"Tang long, if you don't give us an account of this matter, my black dragon empire will certainly raise troops to invade and stabilize your Tianying empire!" A general of the black dragon Empire glared at Tang Long and drank furiously!

Tang Long sneered: "three, you do not go, die!"

A slight pause: "one!"

Hearing the word "one" from Tang long, the remaining generals and soldiers of the black dragon Empire all changed their faces!

Count to three, if they don't go, Tang long will kill them all!

Tang Long's method just now, and that kind of arrogance, let them fear!

they know, Tang Long dare, absolutely dare!


Tang Long's whole body is full of icy cold and murderous spirit, and his whole body is full of arrogance and domineering spirit!


Next to Tang long, the majestic red flame lion roared up to the sky and roared, which made the black dragon Empire even more frightened and frightened!


"Let's go!"

"Tang Long's" three "just protruded from his mouth. Several generals of the black dragon Empire suddenly changed their faces at the same time. I don't know who called out. All the generals and soldiers of the black dragon Empire all ran towards the distance!

No one else, remember what face and dignity!

They all die!

But there are still two generals who have not left. These two generals are the people of Tianying empire!

At this time, the two men looked at Tang Long angrily: "Lord Dongdu, if you do this, are you not afraid to start a war between the two countries?"

"If you're afraid, go home and be your turtle. I'm not used to being servile and servile." Tang Long's cold voice dropped and ignored them. He turned and walked toward the East governor's house: "tomorrow morning, I will go to court. If you want to join me, please do it!"

"Let's go!"

The two generals also left in anger!

At this time, a large group of people gathered in the gate of the East governor's office. Among them, the thousands and hundreds were here!

They didn't expect that Tang Long was so arrogant and dare to kill the generals of the black dragon empire. They looked at Tang long one by one, and they were in awe!

One of them, a little hesitant, came to Tang Long: "will Army

"What's up?" Tang Long asked.

Red flame lion followed Tang long, and his golden eyes were staring at the commander who was talking. His eyes were filled with panic!

Hesitating, he finally summoned courage: "after you go out, someone came and took the two deputies away."

"Who took it?"

"Yes, the second prince's house."

"Just go away. It's no big deal." Tang long light way: "these two people, according to the deserter to calculate, later in the outside, no matter who, as long as you see, give me according to the military regulations, shoot to death is!"


This thousand long a cold sweat!

"All right, go back to training!" Tang Long's faint voice fell, with the red flame lion, toward the school field, stride past.

These commanders and centurions looked at each other. They did not dare to say more than half a word. They followed Tang long in a hurry and arrived at the school yard. Then, they were busy, commanding their soldiers and starting training!

At this time, these soldiers, no longer a trace of slack, one by one, are trying to be serious.

In a flash, two hours passed.

Looking at the training of these soldiers, Tang Long was also barely satisfied.

After all, this is the forbidden army. Although their military discipline seems a little lax now, the foundation is still there, and the combat effectiveness of these forbidden troops is still passable.

Looking at the training of these people, Tang Long was thinking about how to select some independent generals. In his heart, a message came from huixinmen. Qin Ziyi's voice sounded in his heart: "dragon, there's something."

"What's the matter?" Tang Long asked in his heart.

"Old sun got a message that a clan was outside the city and found a dying Warcraft!"

"Is there anything special about this Warcraft?"

"It is said that in the belly of the Warcraft, there are extremely rare magic stones."


Tang long heard the three words "magic stone", his eyes suddenly showed a touch of essence!

Magic stone, this is not a common thing!

Only a very small number of Warcraft can breed the natural magic stone in the abdomen. The magic stone can absorb the energy of the Warcraft. The longer the Warcraft breeds the magic stone, the stronger the energy contained in the magic stone!

Although the energy contained in the magic stone is very irritable, it can be absorbed by the martial arts after being adjusted by various herbs!

Even some special magic stone, can also have, special role!Tang Long asked in a hurry: "what level of Warcraft did they find?"

"Like, it's a four level Warcraft!"


Tang Long's heart, more and more looking forward to the magic stone bred by level 4 Warcraft, which contains energy, has been extremely strong!

After all, level 4 Warcraft itself is already very powerful. Such Warcraft, not to mention the warlords in the realm of King Wu, even those in the realm of Wu Jun, are no match at all!

"Where is this Warcraft? How many people know the news? "

"There is a blood spirit clan in Tianying city. The Warcraft was discovered by the people of the blood spirit clan. The people of the blood spirit clan are cruel and domineering, and their strength is very strong. It is said that the strength of the patriarch has reached the level of King Wu!"

"King Wu is senior!" Tang long thought for a moment and said, "how can I find that Warcraft?"

"That Warcraft is in a cave in the black grottoes of Qingyun Mountain. If you want to go, I will ask Mr. Sun to find you. He can help you because his strength has reached the level of King Wu. However, he has only four levels of King Wu."

"In that case, let him come to me as soon as possible."

"You don't have to worry. I heard that the Warcraft can't die these two days. Ordinary people can't kill such a powerful Warcraft. They can only wait for it to die slowly." Qin Ziyi's voice dropped and stopped. He asked, "by the way, where can I ask sun Lao to find you?"

"Tang Fu, but remember, let him be careful not to be seen!"

"I see."

Qin Ziyi's voice dropped. Then, he cut off the contact with Tang long. Tang long looked at the soldiers who were trying to train in front of him. He waved and called several thousand captains.

After a brief explanation, Tang Long left the East governor's house!

He must seize the opportunity to improve his strength, so he must get the magic stone!

Back to Tang Fu, Tang Kuo and they have not come back.

It's more than two days' journey from Tianying city to wanduzong. Even if they speed up their journey, at least they will not be able to return to Tianying city until tomorrow afternoon.

Such a big Tang house, at this time, only Tang long alone!

"It seems that a few more people have to come in. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient if there are too few people." Tang long thought secretly, for a while, he didn't know where to find the right person.

Entering the living room of the front building, Tang Long sat down and waited in silence.

Time is in a hurry. Two hours later, the sky is getting dark.

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