When ye qinglingdun, she guessed what Tang Long was going to do!

she was completely flustered!

"Shall I hide? However, if I dodge, brother long may be angry... "

Ye Qingling is a little tangled in thinking, and has not yet decided whether to avoid, or has already felt that his mouth was occupied by Tang long, and then, he felt Tang Long's overbearing attack!


Little girl in the heart, a little angry!

This villain brother, why don't say a word, so come to gnaw her, let her have no preparation at all!

All of a sudden, the little girl clenched her fist and smashed it several times in Tanglong's chest, expressing her protest and venting her dissatisfaction!

Ye Qingling makes too much trouble. Tang Long has no choice but to stop.

Raised his head, eyes, as if containing a fire, but with a little doubt: "darling baby, what's the matter?"

"You, you bully me!" The leaves are light and full of aura.

"I love you so much that I do it. Honey, let me chew it again!" The Tang Dynasty is approaching, and the sound of the Tang Dynasty is falling!

Ye Qingling is speechless!

This all what person, like oneself, want to gnaw oneself!

She won't allow it!

Holding Tang Long's chest in both hands, he kept himself away from him as far as possible. Ye Qingling was dissatisfied: "you don't ask people whether they want to, you want to bully others like this. How can you be so bad?"

Tang Long was a little helpless.

This girl, also too does not cooperate!

He can be more powerful, but, such a lovely baby girl, he really loves very much, can't bear to force her too much.

However, he wants to continue!

Looking at Ye Qingling, he said, "well, I will promise you, and ask you a question, darling, now tell me, would you like me to do this to you?"


Ye Qingling is completely speechless!

This villain, it seems that he is determined to gnaw at her!

Now, she is in a mess. She doesn't know whether she wants to promise him or not!

Moreover, even if she agreed, she was embarrassed to say it!

She blushed and said nothing!

"If you don't say a word, I'll take it as you wish!" Tang Long's voice dropped and he went to gnaw again. Unfortunately, ye Qingling had been prepared for this time. He turned his head and was bitten by Tang Long on her pretty face!


Ye Qingling turns his head back and looks at Tang Long angrily.

Tang Long doesn't speak and doesn't go on, but his eyes are bright. He looks at Ye Qingling's eyes without blinking.

Ye Qingling was so looked at by him, and her heart was in a mess!

I don't know why, she suddenly wanted to compromise!

Red faced, I just feel that my heart is about to jump out. I don't know what to do. She is about to lower her head, and her white jaw has been held by Tang Long with her hands and overbearing!

Tang Long's head is facing her again and approaching!

But this time, he approached the speed, is very slow, has left Ye Qingling, enough time to avoid!

Ye Qingling heart flustered, but this time, she did not dodge again!

Soon, she was bitten by Tang Long again!

A very wonderful feeling rises from the bottom of my heart. At this moment, this feeling makes Ye Qingling feel more comfortable than ever before. He can't help but close his eyes gently.

She didn't know how to cooperate, so she let Tang long take the initiative.

For a long time, she couldn't breathe. She was a little discontented. She pushed Tang Long away!


The soft voice, with a trace of trembling, the little girl felt that she had no strength all over her body. She buried her head in Tang Long's arms and refused to lift it any more!

Tang long did not continue, although he wanted to!

Wang Meng, who was hit in the water, has already swam to the shore and has run away.

By the lake, only Tang Long and ye Qingling are left.

Ye Qingling nestles in Tang Long's arms, quiet and sweet in his heart. Looking at the sparkling lake, he thinks that Tang Long gnawed at her just now. That wonderful feeling, sweet heart, has an indescribable sense of happiness!

After a long time, ye Qingling finally, reluctantly, left the embrace of Tang long.

She looked at him and said, "brother long, I haven't eaten anything in the morning. What should I do?"

Tang Long smiles: "what do you say?"

"I'm going to eat delicious food!" The little girl's eyes, full of expectations, crisp voice, full of delicate: "you take me, I must eat the best food!"


Tang Long readily agreed.

In fact, he has not had breakfast, and he is a little hungry at this time.

At this time, the canteen in the college, of course, also has breakfast, but how can it compare with the street outside. There are many snack bars on the street, and there are countless kinds of delicious food. Ye Qingling is in a very good mood at this time, and of course he doesn't want to have breakfast in the college!Tang Long let her.

Together, they came to the gate of the college. The gatekeeper already knew that Tang Long was a special case, and ye Qingling was also a member of the special case. Therefore, they did not embarrass them. They let them go and left the college.

Although it was morning, people were already coming and going on the street.

Accompanied by elder brother long, ye Qingling is very happy. On her pretty face, she always wears a lovely smile. She holds Tang Long's hand and her eyes of Shuiling, watching on both sides of the street.

Soon, in her eyes, there flashed a gorgeous luster: "brother long, over there!"

Tang Long looks at the direction Ye Qingling looks at. On the street, there is a small restaurant with a stove and steamer at the door, but it is a breakfast shop making wheat. The shop looks clean and tidy.

"Do you like roast wheat?" Tang Long asked.

"Well." The little girl nodded: "I also like to drink Soybean Milk!"

"Let's go to eat Shaomai and drink Soybean Milk!" Tang Long takes Ye Qingling and walks towards the breakfast shop.

Entering the store, he found a quiet table and sat down. There was a shop assistant who came over enthusiastically. When he saw Ye Qingling, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. He was stunned. Then he regained his mind. He looked at Tang Long and asked, "what do you want to eat?"

"Two cages of Shaomai, two bowls of soybean milk!" Tang Long Road, looking at Ye Qingling: "girl, do you like vegetarian, or meat?"


"A cage of vegetarian, a cage of meat, all kinds of food to eat." Tang Long's voice dropped, turned to look at the shop assistant: "go, speed up!"


The shop assistant promised and turned away immediately.

In less than two minutes, the shop assistant came back and sent two cages of Shaomai to the table. Then, he also served two bowls of soybean milk on the table.

In this shop, the taste of roast wheat is very good. Whether it's vegetarian or meat, it's delicious.

Little girl eat with relish, Tang Long eat is also very enjoyable.

Two cages of Shaomai were destroyed in a short time. The little girl was full, but Tang long had not enough, so he asked for a cage of meat. Tang Long devoured it, was satisfied, paid the money, and left the breakfast shop with Ye Qingling.

At this time, ye Qingling doesn't want to go back to college.

She looked at Tang Long: "brother long, I don't want to go back to college, let's go and play!"


Tang Long nodded.

Now, the Huangfu brothers are still on their way back to Tianying city. For the time being, he has not yet figured out how to solve the problem of Qin's residence. The only thing he has to do today is to go to the Dongdu camp in the afternoon.

Therefore, the little girl wants to go out to play, he naturally wants to accompany her.

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