More than 200 people have gathered in the competition field of Royal College!

All the people in Tang Long's class have arrived. The opponent of Tang long, who is called Yang Tianming, has arrived, and the people of Yang Tianming's class have also come!

In addition, a lot of people came to see the excitement!

Handsome men running everywhere, beautiful women, is also everywhere, this day the Royal College of Eagle City, unexpectedly is a place to recruit beautiful girls!

Xue linyue is sitting under the stage, in the front row!

All the girls sitting in front of her, around her, are beautiful!

Ten meters to her left, there was also a girl sitting there!

This girl is also very beautiful. Even compared with xuelinyue, it is not bad. Around this girl, at this time, there is a circle of girls!

Smile on the moon!

Not far away that girl, but a face of frost!

In the back row of them, across two rows of seats, are all boys. These boys' eyes, not falling on the competition platform, are quietly looking at the snow listening moon, and others are looking at the cold girl!

That girl is Gu Tianshuang!

Gu Tianshuang and Xue linyue looked at each other from a distance. In their eyes, they both showed a very obvious defiance!

"Pretend to be high!"

Snow leaf month cold hum a, turn head, eyes fell on the test bench!

Tang Long has been standing on the test bench!

At the same time, Tang Long's opponent, Yang Tianming, has also stood on the test bench. At this time, Tang long, known more about this guy named Yang Tianming.

Of course, Li Hui told him all the information he got about Yang Tianming.

Yang Tianming is 22 years old!

Now Yang Tianming is no longer qualified to join the ancient sect, but he still stays in the college to practice!

Tang long looked at Yang Tianming and asked, "why do you want to compete with me?"

Up to now, he still hasn't figured out what the competition is about. He and Yang Tianming have never seen each other before. This guy has taken the wrong medicine, so he has to run to him and compete with him!

Does this guy like to fight so much?!

In other words, this guy thinks he is easy to bully, so he comes to bully him?!

Is it easy to bully on his face?!

Yang Tianming doesn't answer Tang Long's question. His eyes fall on the body of the snow listening moon on Taiwan. However, he finds that Xue Lingyue is looking at Tang long at this time!


His face became more gloomy!

staring at Tang long, Yang Tianming said in a deep voice: "now, I already know your name, your name is Tang long, and I also know that you have just entered the college. If you don't provoke me, I will not bully you!"

"Bullying me?" Tang long felt a little funny: "since you think I am easy to bully, now, you can start to bully me!"


Yang Tianming snorted coldly and looked at a position under the stage!

There's a tutor sitting there!

The competition of Royal College is not about how you want to compete. At least one tutor should be present at each competition. The tutor is responsible for safety, and at the same time, it is also responsible for solving emergencies!

This tutor, has stood up.

His voice is not very loud, but it can make everyone in the test room listen to it clearly!

Looking at Yang Tianming and Tang Long on the competition platform, the tutor said: "I don't want to ask about the gratitude and resentment between you two. I just want to say that this competition is an absolutely fair competition. No matter how the outcome is, you must write off all the previous gratitude and resentment!"


Yang Tianming agrees respectfully!

Tang long did not speak.

He doesn't think he has any grudges with Yang Tianming at all. This guy has to look for a fight. He can't even say it if he doesn't!

Xue linyue looks at Tang Long and is curious!

She can't think of it. The strength of Tang Long is not to say that there are only seven levels of earth Gang? However, at this time, how does it look that you are not afraid at all? Even, it seems to be full of confidence!

What's going on here?!

"Didn't this guy say his real strength?" Snow leaves the moon to think secretly.

She likes to be lively, even more like to cause trouble. When she has nothing to do, she will try to make others fight. However, she sits beside and watches the excitement. This kind of thing is common in this royal college!

Even, many people know that xuelinyue has such a hobby!

Gu Tianshuang and Xue linyue, the two school flowers of Royal College, are extremely famous in the college. One is cold and arrogant, the other is unwilling to be lonely and likes to make trouble all day long!

Of course, there is a third school flower in the college, which is the most popular one!Unfortunately, now, the school flower is not there!

The tutor in charge of the competition has already said: "Tang long, you have come to the college because of you. Therefore, I need to tell you the rules. In this competition, no matter who it is, no matter who it is, it is absolutely not allowed to hurt people in secret, and absolutely not to hurt people's lives!"

After a pause, he continued, "you can start!"

Tang Long doesn't speak. He looks at Yang Tianming.

Yang Tianming snorted coldly again. He was in a flash and rushed towards the Tang dragon. He had already burst into a domineering momentum!

His strength, as expected, is the seven levels of Tiangang!

Tang long stood quietly, motionless, but his body, but also spread out a cold breath!

His strength is just the seven levels of the earth Gang!

People under the stage, when they feel the strength of Tang long, one by one, can't help frowning. Tang Long's strength is so strong that he even dares to take the stage to compete with Yang Tianming?!

Isn't this sincere looking for a fight?!

Even the tutor in charge of the competition was also unable to help wrinkling his brows!


However, Tang's fists flashed before the snow, and Tang's eyes flashed

Watching, his fist is to hit Tang Long's chest!

Tang long stood still!

at this moment, everyone's eyes widened!

Tang Long doesn't hide or dodge, or even doesn't defend himself. How can a martial artist in the seven levels of the earth Gang block a fist from the seven levels of Tiangang in such a situation?!

Everyone knows that if this blow goes on, Tang Long is bound to be seriously injured. It will take at least half a month!

Yang Tianming's fist, in full view of the public, without any accident, directly hit Tang Long's chest!


Tang Long was smashed by this blow and disappeared without a trace!


"What's the matter? Where are the people? "


All the students under the stage were stunned!

The snow leaf month suddenly stands up, also is stunned, a pair of incredible appearance!

The tutor in charge of this competition, at this time, his eyes flashed a sharp fine light: "this boy, how fast speed!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!