Wang Tiangui looked at Zhou Hongming and asked, "Your Highness, are we going to tell the Third Prince of Tianying Empire about the conflict between Tang Long and Sima family? After all, we are working with him now! "

"Not yet!" Zhou Hongming shook his head: "I always feel that Tang Long is a little evil!"

"How do you say that?" asked Wang Tiangui

Zhou Hongming said: "I think Tang Long is fishing in troubled waters now. As for which Prince of Tianying empire he will turn to, it's still not good. So I think we just need to do our best to help him seize power, that's enough!"

Zhou Hongming's idea is entirely to please Tang long, but his words are very clear: "the greater the power of Tang long, the more favorable it will be for us to regain power in the tiger empire in the future."

"Your Highness's eyes are fierce!" Wang Tiangui praised again!

He thinks that Zhou Hongming's view is really powerful. Now, the forces controlled by the princes of Tianying empire are actually relatively balanced. The greater the power of Tang long, the more powerful Tang long will be, the more powerful he will be, and he will win the final victory!

At that time, the Tang long side won, so long as the tiger Empire follows Tang long, it will naturally get the maximum benefits. Zhou Hongming, as a meritorious official of Tang long, will surely get the greatest benefits at that time!

In this way, when Zhou Hongming returns to the tiger Empire, with the support of Tianying Empire and Zhou Hongming's powerful skill, he will surely rise rapidly in the tiger empire!

Wang Tiangui thinks that Zhou Hongming, the third prince, is really hidden!

The little bird was soon brought in.

She doesn't like Zhou Hongming. After all, this person used to make moves on her before. She hates this guy very much. She is a young master's woman. She is cheap and can only be left to her own young master. Others can't take advantage of her, not at all!

However, it was the young master who asked her to see Zhou Hongming today, so she had to come.

"Your Highness!" She directed at Zhou Hongming with simple formality and displeasure on her face.

Zhou Hongming didn't care.

He looked at xiaoque'er and suddenly found that the girl was more and more beautiful. However, although he was a little confused, he didn't dare to make a bird's idea. He thought that Qin Ziyi was eaten by Tang long. How could this beautiful girl be spared?!

If he is Tang long, then he, no matter what means he uses, will definitely get xiaoqueer!

"What can I do for you, bird?" Zhou Hongming asked in a polite tone!

"The young master asked you to go there," she said

"To where?"

"Qin mansion."

"When can I go?"

"It's better to start as soon as possible. When Sima Wuji marries my Pavilion master, you'd better get there."

"Well, I will go!"

"I'll go first. My young master is still waiting for me."


Little bird no longer said more, directly turned away.

She knew that her young master had already controlled Zhou Hongming. Therefore, she was not afraid of this shameless fellow and dared to do anything to her.

Seeing Xiao Que'er leave, Wang Tiangui looks puzzled and looks at Zhou Hongming and asks, "Your Highness, why did Tang Long let you go to the Qin mansion? Do you want to threaten the prince with the majesty of the tiger Empire? "

"Possible!" Zhou Hongming thought about it and said, "Sima family controls an army after all. Tang Long's current power is only in Tianying city. Ye Mutian, the Third Prince of Tianying Empire, will naturally stand on the side of Tang long. Even if the crown prince is not satisfied with Tang Long's behavior, it's not good to directly turn against Tang Long!"

"It makes sense!" Wang Tiangui nodded: "if the crown prince and Tang long turn against each other, Tang long must directly turn to Ye Mutian, then our side will certainly have a huge increase in strength, but our interests will be great!"


Zhou Hongming nodded triumphantly.

Wang Tiangui immediately said, "Your Highness, how many people are you going to send to the Qin mansion? Or, we should go straight to Ye Mu Tian? "

"No!" Zhou Hongming shook his head: "today's conflict is very difficult to break out. After all, Tang Long's attraction to the prince is also very great. In Tianying City, the forbidden army has a congenital advantage. Instead of giving the credit to Ye Mutian, we might as well come forward and give Tang long a great deal of human affection!"

"It's true!"

Wang Tiangui nodded with approval.

Zhou Hongming stood up and said, "let's get ready and take ten experts. You and I will go together. I think there will be a good play in today's Qin mansion."


Wang Tiangui went to prepare before he got up.

At first, he seldom obeyed Zhou Hongming's orders, but at this time, he even felt that every step Zhou Hongming took actually implied deep meaning. He could not help but admire Zhou Hongming!

In fact, Zhou Hongming himself is not stupid, but only when he is not very happy in China and is in a decadent mood, he will lose the heart of fighting for the throne and spend all day drinking and drinking!His biggest weakness is that he likes women!

Being controlled by Tang Long with poison, he has a sense of life crisis in his heart, and he also uses his brain!

He changed because of Tang Long!

Of course, Tang Long didn't know that.

At this time, of course, Tang Long is also preparing. How can he allow Sima Wuji to marry his precious wife?!

Ten thousand years ago, Mu Qingcheng that scene, he always remembers fresh, how can he allow his own woman, again be bullied by others? He must let everyone know that no one can move the woman he likes!

Who moves, who will pay a painful price, absolutely no exception!

In the barracks of the Western governor's office, Zhao Zheng and Li Yuanzhe, fully armed and respectful, stood behind Tang Long!

Although Zhao Zheng was not under the jurisdiction of Tang long, he was also very obedient to Tang Long's orders. He was a warm-blooded man and admired Tang Long's recent actions. Therefore, he decided to follow Tang long.

He felt that following Tang long would certainly change the bad situation of Tianying empire!

moreover, he admired Tang long, who was not afraid of power, dared to fight against those bastards of other countries, and dared to help the people spread justice!

he felt that Tang Long was a hero!

naturally, Li Yuanzhe was totally obedient to Tang long.

After a look at Zhao Zheng, Li Yuanzhe turned to look at Tang Long and asked, "young master, are you going to directly dispatch three thousand forbidden troops from the Western governor to encircle the Qin house?"

"Not bad!"

Tang Long nodded definitely.

Zhao Zheng was a little worried. Looking at Tang long, he said, "the Sima family is not easy to be provoked. It not only has the status of a first-class Duke, but also controls the most powerful army of wolves in our empire. Even Sima Zhao also controls the southern governor's barracks!"

"South governor?" Tang Long's mouth slightly pulled up: "I hope he doesn't make trouble for me today, otherwise, he, the southern governor, promises to lose it!"

"You will not..." Zhao Zheng was shocked: "do you want to fight with Sima family?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!