grow up and see the hope of the Tang clan rising again."

The third prince looked at Tang Long with admiration in his eyes.

Tang Long also politely said: "just now, thank the third prince for his outspoken words!"

"Where, you have suffered so much injustice, who saw it, will not stand idly by!" The third prince's voice dropped, followed by the assurance: "brother Tang, if you have anything in the future, please come to me. I can help you, and I will try my best."

"Thank you first." Tang Long slightly arched his hand.

Ye Qingling is beside Tang long, looking at the third prince. In his heart, he is already very impatient!

She doesn't like these three brothers!

In her heart, there is no one worthy of her attention, because these people, she knows too well, these three people, all day long, only know how to fight for power and gain!

If these three people didn't fight for power and gain, there would not be so many ambassadors of the Empire in Tianying city!

driving the tiger and swallowing the wolf, the tiger was not driven away, but the wolf was more and more!

"brother long, let's go, I have to tell you a lot of things!" The little girl took Tang Long and left. Tang long looked at the third prince's son Ye Mutian and gave him a bitter smile: "this --"

"it doesn't matter. We'll talk about it another day!" The third prince seems to be very easygoing.

"Then I'll leave!"

Tang Long said that he had been pulled by Ye Qingling and walked out of the hall together, but he did not walk towards the palace yard, but left the palace directly!

behind Ye Qingling, about 40 or 50 meters away, three warriors followed.

The three men, arranged by the emperor Ye Wuyuan, were specially protecting Ye Qingling, but ye Qingling ignored them!

She hugged Tang Long's arm with joy, but she didn't put it in her arms to rub: "brother long, didn't you buy a house? Where is it? Let's go and have a look! "


Tang Long nodded.

In fact, up to now, Tang Long himself does not know, Tang lack the house they bought, where is the specific, because he has not had time to go back to have a look!

According to Tang Kuo's address, Tang Long and ye Qingling walked forward slowly while chatting. Fifteen minutes later, suddenly, a man in front of him strode towards Tang Long!

It's Tang Kuo!

Tang Kuo and his brothers are worried about Tang Long's safety. They are worried that Tang Long is in danger in the imperial palace. So Tang Kuo comes to see them first.

Seeing Tang long, Tang Kuo immediately welcomed him: "young master!"

"Where are the Huangfu brothers?" Tang Long asked.

"All waiting in the mansion."

"Well." Tang Long nodded and took ling'er's hand: "girl, when are you going to arrange me to enter the Royal College?"

"Anytime!" Ye Qingling said, "my father has arranged it."

Her slender jade hand was delivered to Tang Long's eyes. In her hand, she held a jade brand, but it was the student's identity card of Royal College: "here you are. You are already a student of Royal College."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded and asked, "is there any rule in this college?"

"Originally, the rules of the college are very strict. Students in any college can't leave the college at will, but you are special after all." The little girl happily said: "you don't worry, what you want to do, do what you want, no one dares to control you!"


Tang Long is very satisfied with the arrangement. He really doesn't like to be managed, especially in such a small college!

Next, ye Qingling also gave Tang long a brief introduction about the college.

College is a special existence in Tianying Empire, even in the whole Panlong ancient region, in hundreds of countries, colleges and universities are very special existence!

No matter what happens outside, no matter what the war between the empires, it is absolutely not allowed to extend to the college, because the college is protected by the major ancient sects and can not participate in any struggle!

in name, the ancient sect of this world will never participate in the war of any country, but it is responsible for the security of the college. After all, these are In ancient times, we need to select super talents from colleges to make our sect stand firm all the time!

The power of the ancient clan is not comparable to that of the Empire!

The whole canglan continent has a population of hundreds of billions, and there are tens of thousands of countries, but there are not many ancient clans!

Panlong ancient region is the most remote area in canglan land. In fact, it is not very popular with ancient sects. However, every year, there are several schools that come to Panlong ancient area to absorb disciples!

Tang Long with the identity of college students, encounter danger, as long as the school a drill, basic all right!Colleges are not easy to enter!

in the Tianying Empire, there are only five colleges protected by the ancient sect, and each college has strict requirements for recruiting students, and there are absolute restrictions on the age of college students!

15 to 28 years old!

Only students within this age can stay in the college. Moreover, those over 20 years old can no longer take part in the selection and competition. These people stay in the college, which is regarded as the ancient sect, cultivating several talents for the great empires!

Of course, in return, every Empire, every year, has to give a lot of money to the ancient clan, as well as a lot of medicinal materials!

Tang long will be 19 years old in a month, that is to say, if he can't become a disciple of the ancient sect next year, he will have no hope to join the ancient sect!

to join the ancient sect, the minimum standard is to reach the level of Zhenwu!

Tang Long now only has the strength of the seven levels of the earth gang. It is impossible for Tang long to reach the level of true martial arts within one year according to the normal training speed!

Therefore, he must also try to find a way!

"It seems that Yiyi must be helped to take control of the Qin government as soon as possible. With the chain auction house of the Qin government, it will be much easier to find herbs. However, I hope there are good ways to improve the strength of Yiyi in the college."

In Tang Long's heart, he secretly planned to take the little girl's hand and follow Tang Kuo. Soon, he came to the gate of a very Grand Manor!

The gate is made of precious metal. It is broad and heavy, and has a dignified atmosphere.

There is no word on the door!

"young master, this is the house we bought!" Tang Kuo stopped at the door.

Tang long looked at the outside environment of the house, but he was also satisfied. The door of the house was wide and majestic. There were two big stone lions in front of the house. The stone lions were more than two meters in size. They were very powerful and majestic. The walls were very high and heavy!

"How much did it cost?" Tang Long asked.

"Before you gave me the gold card, the gold yuan stone all used up, after we also go out, try to make some money!" Tang Kuo Dao.


Tang Long nodded and didn't say much.

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