
The tranquil voice, like fairy music, spreads into Tang Long's ears.

Tang Long turned his head and looked back. Behind the lane in front of him, a beautiful girl in white, elegant and elegant, was like a banished immortal. She walked towards him!

But it is Ling Qingyao!

Ling Qingyao seems to be walking slowly, but it is very strange. After a while, she has arrived in front of Tang long.

She stopped, looked at Tang Long and said, "I want to talk to you!"

"What are you talking about?" Tang Long asked curiously.

"Something." Ling Qingyao's light way, tranquil and peaceful, such as the mirror lake water, the beauty is like a dream: "take a walk at will?"


Tang Long nodded, a little curious in the heart, this wench, how suddenly want to chat with oneself?!

What does she want to talk about?!

They walked slowly and walked into the street.

At this time, it was early morning, the morning sun was rising, the air was fresh, and there were few pedestrians on the road. On both sides of the street, smoke curled from the kitchen. From time to time, however, there were also a few voices of peddling, which indicated that the bustle of the day was about to set sail.

Although Tang Long was busy all night, he was in good spirits at this time.

As they walked slowly, Ling Qingyao asked, "what happened last night, in fact, you were prepared. It was not reckless, was it?"

"No!" Naturally, Tang long would not admit: "I was angry yesterday, so I had a big fight!"

Ling Qingyao obviously didn't believe it. She said, "at least, you wanted to deal with the black dragon empire for a long time."

Tang Long didn't retort: "it's true."

Ling Qingyao did not speak again.

Tang Long looks at Ling Qingyao, golden morning glow, shining on her elegant face, with a little luster, quiet and elegant, like a perfect jade, the beauty makes people tremble!

"This girl is really beautiful!"

In his heart, he secretly praised, looking a little distracted.

Ling Qingyao immediately found Tang Long's greedy eyes. She turned her head and looked at him. Her voice was very pleasant, but her expression was still flat. She did not take a trace of anger: "although you are wild, you are not a villain, but you can't miss the problem of men's greed."

Tang Long laughs, but he doesn't care. He takes back his eyes and follows Ling Qingyao. He goes on walking slowly.

He asked, "now, do you believe that I don't have chaos blood jade?"

"I believe it." Ling Qingyao said faintly: "if you really have chaotic blood jade, now, you should be very afraid of us, the ancient clan people, but you are completely opposite, not only do not hide from us, but also leave us all in Tang Fu!"

"That's why you believe me?" Tang Long is funny in his heart, but he doesn't show it on the surface.

Ling Qingyao said lightly: "in fact, I'm not interested in chaos blood jade. I just encourage them to do it according to the orders of my school."

Tang Long tentatively asked: "if, I really have chaos blood jade?"

"Yes, I will not rob you!" Ling Qingyao stopped and looked at Tang Long seriously: "I hope you can join the holy heart sect, and I promise that even if you really have the holy heart blood jade, I will not rob it!"


"Because of your talent, but also because of your two beasts!"

"I have to think about it!" Tang Long smiles. In his heart, he wants to join the holy heart sect. At least, he can see that the girl's words are very serious.

He paused and said, "now, the situation of Tianying city is in a mess. I can't just let go."

"How long do you want?" asked Ling Qingyao

"I don't know!" Tang Long said seriously, "but it will never be more than a year!"

"Good!" Ling Qingyao nodded and said, "I'll wait for you for a year!"

"It seems that you take me seriously!" Tang long looked at Ling Qingyao with great interest: "is it all because of my two divine beasts? Is it because of chaos blood jade? "

"Chaos blood jade, of course, is also one of them!" Ling Qingyao's light way did not hide: "however, I always don't think that you really have the holy heart blood jade, you are too calm!"

Tang Long smiles indifferently and thinks about it.

He thought of baby ling'er. Since Ling Qingyao can let him join the holy heart sect, ling'er, of course, can!

He looked at Ling Qingyao and said, "if you can let ling'er join the holy heart sect, I will promise you that when I deal with these things, I will definitely join the holy heart sect!"

Ling Qingyao asked, "who is ling'er?"

Tang Long said: "the little princess of Tianying Empire, ye Qingling!"

"I know her." Ling Qingyao said: "her master in the college is the person of my holy heart sect. Her talent is very good. As long as her strength reaches the realm of Zhenwu, she can go to the holy heart sect immediately!"

"I want her to come with me to the holy heart!" Tang Long is very sure of Tao."Good!"

Ling Qingyao agreed without thinking about it.

Tang Long asked curiously, "can you make the decision?"

Ling Qingyao affirmed: "yes!"

Tang Long suddenly a little curious, listen to the girl's tone, she seems to be not low in the holy heart!

After thinking about it, he could understand.

Such a treasure as chaos Xueyu is absolutely a secret of Tianda. Even the ancient clans must have attached great importance to this matter. In order to ensure that the news is tight and there are no mistakes, more capable disciples will be sent to come.

North Palace fairy son, not also very high status?!

Tang Long immediately knew that Ying Tianhe's identity was not low in Taiyi Xianzong!

"OK, it's settled. I promise to join the holy heart sect!" Tang Long breathed his breath gently. He didn't know why he wanted to allow Ling Qingyao to join the holy heart sect. He always thought that it was good to go to the holy heart sect. Anyway, he had to go to an ancient sect!

however, he still wanted to go to the Tianmo palace!

He thought of his own baby: huixinmen!

Ling Qingyao continued to move forward: "there is something I want to ask you for help!"

"Can I help you? What's the matter? " Tang Long is very curious to see Ling Qingyao, this girl, unexpectedly also has something to ask him?!

Ling Qingyao said: "I have found some people. I hope you can take them in."

Tang Long was stunned.

Feeling this wench, is to make a good heart, but oneself can't solve, this just comes to look for him.

He became more curious: "who do you want me to take in?"

"Some orphans!" Ling Qingyao sighed softly: "last month, you disappeared. I followed some people and went to Xiaocheng. As a result, a group of orphans were saved in the basement of the Lord's mansion. However, they are homeless, and I can't help them any more!"

"Basement?" Tang Long became more curious: "who locked them up? Did they commit a crime? "

"No!" Ling Qingyao walked forward two steps and stopped. Then he said, "have you heard of a kind of skill? This skill is called blood shadow skill!"

"I haven't heard of it." Tang Long shook his head.

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