Tang long looked at the acquisitive black steel Dachuan and said in a deep voice: "now, take a team of soldiers to patrol the city with us. Remember, be careful of your dog's head!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Heigang Dachuan nodded quickly.

"Let's go!"

Tang Long takes a look at Gu Tianshuang, and they go out together behind heigang Dachuan.

Heigang Dachuan didn't dare to play tricks. According to Tang Long's request, he took 14 guards with him, pretended to look around and went to the gate of whirlwind city. Then he opened the door and left the city!

As a general, he is also a general of the black dragon empire. If he wants to leave the city, he will not be doubted.

A group of people out of the city, and then, directly to Ye Qingling, where they are!

Tang Long was not polite. He killed all the guards in Dachuan of heigang, changed their clothes, and let the thirteen warriors beside Ye Qingling wear them!


All of them, together with heigang Dachuan, returned to the whirlwind city in such a mighty way!

Next, Tang long did nothing more.

During the day, he didn't dare to be too presumptuous!

At this time, there were not many things in the camp. Therefore, heigang Dachuan stayed in the barracks all the time. Even dinner was specially sent in. In this way, it was the greatest convenience for Tang Long and them!

At eleven o'clock in the night, Tang Long decided to act!

At this time, he knew that the whirlwind army, the former generals and lieutenants, as well as the general, had been poisoned and arrested. Their positions had been replaced by those who had been infiltrated by the black dragon empire!

Obviously, the plot of the black dragon empire is about to succeed!

As long as these replaced guys spend a little time and gain the trust of soldiers, the conspiracy of the black dragon empire will succeed!

Yamamoto's plan is extremely insidious!

he wants to control the whirlwind army, and then instigate the second prince, ye Donghan, to break out a civil war. In this way, the whirlwind army can become the leading force, and under his leadership, attack the imperial palace of Tianying empire!

Then, the black dragon Empire followed closely, taking the whirlwind army as the shield and supporting the second prince as the excuse, first controlled the power of the Tianying Empire, and then took advantage of the chaos of the Tianying Empire to capture the Tianying empire!

At that time, the Tianying empire will perish!

Tang Long learned from heigang Dachuan about Yamamoto's overall plan, but he was also shocked. This guy, this plot is too vicious and too clever!

fortunately, Gu Tianshuang's accident happened!

late at night, Tang Long took Ye Qingling and others, dressed up as soldiers, and went to see the current army of the whirlwind army with heigang Dachuan Team leader: Saburo Qingshui!

Because it was black steel Dachuan, so the guards at the gate of the general's house of the head of the army did not notice the abnormality.

A guard asked, "general heigang, it's so late. What can I do for you?"

"There's a very important emergency."

"Wait a moment. I'll report to the commander of the army!"

"Hurry up!"


The guard agreed, and then, in a hurry, turned away.

Tang Long observed the surrounding environment and explored the surrounding environment. He soon realized that there were not many soldiers in charge of guarding the surrounding area. He felt a little relieved.

He looked at Gu Tianshuang beside him and said in a low voice, "wait a minute, it's up to you outside!"


Gu Tianshuang nodded gently.

Soon, the sentry came back: "general, chief of the army, please!"

"You go in with me!" Heigang Dachuan pointed to Tang Long and then looked at the guard: "release!"


The guard nodded quickly.

This is what Tang Long told heigang Dachuan in advance, and took him to see the commander of the army.

In the evening, heigang Dachuan came to see the commander of the army. It's impossible to take so many people with him. It's very good to be able to go in one person. Therefore, Gu Tianshuang and his colleagues must be responsible for the situation outside. To ensure that none of the people inside can escape!

Any situation inside, news, must not leak out!

"I went in!"

Tang Long turns his head and looks at Gu Tianshuang and ye Qingling. With a low voice, he follows heigang Dachuan into the gate!

the two men follow the sentry into the gate. There is a big courtyard in front of him. Tang Long sweeps around, and there are more than 20 sentinels. He immediately feels relieved. Soon, he follows heigang Dachuan and comes to a magnificent building in front of the courtyard in

Entering the living room, Tang Long glanced at it, because it was at night. At this time, there was only one person except two servant girls!

This man is short, fat and fat, sitting in the front of the general chair drinking tea!

The people who drink tea are qingshuisanlang!

Qingshuisanlang glanced at heigang Dachuan: "what's the matter? You have to come to me so late?""There's a letter from Yamamoto Heigang Ogawa respectfully said: "very urgent!"

"Oh Qingshuisanlang put down the teacup in his hand and said faintly: "what's the urgent letter? Bring it here and I'll see it! "


Tang Long agreed. At this time, there was a black letter in his hand. He was very respectful. He took the letter and walked towards qingshuisanlang. In a flash, he came to qingshuisanlang: "general!"


Qingshuisanro raised his hand to get the letter!

his hand was just next to the envelope. Suddenly, he felt a powerful and incomparable strength, and suddenly swept up!


As soon as his eyes congealed, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. He suddenly stood up and was about to dodge. However, it was too late. Tang long had already condensed a ghost needle of the yellow spring and launched a crazy rainstorm attack on him!

Tang Long's speed is too fast!

Even before he could even shout, he was so weak and soft that he sat on the general's chair again!



When the two servant girls realized the abnormality, they cried out. Tang long had already made a lightning strike. The ghost needle of the netherworld flew out directly. The two servant girls fell on the ground!

Around, quiet!

Tang Long carefully explored for a while, did not find any abnormal, immediately a little relieved.

Everything goes well!

He turned around, his body swayed, and he reached the side of heigang Dachuan. Heigang Dachuan was also stabbed by the ghost needle of huangquan and fell to the ground!

Tang Long took a deep breath, went to the door and rushed out!

the soldiers on guard outside just saw Tang Long and didn't notice anything. The ghost needle of the netherworld had already stabbed at them like lightning. One by one, they were already on the ground and fell down directly!

It didn't make much noise!

"Well at last!"

Tang Long exhaled with satisfaction and walked towards the door.

Outside, Gu Tianshuang and they are waiting. The two sentinels at the front door and several night guards around them have been solved by Gu Tianshuang and them!

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