Although they have not seen the real Tang long, they have seen the portraits of Tang long, and most importantly, the new Deputy General of the eastern governor has told them the characteristics of Tang long in a comprehensive way!

But they don't care!


Two people are lazy, toward Tang long line military salute!

The behavior of these two soldiers has clearly explained that they did not pay attention to Tang long at all!

The little girl looks at these two guys, immediately is not happy, the small mouth son toot up!

Tang Long is even more unhappy!

He didn't come here. He couldn't control what it was like here. However, since he came to the East governor's military camp, we must change it according to his will!

Who dares not, then, can only walk from here!

If you don't go, you die!

"That's how you usually do military etiquette?" Tang long looked serious, staring at the two soldiers!

The two soldiers looked at each other, and both turned their lips.

They didn't pay attention to Tang long at all!

Two days ago, the vice generals transferred by the emperor were all obedient by them. How powerful can this boy be? A waste young master, or a family fallen waste young master, can have what ability to manage them?!

Behind them is a powerful black dragon Empire, supported by the second prince and the eldest princess!

the most important thing is that when Tang Long comes, he should try his best to make things difficult, and let Tang long have no place in the military camp!

They looked at Tang Long and said, "our forbidden army has always been so polite."


Tang Long's faint voice fell down. Suddenly, his fists hit like lightning. Before the two soldiers who were guarding the gate didn't react, there was a sharp pain in their chest. They were smashed and flew up. They fell far away from ten meters away and fell on the ground. They couldn't even get up!


Tang long did not go to see the two soldiers again. He took Ye Qingling and strode into the military camp of the eastern governor's office!

there was no one in the training ground of the barracks!

In the barracks in all directions, there was a lot of noise, hip-hop and chaos. Even from time to time, there were women's screams coming out!


Tang Long's face was cold!

The imperial guards are responsible for the safety of the imperial capital and the imperial city. They are lax in military discipline. No wonder the Tianying empire is bullied by the big empires!

"Everybody, get out of here!"

He gathered his energy and suddenly burst into a deep voice!

The sound, like rolling thunder, exploded in the whole East governor's house. All of a sudden, the general and soldiers of the East governor's house were startled and ran out in a panic!

everyone came out to have a look, and saw Tang long, some people, even lazy, turned back to the army camp again, what to do and what to do. Only four generals came to this side together !

These generals, one by one, wear skew, where there is the appearance of bias generals!

The four men went to Tang long, looked at each other, and made a lazy military salute: "see the governor of the East!"

"You are the general of the eastern governor's house?" Tang Long frowned slightly.

"Yes One of the four replied.

"How many generals are there in the East governor's office?" Tang Long asked, the appearance, unexpectedly changed easygoing.

When the four generals saw that Tang Long seemed to compromise, all of them were elated. They knew that when Tang Long saw the situation of the military camp, he would feel helpless and disappointed!

What they want is Tang Long's feeling like this.

In their opinion, no matter how capable a general is, there is no way to reorganize and manage such a chaotic barracks!

What's more, they are not afraid of Tang long!

Even if Tang long could, what could he do with them? Even if he's good, can you kill them?!

Dare Tang Long?!

One of the generals, looking at Tang Long's lazy report, said: "general, we have ten generals in the East governor's house. In addition, there are two deputy generals. One deputy governor arrived yesterday. However, this deputy governor is still lying down!"

"Not up?" Tang Long frowned slightly: "what's going on?"

"It's like I fell down on horseback and hurt myself!"

"There are such things!" Tang Long frowned again, but he didn't say much. He stopped and said, "you go and call all the vice generals here. I'll have a meeting. After that, please have a meal."

"Some people are not here!"

"If you send someone to invite them, you can say that if you don't come, I'll ask your second prince to invite them to come over."

"Second prince?"

The four generals were stupefied together, a little uncertain about the meaning of Tang Long's words.Tang Long waved a little impatiently: "go, go, give you 20 minutes, in the East governor's house, give me to complete, this request, I think, should not be too much!"

"Yes, yes, yes, we are going now!"

The four generals took a look at each other, and then they all turned away in a hurry!

Tang Long took Ye Qingling and walked towards the front, which was the majestic main hall of the East governor's house.

The little girl is a little unhappy. Just now, Tang Long was so weak that she was not as domineering as he used to be. This made the little girl very incomprehensible. At the same time, she was a little disappointed.

She said with a small mouth: "brother long, why are you so polite to them? I can see that they are not good to you at all

"I'm polite to them now because I still need them!" Tang long light way: "however, soon, I no longer need them!"

"Are you going to kill them?" The eyes of the little girl's water spirit flicker.

Tang long light way: "see again!"

The two generals, who are sitting in the front of the hall and waiting for the arrival of the general, are sitting in the hall.

This wait, a full two hours!

Tang Long's patience is amazing. For two hours, he always has a faint smile on his face!

He didn't show any impatience or even a trace of anger.

Two hours later, at last, all the generals and vice generals arrived.

Besides, the deputy governor is here.

This deputy governor looked a little miserable. He broke an arm and his face was red and swollen. Tang Long knew that this guy had been beaten by the sea. He guessed that this guy must be outside and attacked by the black dragon empire!

He didn't say much.

This deputy governor, after all, was sent by the emperor. According to reason, the emperor Ye Wuyuan should have trusted this man. Moreover, Tang Long also felt that this man must have some ability. At least, he would be good at handling some miscellaneous affairs.

Tang Long needs this kind of person.

His eyes fell on the other generals and vice generals.

These people, one by one, standing lazily, even half of them, are still full of alcohol, drunk eyes hazy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!