Ye Qingling didn't notice Tang Long's arm, that bad little movement.

She is still holding Tang Long's arm, doodle up a lovely little mouth, coquettish way: "what secret ah, tell me, tell me!"

After that, she took Tang Long's arm and rubbed it in her arms!

Tang long felt the arm, that extremely wonderful feeling, suddenly, his whole body of blood, directly on the boiling!

His eyes are bright, looking at Ye Qingling!

Eyes, as if burning a fire, a raging fire!

Ye Qingling was looked at by Tang long, suddenly nervous, pretty face, slowly red, the bottom of the heart, it seems that a fire, the whole body is a little hot up!

A heart, keep jumping, suddenly, she is sorry to continue to act coquettish!

She's a little flustered!

But at this time, she suddenly felt that the arm of brother long, who was held in her arms, suddenly left quickly. Then, her slender waist was tightly encircled by a pair of powerful arms!

all of a sudden, she was squeezed into Tang Long's arms!

"Brother long!"

Feel in the heart in disorder, ye Qingling's whole body strength, at this moment, all of a sudden disappear completely!

For a time, she did not know what to do!

She lowered her head involuntarily!

Tang Long's eyes, still burning a fire, his hand, gently stretched out, holding up Ye Qingling's snow-white jaw, let her beautiful face, clearly show in front of his eyes.

He looked at her and forgot everything!

Ye Qingling saw that the flame in Tang Long's eyes was more and more fierce!

She felt that the flame seemed to melt her. The flame was wild, resolute, and irresistible!

Ye Qingling is a bit at a loss. She thinks that brother long must do something bad to her now!

"you must not bully me!"

Her mind is in a mess, her heart is very nervous, very nervous!

"Ling'er, you are so beautiful!"

Sound soft ring in the ear, the voice is full of praise, but also full of deep friendship, but let Ye Qingling's heart, filled with thick sweet and joy.

Her original tense mood, suddenly relaxed!

At this time, she has seen, Tang Long's head, toward her, close to come.

Of course she knows what he wants to do!

At this moment, she has completely forgotten to resist. It seems that she should be taken advantage of by Tang long. It seems that what he has done to herself is beyond reproach!

"Brother long likes it, give it to him!"

Ye Qingling that smart eyes, slightly closed, will be their own, thoroughly handed over to the man in front of!

Tang Long is very gentle, close to Ye Qingling's moving Hongchun. Then, holding Ye Qingling's arm, his strength begins to increase gradually. His movements gradually become domineering, and he becomes more and more aggressive!

he is wild and fierce!

This baby girl, he really likes it, likes it very much!


Feeling Tang Long's tyranny and violence at this time, ye Qingling's heart trembled fiercely, as if she was melting!

in her heart, she had no idea of resistance!

Complete compromise!

She is just serious, to feel Tang long to bring her, that kind of wonderful feeling, seriously experience, his kind of hegemony and power at this time, and also contains, a fire like deep feeling!

For a long time, ye Qingling finally pushed Tang Long away.


She breathed hard and fell into Tang Long's arms. She was not coquettish and had a heart. She was still hopping around, sweet and happy in her heart, but a little shy!

Holding Ye Qingling in his arms, Tang Long went to the chair beside him and sat down: "wait a minute, come home with me."

"But in the afternoon, the college is busy!"

"Leave it alone!"

"But I want to go back to the palace in the afternoon!"

"I can't bear you, I want you to accompany me!" Tang Long was very direct. He lifted Ye Qingling up from his arms. His tone became soft, but he still said: "in the afternoon, you belong to me. You are by my side. You are not going anywhere!"

Little girl gently Du Du mouth, but still agreed to come down: "that's OK!"

"Let's go home now!" Tang Long was very satisfied. He pecked at Ye Qingling's face, pulled her, and stood up: "I'm so hungry that I haven't eaten since morning."

The little girl felt distressed and said, "let's go, brother long, I'll accompany you to dinner!"

Tang Long said: "wait, I'll contact Yiyi first."

"Well!" Ye Qingling answered with a clever voice.

Through huixinmen, Tang Long quickly contacted Qin Ziyi: "Yi Yi, I'm back. Now, I have something to ask you.""What's the matter?"

"About Zhou Hongming." Tang Long said, "I want to know, is that guy afraid of death?"

"Who is not afraid of death?"

"I mean, is he afraid of death, or is he very strong?" Tang Long said here, pause, changed a way of asking: "ask you like this, he is not very fond of wine and wine?"

"That man is very shameless. He robbed more than a dozen women in his family, and he shamelessly did bad things everywhere every day. In my family for three days, he actually had three servant girls, all of whom were That man is absolutely shameless

Tang long continued to ask, "how is his ability?"

"It should not be so. Otherwise, he won't stay in our Tianying empire. In my opinion, he just comes to spend time and drink."

"How strong is he now?"

"He knows to play every day. He seldom practices, and his strength has not been improved much. Now, he has just reached the Xuangang triple level. Thanks to the two kinds of precious medicines that the General Commander of the tiger empire gave him, he improved his strength!"

"That's good!" Tang Long immediately felt at ease!

This kind of waste prince, in the tiger Empire, is certainly not taken seriously, and this kind of person, often very afraid of death, easy to control!

"This matter is finally solved!"

Tang long thought secretly, Qin Ziyi over there said softly, "dragon, you can rest assured. I'm fine here."


Tang long should say, in his heart, has decided to solve Qin Ziyi's matter as soon as possible.

How can he allow Qin Ziyi to be wronged?!

After a few more words, Tang Long cut off the contact with Qin Ziyi and took the baby girl Ye Qingling. They walked out of the dormitory together and walked slowly towards the gate of the college.

Out of the college, ye Qingling accompanies Tang long to have dinner. Tang long does not delay time. He pulls Ye Qingling and quickly returns to the Tang mansion.

Tang Kuo saw Tang Long coming back and immediately welcomed him: "young master, you are back!"

Tang Long asked, "are those friends of Huangfu Jin still there?"

"They're still there, living in the reception building, waiting for you."

"Then let them wait a little longer. Now, I'm going to shut up first. Don't tell others that I'm back!"


"When the Huangfu brothers come back, let them wait for me."

"I see."


After a brief explanation, Tang Long took Ye Qingling and walked into the main building of the beautiful manor of Tang Fu. Then, they went into a very spacious training room. , the fastest update of the webnovel!