With Tang long, you can look around here and there. Beigong xian'er's delicate pretty face always has a goblin's smile. This smile is so charming that many people on the road are dazzled, but no one dares to take advantage of Beigong Xianer!

Others dare not take advantage of Beigong Xianer because of Tang Long!

Tang Long's reputation has been thunderous in Tianying city. Who dares to touch his head?!

Beigong Xianer bought a lot of clothes and some jewelry. She was always happy. Tang Long was patient and accompanied her all the time. They had a good time.

In the afternoon, seeing the sun setting, Beigong Xianer was ready to return to Tang Fu with Tang long.

"Well, after dinner, let's go back." Beigong xian'er looks at Tang Long and laughs. She feels that she is so happy today!

Tang long looked at the northern palace fairy like this, suddenly a burst of greedy!

He found that his resistance to Beigong Xianer seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. He felt a little ashamed in his heart. In his mind, he suddenly saw a beautiful figure: Mu Qingcheng!

"If Qingcheng is here, I'm afraid I will overturn the vinegar jar again Ah

In the heart, a touch of pain quietly surged up, Tang Long's eyes, suddenly emerged a Wang deep sadness!

Beigong Xianer was looked at by Tang Long greedily just now. He was in a panic. He was about to say something about him, but suddenly he found that there was a kind of extremely heavy sadness in his eyes!

I don't know why. Seeing Tang Long's eyes, Beigong xian'er suddenly felt a little pain!

"Hello, what's the matter with you?" The slender jade hand swayed in front of Tang Long: "I didn't even say you looked at me like this. You dare to ignore me. Hum, what do you think? Come back

Tang Long's thoughts were awakened by the discontented voice of Beigong Xianer. Looking at her, he could not help but feel an apology: "I'm sorry, I was distracted!"

"Let's go!"

Beigong xian'er didn't care. He gave his hand to Tang Long and asked him to hold it.

I don't know when, she was used to being held by him. She didn't notice the change!

Tang long tried to suppress the deep pain in her heart and walked slowly with Beigong Xianer, but she was no longer interested in taking advantage of the street.

"Young master, no good, no good!"

Suddenly, a girl, in a hurry, ran towards him!

The girl, eighteen or nine years old, was pretty pretty pretty. At this time, she was in a panic. In a twinkling of an eye, she ran to Tang Long and said in a flustered way: "young master, go quickly, go and save sister queer!"

"Bird!" Tang longan pupil a congealed, urgent asked: "what's wrong with the sparrow?"

Only Qin Ziyi knows the relationship between queer and him. Other people in Qin's house don't know much about it. They just know that queer is the girl Qin Ziyi trusts most.

In fact, the status of queer'er is very high in the present Qin mansion. No one dares to give her face to her except Qin Ziyi. Even, she has become the most powerful person in Qin's mansion except Qin Ziyi!

But the problem is that the people in Qin's house know the particularity of queer, while outsiders know little about it!

The girl said in an urgent voice: "sister Que'er went out to do business. She met a bad man in the street. As a result, she got into a fight. Because it was not far away from the Tang house, sister Que'er asked me to look for someone!"

"There's a fight!"

Tang Long's face was suddenly cold, and his whole body was full of murderous spirit!

A cold word, from Tang Long's mouth, gnashing his teeth, spit out: "dare to move my woman, it's just looking for death!"

Next to him, Beigong Xianer has never seen Tang Long get angry. At this time, he sees his face cold and feels his whole body's killing intention. He can't help but feel cold in his heart!

"Who is queer? Let him care so much! "

North Palace fairy son secretly thought, looking at the girl in front of her: "lead the way ahead!"


The girl agreed and ran forward in a hurry.

Tang Long takes Beigong Xianer and strides to follow him. The killing intention in his eyes is more and more fierce. His face has become cold as ice!

Who is this blind woman who dares to move him!

After a while, Tang Long saw that dozens of martial arts men were forming a circle in the street ahead. There were many people watching the scene. Tang Long didn't want to think about it. He suddenly turned into a mirage and left quickly!

Beigong Xianer, of course, followed him.

Tang Long was out of the crowd. His face was cold and fierce. He swept out of his body directly. All the people in front of him were stumbling and dodging. Then, he was in a flash and had already rushed through the crowd!

Only to see, more than a dozen martial arts, murderous around a girl, the girl beautiful pure beauty, but a face angry!

A girl is a little bird!

At the foot of xiaoque'er, at this time, there was a young man in brocade robe. He was pale and obviously suffered from serious internal injury. Even, there was a group of obvious blood in his very important place!This guy, it seems, can't be a man anymore!

Tang Long flash body, directly to the small bird in front of, see that she is not hurt, the tension in the heart, just slightly ease, face, but more cold!

Beigong xian'er has also come, standing beside Tang long, and does not speak.

Tang Long's eyes were cold, like ten thousand years of ice. He took a look at the young man in brocade robe on the ground, followed him closely, and his eyes fell on the warrior who was staring at xiaoqueer fiercely.

Tang Long stared at the warrior and said coldly, "do you want to die when you stare at the bird?"

The warrior recognized Tang Long with only one glance, and suddenly his face became a little ugly. He didn't know that xiaoqueer's backstage was Tang long. Even, he didn't know that xiaoqueer was from the Qin family!

He is just the master of the young master on the ground!

"General Tang, you, how did you come here?" The warrior tried to calm down. Looking at Tang long, he managed to squeeze out a faint smile. He said nervously, "here we are, it's just that something happened, a little accident!"

"Accident?" Tang Long's sword eyebrows are slightly picked and his lips are like knives. He pulls a cold smile, which shows a strong killing opportunity: "you give me honest, stand here and wait for death!"

Voice dropped, he no longer pay attention to the warrior, turned to look at the bird: "what's going on?"

"This man is shameless!" Xiaoque'er pointed to the childe on the ground and said angrily: "I am walking on the road, he will directly run over here, and then he will move his hands and feet, and say he will take me away. I am angry, I will start with him!"

"Dare to rob my woman!" Tang Long coldly stares at the brocade robe childe on the ground: "you want to die, you can commit suicide, why do you have to let me do it!"

The cold voice fell, and he walked step by step in front of the young man in the brocade robe!

The cold light in my eyes seems to kill people!

The childe on the ground, seeing Tang Long like this, was shaking all over his body. Even the pain on his body was completely forgotten by him at this time!

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