"It's just the post of general Xidu. If it's not appropriate, it's not appropriate. It's a big deal. I'll roam the world in the future." Zhao Zheng secretly thought, looked at Tang Long and said: "general Tang, next, where are you going?" The voice falls, pause, immediately way: "no matter where you go, I Zhao Zheng, will certainly follow you!"

"What do you mean by that? You think I'm leaving Tianying city? " Tang long looked at Zhao Zheng with a smile and said, "I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay in Tianying city!"

Zhao Zheng glared: "you, you are not afraid to be caught?"

"Caught? Who's going to catch me? " Looking at Zhao Zhenglong, would you like to send someone to me

"Yes Zhao Zheng nodded heavily: "today, you have done such a big thing, but you don't even have the imperial edict. The emperor knows it, and he must be angry!"

"Dragon Yan is angry, hey hey, look what this is!" Tang Long said, in his hand, there are a lot of letters, throw these letters on the table: "with these things, the emperor, can't you give me some reward?"

"What is this?" Zhao Zheng asked.

Beigong xian'er has already reached out and picked up all the letters on the desk.

Open a few to see, immediately stunned!

"This guy has been prepared for this. No wonder he is so arrogant that he dares to copy the second prince's residence!" Beigong xian'er put down the letter and looked at Tang Long and asked, "where did they come from?"

"Part of it was in the whirlwind army, and the other part, of course, in the hands of the dead Yamamoto." Tang Long said and threw a space ring on the table: "this is Yamamoto's space ring!"

Tang Long got these letters, which were written by Yamamoto and ye Donghan!

In the letter, Yamamoto Gangfu's plan to control the whirlwind army and prepare to attack the Tianying Empire were all written in detail. Among them, ye Donghan and ye xuanyue, the second prince's sons, had to rely on Yamamoto's gang Fu to seek power and seize the throne!

These things, in the hands of the emperor, the second prince Ye Donghan and the eldest princess ye xuanyue, are the death penalty of treason and treason!

Yamamoto Gangfu, of course, deserves to die!

Tang Long knew that the emperor had long been very dissatisfied with Ye Donghan and ye xuanyue. At this time, with these letters, the emperor would feel very uncomfortable with his reckless behavior, but he would never do anything about him!

Scold him, of course, is indispensable, after all, he did such a big thing without the imperial edict!

But the emperor will never embarrass him!

You know, there is a heavenly palace behind him, and the emperor is counting on him to deal with the coming army of the black dragon empire!

How dare the emperor offend him?!

If not for these reasons, Tang long would not dare to be so arrogant today!

Others think that he is arrogant and arrogant. They only know that he is rampant, but they don't know. In fact, every step he takes has his own abacus in his heart. They are stable and reliable. It seems that there is great risk, but in fact, there is no danger!

Tang wanted them, and after searching the second prince's residence, they all gathered together!

"How about it?" Tang long looked at Tang Que and asked them.

Tang Kuo said: "I sent people around to look for ye xuanyue, but they didn't find their whereabouts. Moreover, the second prince's residence and the eldest princess's residence, all the people ran away!"

"If you run, run away!" Tang Long reluctantly turned his lips and stood up and said, "stop and go home!"

After that, he put away a pile of letters on the desk and strode out with Beigong Xianer. Tang wanted to follow them in a hurry.

Zhao Zheng thought about it and followed him.

Twenty thousand soldiers returned to the barracks. Zhao Zheng followed Tang Long and his party to the Tang mansion.

Tang long just walked to the gate of Tang mansion, and saw a man standing outside the gate. After a careful look, it turned out to be ye Sicheng!

"Fourth prince?" Tang Long is very curious: "this big night, what do you come to do?"

"You, of course!" Ye Sicheng said in a hurry: "where have you been? I've been waiting at your door for a full night with so many people out."

"Wait for me?" Tang long looked at the sky: "what are you waiting for me to do in the middle of the night?"

"This afternoon, I left the college and went back to the palace. I heard from my father that you have come back, but linger has not come back!" Ye Sicheng asked in a hurry, "tell me honestly where linger has gone? Is she in danger? "

Seeing ye Sicheng's anxious appearance, Tang long felt some joy in his heart.

It seems that ye Sicheng is very good to Ye Qingling!

"You boy, not bad, not bad!" Tang Long walked over and patted Ye Sicheng on the shoulder. He was very satisfied and said, "I still think, the emperor of Tianying Empire, is to let Ye Wuyuan continue to be the emperor, or to change someone. Now it seems that it is better to change people. After all, your father and Emperor are too soft and weak. They have been made to go around, and they have been put in the air. They are too incompetent!"Listen to Tang Long's words, all the people around are stunned!

Who does Tang Long regard himself as?!

has the final say of the emperor of the eagle Empire, who is the one who wants to give up and let it be, and it takes a behoove.

Is there such a arrogant person?!

He is so arrogant that he can't even see Beigong Xianer!

"Hello, pay attention to your words!" Beigong xian'er gently pulled Tang Long's hand and reminded him: "don't forget that you are still in Tianying Empire, and your home is still here."

"I'm telling the truth!" Tang long looked at Beigong Xianer: "do you think I'm cheating you?"

"Stop talking about you!" Bei Gong xian'er is speechless for a while.

At this time, ye Sicheng is still worried about ye Qingling's affairs. Regardless of Tang Long's nonsense, he looks at Tang Long and continues to ask, "where is ling'er?"

"Didn't your father tell you?" Tang Long asked.

"He didn't want to say that linger was safe with you. I had no choice but to come to you!"

"The leaf is boundless, but he is also cautious. He didn't Tell ye Sicheng about linger's being in the whirlwind army." Tang long looked at Ye Sicheng seriously. He stopped and asked, "do you really want to see ling'er?"


"Well, I'll help you!" Tang Long said seriously: "as long as you go to a place, you can see ling'er!"

"To where?"

"Whirlwind army!" Tang Long said: "you start now, fast, do not stop all the way, 20 days later, you can see her!"

"You want me to go to the whirlwind?" Ye Sicheng's face suddenly changed: "you, you won't tell me that ling'er was captured by the whirlwind army? Well, what can I do? The whirlwind army, but my second brother's power, he has always been evil to ling'er

Tang Long said seriously, "you have to save her!"

"Ling'er has been caught, you ran back alone, Tang long, you son of a bitch. If there is something wrong with linger, I can't spare you!" Ye Sicheng glared at Tang Long fiercely and angrily: "don't think your wings are hard now, but I can't kill you!"

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