"Ying Tianhe is a member of Taiyi Xianzong, and Beigong Xianer is a member of tianmagic palace. Of course, Tang Kuo can't control these two people. However, Ying Tianhe is such a modest gentleman, how can he fight with Beigong Xianer?"

He thought to himself that he was already walking fast.

Tang Fu is not small. Tang Long walked around the front yard, through the garden, across the bridge and water. Only then did he get to the training ground surrounded by weeping willows in the backyard.

At a glance, I was stunned!

there were two people fighting, and Tang Kuo couldn't control them!

One of them is Beigong Xianer!

The other is not Ying Tianhe!

It's Ling Qingyao!

Ling Qingyao's white dress is like a fairy. Her elegant and quiet temperament and her calm and friendly face are also a little serious. Her sword in her hand has turned into thousands of swords and is attacking the northern palace fairy one after another!

both girls are extremely beautiful!

Ling Qingyao's movements, natural and mellow, with the beautiful posture, like a fairy dancing in the moon, ethereal and dreamy, the beauty makes people tremble!

The purple skirt of Beigong Xianer is flying, but her movements are very sharp and full of cruelty. However, her beautiful posture is also extremely beautiful. Compared with Ling Qingyao, she has more charm or less immortal spirit, which is like a spirit reversing all living beings!

Tang Long's eyes are full of happiness!

At this time, the strength of Beigong Xianer has been improved!

at this time, the strength of Beigong Xianer has reached the three levels of Wuzong, which is equivalent to the strength of Ling Qingyao!

The battle between the two is inseparable!

But Tang long can see at a glance that the northern palace fairy is already in absolute inferiority!

Obviously, Beigong Xianer is a little weaker than Ling Qingyao.

"Why did Ling Qingyao come to me? What's more, she's fighting with xian'er. Which one is this? " Tang Long was puzzled and turned to look at Tang que: "when did Ling Qingyao come?"

"Young master, do you know Ling Qingyao?" Tang Kuo was surprised!

"Old acquaintance!" Tang long curled his mouth. To be honest, he still had to thank Ling Qingyao. If it wasn't for Ling Qingyao, the people of Heisha sect would have taken him away. If he didn't, he would have to suffer!

He was very curious. How could Ling Qingyao and Beigong Xianer fight with each other here?!

Two girls, have seen Tang long, immediately stopped fighting.

Their eyes, all looked at Tang Long!

"Tang long, where have you been these days?" Beigong xian'er is very angry. She walks up to Tang long, with a delicate face and angry eyes. She stares at Tang Long fiercely, like a female tiger!

Tang Long is very polite to this girl!

You know, Tang Long is very clear about his situation now. On the surface, he seems to be relatively safe. In fact, he does not know how many people are secretly making his ideas!

Beigong Xianer is his powerful umbrella!

"Xianer, what's going on?" Tang Long asked, but his eyes have fallen on Ling Qingyao.

Ling Qingyao is still elegant and quiet, like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks among people. Between her eyes and eyes, she has the temperament and beauty that makes it extremely difficult for people to resist. Tang Long has a strong will to conquer her completely!

Tang long tried to suppress this idea!

This girl is not a good master. Her strength is much stronger than her present one!

the most important thing is that she also has the background of ancient clan!

Beigong xian'er stood in front of Tang Long and said in a soft voice: "you asked me to live in your house, but you didn't see a trace. All of a sudden, you disappeared for a month. During this period of time, where did you go?"

"A month?"

Tang Long Leng Leng Leng, but just remembered that he left Tianying City, it has been a month!

From the testing place of the college, to the whirlwind City, and then to the injury, the time has been more than a month!

At this time, not far away, a natural and straight figure came slowly towards this side. Although he walked slowly, it was very strange. Soon, this figure had come to Tang Long!

But it is yingtianhe!

He looked at Tang Long with concern in his eyes: "brother Tang, for such a long time, I don't know where you have been? Why is there no news? "

At this time, Ling Qingyao is also looking at Tang long.

Tang Long knows that these guys, in fact, are not concerned about him at all, but are concerned about chaos Xueyu!

"I went to the testing ground of the college!"

Tang Long answers the question of Ying Tianhe. In his heart, however, he is alert to Tianhe!

Although Ying Tianhe looks like a gentleman, he is a member of Taiyi Xianzong, canglan continent and the most just sect. However, Tang Long is still alert to him!This vigilance stems from the tutor of the College: Wang Yuntian!

Of course, Tang long will not show this vigilance.

After a look at the three, Tang Long said with a bitter smile: "this time, I almost couldn't come back!"

"What's going on?" Bei Gong xian'er asked in a hurry, with a touch of nervousness in his eyes: "is it that some people from ancient ancestral clan have been staring at you?"

"I don't know what to say!" Tang Long sighed: "in the college, I went to the place of trial, but I didn't expect to be locked up in the place of trial. I nearly died in it!"

"Oh This time, Ying Tianhe asked, "the place of trial? What did you encounter? "

"Strange monsters, many, many!" Tang Long said with a wry smile, "I was besieged by monsters and nearly killed!"

Ling Qingyao is listening to her. The expression on her face always seems calm, like the noise of the world. It has nothing to do with her. But Tang Long knows that she must be listening to him now.

Ying Tianhe asked, "how did you escape in the end?"

"I don't know how I got out of there myself!" Tang Long still wry smile: "I fight with the monster, so muddleheaded, all of a sudden, I killed a monster, in front of my eyes, I came out of the test place!"

Voice dropped, he showed an incredible look: "you all can't imagine, when I come out, unexpectedly not in the college, but outside the city!"

"Such a thing Ying Tianhe frowned slightly.

Ling Qingyao still did not speak.

"Since there is no danger, that's good," said the North Palace fairy After that, she glared at Tang Long and said angrily, "Tang long, don't you know where you are now? Be careful next time you go out. At least, tell me

"Good!" Tang Long readily agreed and said, "next time I go out, I'll take you with me. Anyway, it's a kind of enjoyment for me to have you follow me."

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