The Tang Dynasty lacked them. Before that, they got five precious bows of top-grade spirit weapons. Moreover, they also learned the nine string Yiwang skill of Jiupin martial arts. At this time, they had already practiced the nine string Yi King skill, and their strength at this time had already been able to play the strongest power of the nine grade martial arts!

Five people stood on the top of the five small buildings and exerted the nine string Yi King skill. The power of the energy arrow attack was extremely powerful. These people in black were attacked by the arrows one after another. In a short time, more than ten people fell to the ground!

Huang Fu Jin and Huang Fu Yin waved their eyebrow trimming sticks into two golden twinkling circles, beating the people in black around them. In a short time, there were more than 30 people in black, and there were less than 10 left!

Although, there are people in black coming to support, but they can't get close to Tang long at all!

Tang Long has stopped attacking!

Holding Ye Qingling, he stood here and looked at the men in black. One by one, they were killed by Tang Kuo with arrows, and they were beaten by Huangfu brothers with eyebrow staff. They were flying everywhere!


All of a sudden, one of the men in black yelled, and then turned and ran towards the far wall!

The rest of the men in black also scattered and ran away towards the courtyard wall!

"Want to go, hum!"

Tang Long snorted coldly. How can he let these guys come and go when they want to?!

"Since you are here, stay all of them!"

The spirit of the rapid cohesion, the netherworld ghost needle, is directly condensed out, toward the escape of the people in black, rapid attack in the past, tangkui them, is also a non-stop attack!

Brother Huangfu, you are the most overbearing!

In the twinkling of an eye, several people in black who wanted to escape fell to the ground!

However, the three men in black attacked by Tang Long didn't die at this time, just passed out!

Tang Long left alive, is to determine his own guess!

The fighting outside has stopped. Tang Long knows that the soldiers who protect Ye Qingling secretly have killed those people in black who entangle them.

"Clean up this place and bring the comatose into the house for me!"

Voice down, Tang long pull Ye Qingling, toward the small building where they live, step by step in the past.

At this time, Tang Long has made a decision.

How can he allow these people to come to his house and make trouble at all times?!

"Princess highness, wait!"

When Tang Long takes Ye Qingling and walks towards the small building where he lives, three people climb over the wall outside the left courtyard wall and come towards Tang Long and they come quickly!

Tang Long stopped.

He knew that these three men should be the warriors of Ye Wuyuan sect who were responsible for protecting Ye Qingling.

Ye Qingling first took a look at Tang long. Then he looked at the three warriors and said, "I'm very safe here. I don't need your protection. Go back!"

"But --" the three warriors hesitated.

Ye Qingling is about to say something, but Tang Long has said: "three, I happen to have something to ask for your help."

Three people to Tang long, are very polite, together arch hand way: "please say!"

"Help me find some open cars. Come here at once. Besides, send a troop of soldiers. I'll be useful tomorrow morning." Tang Long said: "as for tonight, you can stay here." Voice dropped, he turned to look at Tang que: "you arrange."


Tang Kuo nodded quickly.

Tang long no longer said, holding Ye Qingling's hand, he soon walked into the building.

Ye Qingling is a little nervous again.

Now that the matter has been dealt with, it is late again. She thinks that Tang Long is likely to ask himself to be with him tonight. She always felt that she was still young, even if she gave it to Tang long, she should wait!

At the moment, Tang Long doesn't have this idea.

"Ling'er, you go back to your room and have a rest. I have something to deal with." He released Ye Qingling's hand: "tomorrow morning, I will take you to a place to play!"

"Where to play?" Ye Qingling asked curiously, followed by a reminder: "tomorrow, we are going to college!"

"Play first, then college!"


Ye Qingling answers, and is a little curious. He is about to ask Tang Lei that they have carried the man in black who was knocked unconscious before Tang long.

"Young master, what about those people in black who have been killed?" Tang Lei asked.

"Put it there and deal with it tomorrow morning." Tang Long waved: "you go out first."


Tang Lei and they turn around and leave together.

The little girl was a little curious. Looking at the three men in black on the ground, she asked Tang long, "brother long, are you going to ask them their confession?"

"Good, go and have a rest."Tang Long didn't answer. He took Ye Qingling's hand and walked toward the third floor. He quickly sent the girl to her room.

He really wanted to ask the three men for their confessions, but he had to use some means, which would make the three people in black very painful. This kind of scene is not very good-looking, and he does not want Ye Qingling to see this kind of scene.

These three men in black are specially trained killers. Although they are not dead men, they are all very tight mouthed. Fortunately, Tang Long has many means to deal with these people.

More than 20 minutes later, Tang Long has confirmed that these people are indeed sent by Ye xuanyue!

These three killers, of course, Tang long will not stay!

After dealing with the three men, Tang Long also went to rest. The next morning, when he got up, the three warriors who protected Ye Qingling had already got up and were waiting for him in the reception building outside.

Huike building, this is the front of the small building, at this time Tang Lei and they all live there.

Tang Long walked into the reception building, sat down in the living room, looked at the three warriors and asked, "three, did you help me prepare for the things I asked you last night?"

"The car has arrived at the door. There are five carriages in total. The person you want is on the way. It is a group of forbidden army responsible for the safety of Tianying city. There are 200 people. Should it be enough?"

"Enough!" Tang Long nodded with satisfaction.

The warrior asked, "I don't know what you want these cars and people for."

"Then you will know." Tang Long sold a pass, and did not put his own ideas, immediately said.

The three warriors did not ask Tang Long any more questions.

Several people sat in the living room and chatted casually. Ye Qingling, a little girl, came in and saw Tang long. Qiao blushed. She came over and sat down beside Tang Long and called softly, "brother long!"

"Did you have a good rest?" Tang Long asked, with doting in his eyes.


The little girl nodded, and her pretty face became more and more red. She was busy lowering her head and holding the corner of her dress in her small hands. The little girl's shy appearance appeared in her body. It was lovely in pure beauty, and it was so beautiful that all the people sitting there were dull.

But at this time, a man outside walked in quickly.

The person who came in was Tang Dian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!