Tang lacks their strength, also soared up!

They all know why.

Li Yuanzhe and Li Dahan, the strength of the same skyrocketing, one by one, have fully enhanced the strength of the triple realm!

The warriors of the black dragon martial arts school were beaten out one by one, and were killed and injured badly!

The situation has been completely reversed!

The sound of horse's hooves came from afar. A group of cavalry, with distinctive armor and majestic armour, rushed towards this side. This group of cavalry was actually the royal guard!

This is the emperor's side, the most important army, directly responsible for the safety of the emperor!

The royal guards, only two thousand in all!

This cavalry is the only army in the hands of Ye Wuyuan at present!

The appearance of this army let everyone in the dark know a message, that is, the emperor Ye Wuyuan was probably involved in this matter!

The leader of the guard army is a forty-eight strong warrior who is trusted by the emperor!

Xue Yongbo!

Xue Yongbo's hand, holding a volume of imperial edict!

The royal guards had rushed to the front of the Western governor's army in a flash. Xue Yongbo stopped at the front and directly launched the imperial edict: "according to the emperor's order, from now on, the general of Xidu barracks will be taken over by General Zhao Zheng of Huwei and will take office immediately. Those who resist should be punished as treason!"


Although the soldiers and generals in the Western governor's barracks did not accept the emperor's orders, they did not dare to disobey the emperor's orders!

"Where is Zhao Zheng?"

Xue Yongbo is shouting again!

"The end will be there!"

Zhao Zheng stepped out of the royal guards behind Xue Yongbo!

"now, take the Western governor's forbidden army back to the Western governor's barracks immediately. Those who violate the orders will be killed!"


Zhao Zheng took over the imperial edict, and then, directly facing the West governor's army in front of him, he yelled in a deep voice and ordered, "everyone, come back with me to the Western governor's barracks. If you disobey, you will be killed."


The soldiers and generals of the Western governor did not dare to disobey for a time. After all, there was the imperial edict of the emperor!

Ye xuanyue is hiding in the dark with a black face!

The night is cold in winter, and the whole body trembles with Qi!

He clenched his fists and was about to rush out to prevent Zhao Zheng from taking over the Western governor's camp. However, he was stopped by Yamamoto's gang Fu: "you can't go out now!"


"Because there are many people lurking around here. I suspect that the crown prince, the third prince and even the emperor are here!" Yamamoto is gripping his teeth!

"What do you mean..."

Night winter cold face, suddenly become extremely ugly!

Ye Xuanqing, too!

Yamamoto Gangfu, helplessly said: "I guess, this is probably a game, this bureau, I can't guess who set it, but I'm sure that Tang Long is just a piece of chess that has nothing to do with the overall situation, and the person behind the layout is the real master, and that person's goal is exactly us!"

Ye Donghan is a little unbelievable: "the tiger Empire and the purple dragon Empire have also been hit. How can you say that today's affairs are only aimed at us?"

"They are likely to know that this is a bitter plan made by tripartite cooperation." Mr. Yamamoto clenched his fist, and his eyes were cold and cold: "in my opinion, after the war, who is the final winner, who is the mastermind behind this matter!"

Ye xuanyue's eyes lit up: "do you mean that the whereabouts of Zhao Zheng is the key?"

"Not bad!" Yamamoto Gangfu nodded: "such a big bureau not only attacked the power of our black dragon Empire, but also directly robbed the military power of the Western governor's barracks. Who is the mastermind of this matter that Zhao Zheng turns to?"

"If I dig out the man who arranged in secret, I must strip him alive!"

Night winter cold gnash teeth!

Yamamoto Gangfu sighed helplessly: "that is definitely a very powerful man. During this period of time, our failures should all be written by that person. Now, the overall situation has been decided, we must immediately order the withdrawal, otherwise, our fighters, I am afraid, will be destroyed!"


The gate of black dragon martial arts school!

The battle is still going on fiercely. At this time, a group of soldiers, surrounded by a bright luxury carriage, galloped towards this side!

Another road, also the same, a team of soldiers, with a carriage, gallop!


A long cry, from the distance!

All of a sudden, at the gate of the black dragon martial arts school, those warriors in the fierce battle, one by one, abandoned their opponents, ran away at a high speed, and directly rushed into the encirclement of the eastern governor's army!

Tang long had stopped!

he knew that the overall situation had been settled, and he could not help but feel a long sigh of relief: "it's dangerous!"Although today's incident was basically in his expectation, he knew that ye Qingling's arrival solved his big problem, because he didn't expect that the black dragon Empire would pull out so many warriors to support him!

however, the danger finally passed!

Tang long looked at the forbidden army of the East governor's house and drank in a deep voice! "The soldiers of the eastern governor's house will obey orders, and those who dare to flee will be killed at all!"


After hearing Tang Long's order, the eastern governor's army agreed one by one in a hurry. At this time, they did not care about the three, seven and twenty-one, and directly launched a fierce attack on the warriors who rushed into the encirclement circle!

However, the strength of soldiers, how can they compare with the warriors of the black dragon Empire?!

In less than ten minutes, all the fighters who rushed out of the city fled. They were all clean!

Tang Long didn't let Huangfu Jin pursue them!

Before, he used the golden needle to stimulate their potential, which made their strength greatly improved in a short period of time. However, after a period of fierce fighting, their strength has declined!

What's more, their energy is also consumed too much!

they are no longer suitable for fighting again!

Here, still by the East governor general, surrounded by water, and outside the circle, there are 2000 royal guards!

Two luxury carriages galloping in the distance have stopped!

Two men, get out of the carriage!

One of them is the prince Ye Beiqin, and the other is the third prince Ye Mutian!

"What's the matter? Why is this happening here?" Ye Beiqin took out the prince's airs and strode over: "what about the people in charge? Come out of here

Xue Yongbo walked past!

Of course, Tang Long also walked past. After all, he was the general of the East governor!

Ye Qingling holds the hand of snow leaf month, and they also go out together, but walk to Tang Long's side!


Xue linyue snorted at Tang Long!

Tang Longquan didn't see it!

Red flame lion, majestic through the crowd, walked to Tang Long's side, and then suddenly, is disappeared without trace!

The third prince also came to the prince and saluted the Prince: "Your Highness!"

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