Tang long stood there still, looking at the dwarf General of the black dragon Empire, he was also very angry!

At this time, he had made a decision to teach the general a hard lesson and let him know that in the sky Eagle Empire, no one dared to offend the black dragon empire!

He Tang Long is the enemy of the black dragon empire!

Ye Qingling came over and stopped beside Tang long, looking at the ferocious general angrily. She also hated these black dragon Empire people!

In fact, the strength of the black dragon empire is not as strong as the tiger Empire, but the people of the black dragon empire are worse than the tiger empire!

The black dragon is the most disgusting!

The general of the black dragon Empire, already angry, came to Tang long. In his hands, he held the Golden Whip tightly. He could not help saying that the whip was facing Tang Long and beat him severely!

This whip, this guy is obviously agglomerates the powerful vigor!

His strength is extremely strong!

The five levels of the earth Gang!

With the whips and strong wind, the whip has attacked Tang long in front of him!


Tang Long snorted coldly. This guy's strength was not in his eyes at all. His right arm suddenly burst into a dazzling silver light, and a cold energy directly condensed on his palm!

Hand in hand!

This is Wupin martial arts!

although the power of Wupin martial arts is not very strong, Tang long, relying on the vitality of the force of cold weather, can exert the power of the five level martial arts to the extreme!

A domineering momentum, spread from the Tang long body!

He is as proud as a mountain and powerful!

In his eyes, there was a look of arrogance in his hand. His hand, with a dazzling silver light, directly towards the Golden Whip that came here. He grabbed the whip fiercely and firmly grasped it in his hand!

The general of black dragon Empire did not expect Tang long to catch his whip easily!

There was a shock in his eyes!

However, in a twinkling of an eye, his face, is the emergence of a sudden color, ferocious way: "I think it is who, so you are Tang Long!" The voice fell, his face, suddenly appeared a ferocious: "it seems that you must be against my black dragon empire!"

"I don't care to be enemies with you!" Tang Long despised: "you are not as good as trash in my eyes. You are not worthy to be my enemy!"

"Hehe, I'm not a small voice! "The general gave a ferocious smile and said arrogantly:" do you think that you can threaten the black dragon empire by yourself? Our black dragon Empire has a million soldiers, all of them have experienced hundreds of battles. One day, a large army will press in and raze your Tianying Empire to the ground! "

"Army pressing in?" Tang Long's sword eyebrow was picked, and his eyes suddenly showed a touch of murderous spirit. He said coldly, "if you have the ability, you can bring your troops to fight. See if the people of Tianying empire are really so bullied!"

When the voice dropped, he suddenly pulled the whip in the general's hand and pulled it over!

Then, he turned and glanced at the crowd around him. His face was impassioned, and his voice suddenly increased ten times: "gentlemen, you are all from the Empire of Tianying. Excuse me, who can watch helplessly that the Empire of Tianying is destroyed by the black dragon Empire?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Although the general was taken away the whip, he was still arrogant and arrogant. He even looked up to the sky and laughed!

After laughing, he looked at Tang Long and said triumphantly, "you Tianying empire's people are cowards. Even if all of them are together, how can we block the attack of our black dragon Empire army? If you dare to stop it, our black dragon Empire army will not mind killing you all!"

Hearing what this guy said, ye Qingling clenched his fist and wanted to rush over and beat this guy hard!

That's crazy!

Around the people, also by this guy to anger, one by one, angry eyes round open!

For a moment, the crowd was excited!

"How dare you say that you want to kill the people of the Empire of Tianying? Are you the best? Do you have this skill? " In the crowd, a young man yelled loudly!

"Do you think that the people of Tianying empire are so easy to bully?" Another young man couldn't help shouting!


For a moment, the people around, were filled with indignation, shouting loudly!

People, I wish that they could not rush forward and tear up the general of the black dragon empire in order to relieve their hatred!

Tang Long was also enraged by the general's arrogance!

Looking at the general, he said angrily, "an inch of mountain and river, an inch of blood, a hundred thousand people and 100000 soldiers, our Tianying Empire, hundreds of millions of people, capable people and different scholars, countless, you ask them, look at them, are they willing to become slaves of Subjugation?"

When the voice dropped, he turned his head again, looked at the people around him, gathered his energy, and suddenly burst into a drink: "tell me, you, who is willing to become a slave to the subjugation?"


"If they dare to come, we will fight with death!"“……”

People around, are shouting!

The people of the Black Hawk Empire bullied men and women in Tianying city and committed all kinds of crimes. In recent years, they have oppressed these people in Tianying city. Even many of them have been oppressed and have no way out!

People in their own country, in their own country, by some foreigners, bullying desperate!

These days, they are long enough!

, in fact, they are all angry at their hearts. Only the emperor does not give them strength, but they fight for their country suck.

But, let them become the slaves of subjugation, who would like to?!

"Better be a ghost under the sword than a slave to the country!"

People shout!

When Tang long heard the cry of the crowd around him, he could not help his blood boiling. His arrogance and arrogance, which was deeply rooted in the bone marrow, burst out uncontrollably!

Staring at the general of the black dragon Empire, he said arrogantly, "I Tang long, I'll put my words here today. As long as the army of the black dragon Empire comes, I can guarantee that you will be here, and all your troops will be destroyed, and there will be no return."

"If you come, you will never come back!"

The crowd around, shouting together, the momentum, is extremely spectacular, let the general of the black dragon Empire, are a little scared!

"You wait, someone will come to clean you up!"

The general left a word, turned around, and left with a group of people behind him!

How can Tang Long let him leave so easily?!

You know, he is now, but the general of the East governor, has the power to maintain the security of Tianying city!

Just now, these guys galloped, and the people in the street were injured by them. Moreover, they were arrogant and arrogant. At this time, how could he let them go so easily?!

If we don't give them a chance now, when will we wait?!

"Stop for me!"

Tang Long's deep voice roared!

The dwarf general, hearing Tang Long's exclamation, stopped at once!

He turned around and looked at Tang long. He said, "why, is it difficult? Do you dare to kill this general here?"

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