
Tang Long spurts a mouthful of blood, together with Gu Tianshuang, is bombarded by the terrifying force and flies directly into the dark chaos gate!

This sudden attack was made by the tutor!

At this time, the tutor was already proud and turned to go out. At the same time, he was still muttering: "this time, no one will find out this bureau. Hum, how can my plan of the black dragon Empire be destroyed in your hands? Another month, when all the preparatory work is completed, hehe..."

Gloomy laughter, low ring, the tutor step by step out of the castle, outside, the door will be locked!

In five days, he'll come and open the door!

He knew that after five days, if there was no accident, all the nine groups of students would certainly come out of the test place. However, Tang Long and Gu Tianshuang could not get out of the place, because even he did not know where the dark door of chaos was going!

All he knew was that the dark place of trial was death. It had been divided into death thousands of years ago!

Enter, die!

Tang Long and Gu Tianshuang fly directly into the dark gate. They only feel the darkness in front of them, and then they have arrived at a completely strange place!

Around, dark, looking out, one can not see the edge!

The sky, full of thick dark clouds, gives people a very oppressive heavy feeling, as if the whole sky, is about to collapse!

"Where is this?"

Tang Long frowned and felt a sharp pain in his back!

The tutor's sneak attack just now made him suffer from serious internal injury directly. Now, he even feels a little hard to run!

Gu Tianshuang fell to the ground, pale!

Her injury is more serious!

Tang Long takes out a healing elixir and takes it. Then, he squats down and looks at Gu Tianshuang: "how are you?"

"We may have been calculated!" Gu Tianshuang's face was very ugly: "the tutor just now, should have wanted to kill us!"

"I know." Tang Long sat down on his knees and sent a golden elixir to Gu Tianshuang: "it may be very dangerous here. Therefore, the first thing we should do is to recover the internal injury as soon as possible."

Looking at the healing elixir sent to the eyes, Gu Tianshuang is dull directly!

Four pattern gold elixir!

"Here, where did this come from?" Gu Tianshuang can't believe it. Looking at Tang Long's hand, this glittering golden elixir!

This is the golden elixir!

Even in the whole Tianying Empire, if you want to find a gold elixir, it is absolutely difficult to ascend to the sky. But Tang Long took out a golden elixir, and it was still a four pattern gold elixir!

A grain of golden elixir, has been extremely rare!

Gu Tianshuang can't think of it. How can Tang long have four patterns of golden elixir!

Tang long did not explain, light way: "eat it, and then, immediately recover internal injury, although I don't expect you to help me, but at least, don't become a burden to me!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Gu Tianshuang was speechless!

In the Royal College, she Gu Tianshuang's strength, that is also very strong, on the wind and cloud list, also has her number one!

Besides, she is still in the top ten!

But now, Tang Long is worried that she will become a burden to him!

Gu Tianshuang was a little unconvinced, but when he thought of the scene that Tang long had beaten Luodong river with a fist, he immediately knew that his own strength was not as good as that of Tang long, although she was already the seventh level of Tiangang!

She said no more, took Tang Long's golden elixir, and then, conscientiously practiced, and tried to recover the internal injury.

She doesn't want to be a burden to Tang long!

The time passed by quietly. In a flash, two hours was the past. By virtue of the powerful constitution of the body of nature and the healing effect of the golden elixir, Tang Long's internal injury had recovered by half!

Gu Tianshuang's injury has only recovered 30%!

Tang Long is helpless!

In this case, he can not move forward, can only wait for Gu Tianshuang's injury, good almost.

In this strange place, he must be careful!

Gu Tianshuang looks a little haggard because of internal injury. After practicing for a while, he just takes out a Dan Ding.

This is not the heaven and earth tripod of course!

Gu Tianshuang is here. He can't use the heaven and earth tripod. What he is using now is only a Dan Ding which is inferior to spirit tools. This is a Dan Ding he took in Heiling League when he was in Tianguang city before.

After putting the cauldron in front of him, he found several precious medicinal materials, and Tang Long began to refine Lingdan.

He wants to refine, there are two kinds of elixir!

The first kind of elixir is used to detoxify Gu Tianshuang, and the other is healing elixir of course. At this time, Gu Tianshuang's injury is still very serious. Tang long must find a way to make Gu Tianshuang's internal injury better as soon as possible.The vitality of the fire of chaos, working together with the vitality of the force of cold, refine the elixir together!

At this time, Tang long, the ice fire congeneric alchemy technology, has become a lot more skilled, so with this method, even if he uses the ordinary Dan Ding, he can also guarantee that he can at least refine the three grain golden elixir!

This is extremely terrible. Gu Tianshuang on one side took a rest for a while, then he woke up, opened his eyes, turned to look at Tang long, who was refining the elixir. He was stunned directly!

"hallucinations must be hallucinations!"

Gu Tianshuang couldn't help rubbing his eyes!

She still felt that what she saw must be an illusion!

"Am I crazy?"

She took a deep breath, and then closed her eyes, concentrating and calming her breath. She was sure that everything was normal and her spirit was OK. Then, she pinched herself hard and felt very painful. Then she opened her eyes again!

"My God!"

She finally determined that it was not her own madness, but the world's madness!

"This guy, how can he have such a level of refining elixir? This is simply unheard of!"

Gu Tianshuang was stunned and looked at the ordinary tripod. A golden elixir was spinning rapidly. On the elixir, there were five golden rings!

Five pattern golden elixir!

"When I was less than 20 years old, I was able to refine the five pattern golden elixir. This How could that be possible! "

Gu Tianshuang was totally shocked!

So that, she even ignored Tang long, that terrible spiritual power, that fully reached the spiritual power of the second grade Dan king!

Like petrifaction, Gu Tianshuang glared at the golden elixir which was about to be refined successfully!

Ten minutes later, the golden elixir has been refined!

Jindan was delivered to her in front of her: "eat it, and then, I'll help you detoxify!"


Gu Tianshuang's brain, at this time, is still a blank, the whole person, still in shock, stupefied, looking at the golden elixir in front of him. If this golden elixir is not refined by Tang long, she will feel shocked, but she will not be shocked by the blank brain!

Tang long curled his mouth and said, "eat it!"

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