Tang Long asked Dongfang bing'er: "you are in this gate, received the throwing knife to pass a book?"

"Yes Dongfang bing'er said: "at that time, I had already walked out of the gate and was about to leave. I planned to go to the Royal College. Suddenly, a flying knife came over. On the Throwing Knife, there was the piece of paper!"

"Does your senior brother know that you will arrive at this time?" Tang Long asked again.

"Of course." Dongfang bing'er said definitely: "I came here through the space wormhole. When I opened the space wormhole, I told him that he was very clear."

Tang Long knows what a space wormhole is.

Space wormhole is a kind of long-distance space passage. Through the space wormhole, you can even reach thousands of miles away in an instant!

The space wormhole can't be arranged casually. Only those who have the strength to reach the peak of Shenwu realm can create a space wormhole with the joint efforts of ten people. Moreover, the space wormhole still needs to be maintained by those who have martial arts all the time, so that it can be used for a long time!

Space wormhole can not be used casually!

Every time you use a space wormhole, you must open a space array. This will consume a huge amount of energy. There is no very important thing. In general, even if you are an ancient sect, you will not open the space wormhole easily.

Tang Long asked curiously, "is there a space wormhole in Tianying city?"

"Of course, it's in the Royal College." Dongfang bing'er said: "every year, the people who live in our sect must go through the wormhole of space to select students to join the sect here."

"I see." Tang Long nodded clearly.

At this time, he became more and more suspicious of Ying Tianhe, because Ying Tianhe really knew when Dongfang binger could arrive here!

Time is so accurate, unless you know every link, otherwise, you can't do it!

Only yingtianhe could meet these conditions!

Tang Long raised his hand and knocked on the gate of Tang mansion, which was opened by a young man.

This young man was one of the fifty young men and women rescued before Tang long. At this time, Zhuge Lingyun was responsible for teaching and Huangfu brothers were responsible for arranging them.

Now, the popularity of the Tang mansion is booming!

Tang Long took Dongfang bing'er to the main building and went up to the third floor to let Dongfang bing'er live next door to Beigong Xianer.

At this time, it was late at night. After arranging for Beigong Xianer, Tang Long went to rest by himself.

In the morning.

Tang long just woke up, outside came a knock on the door: "Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

"Who?" Tang Long asked.

"It's me, Ying Tianhe."

"You wait, I'll open the door in a minute." Tang Long said that he had turned over and simply cleaned up. He opened the door and saw yingtianhe standing at the door with Yushu facing the wind!

Ying Tianhe is still dressed in white!

"Tang long, I heard that you were attacked last night?" Ying Tianhe looked at Tang long, and his eyes were full of concern: "how is it, is it OK?"

"I really want to thank you for that." In Tang Long's heart, although he was very alert to this guy, he didn't show it. Even when he looked at Ying Tianhe's eyes, he showed a little gratitude: "if it wasn't for you, I'd call your younger martial sister Dongfang bing'er, I'd be dead now!"

"I've heard from my junior sister about this." Yingtian River: "during this period, I always feel a little uneasy. After all, the relationship between you and the black dragon Empire has been too rigid. Moreover, I know that the Heisha sect developed in the black dragon empire. So, I was worried that they would attack you, so I called my younger martial sister here!"

"In fact, it's enough to have you protect me. Why did you let your younger martial sister come?" Tang Long asked.

"I have some things to deal with, and I can't stay at your house very often." Ying Tianhe had no choice but to let my younger martial sister come here for your safety

"Thank you very much, then." Tang Long seems more and more grateful, but secretly despises!

This man is so good at pretending!

"Since you have nothing to do with it, it would be better!" Ying Tianhe sprinkles ran a smile: "do not know next, what plan do you have?"

"To tell you the truth, last night the palace made assassins. Now, I have to go to the palace immediately!" Tang Long said: "the emperor told me yesterday that I had to go to the Palace this morning. I can't help but go!"

"Let bing'er go with you!" Yingtian river channel.

"Hum, who is bing'er?" At this time, the door next to Tang Long opened, and Beigong Xianer came out with a look of displeasure, staring at Tang long, as if staring at a heartless man: "Tang long, where did you go to harm the girls?"

Tang Long listened to a black line!

The girl's eyes saw that he was harming the girl. How could she open her mouth and shut up? That's the sentence!

I couldn't help but glance at the girl, and Tang Long didn't have a good way: "I'm so busy these days that I don't even have time to harm you. Who else can I do harm to?"

"You want to die!"Beigong xian'er suddenly had a pretty face and anger. Her moving fox eyes suddenly showed a fierce and murderous air. Although she seemed very fierce, she still could not cover up her charming charm!

But Tang Long didn't want to appreciate her charm!

A cold light blinked, a cold sword, has been across the neck of Tang Long!

This is the long sword of Beigong Xianer, of course!

Tang Long is not afraid of the long sword of the northern palace fairy. He knows that the girl will not kill him. At most, he is angry and frightens him.

"Dear fairy, don't make trouble. If you don't feel interesting at home, you can accompany me to the palace to play!" Tang Long raised his hand, pulled the sword from his neck, and turned to look at Yingtian River: "your younger martial sister arrived last night. Let her have a good rest. I'm very safe with xian'er."

"No problem!" Ying Tianhe nodded, no more said, turned and walked slowly, but in an instant, disappeared in front of Tang long.

The sword in Beigong Xianer's hand has disappeared.

Her beautiful and unruly fox eyes glanced at Tang Long lightly. Her eyes were full of the amorous feelings of inverting all living beings. The soul of Tang Long was a little floating. She asked in a crisp voice, "Hey, what did you say at the door just now? You were attacked last night? "

"Almost dead!" Tang long curled his mouth.

"What's going on?" Beigong xian'er is beautiful and tiny Cu: "who moves the hand?"

"Heisha sect!" Tang Long told the truth: "last night, there was a lot of noise. Not only I was assassinated, but also the emperor. The people of Heisha sect sent out thousands of people, even the warriors of Zhenwu realm. They almost killed the people in the imperial palace!"

"What!" On the North Palace fairy son, suddenly showed a murderous spirit: "how dare Heisha Zong go to the imperial palace? I don't want to exist anymore! "

"Their plan of action is very careful. If I hadn't died, the emperor of Tianying Empire would have been dead now!" Tang Long turned his lips and said, "as long as this thing is successful, they will have a way to get rid of themselves."

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