This Wuzong eight levels of martial arts, even riding a Warcraft, a very powerful beast!

Although the Warcraft obviously did not grow up, but judging from the momentum of the Warcraft, Beigong Xianer can be sure that the Warcraft has grown to the level of four Warcraft!

The fourth level Warcraft's combat power, is equivalent to the strength of the Wuzong warrior, has the combat power!

If the Warcraft is among the four level Warcraft, the combat power of this Warcraft can even be equivalent to the attack power possessed by the top strength of Wuzong!

Although the strength of Beigong Xianer has reached the realm of Wuzong, it has only three levels of Wuzong!

Tang Long's strength is only Tiangang seven levels!

How can they resist the attack of these people in black behind them with such strength?!

So, only escape!

The Youming tiger was obviously aware of the danger. Carrying Tang Long and Bei Gong xian'er, the ghost tiger just ran forward. Beigong xian'er was held by Tang long. At this time, he had no idea of chaos.

She turned her head in a hurry, and her heart became very anxious!

Although behind them, because those people in black with ghost faces are all riding unicorns, they have already been thrown away by them. However, the guy in Wuzong realm, riding Warcraft, is getting closer and closer to them!

Obviously, the beast runs faster than the ghost tiger!

That Warcraft looks like a fierce tiger, blood red, fangs spit out, more than half a meter long, looks extremely ferocious!

"It's a nine level beast bloodthirsty tiger!"

Beigong xian'er was extremely shocked. He didn't expect that the ghost man of Wuzong realm had such a rare holy beast. Although the holy beast was ferocious, its attack power was extremely strong among the nine level holy beasts!

"Tang long, what to do?" North Palace fairy son gently Road.

"Wait, listen to me!" Tang Long whispered in Beigong Xianer's ear: "remember, you must listen to me. If I say jump up, you will jump into the air with me as much as possible, and immediately attack the ghost face of Wuzong state behind you!

"What about you?" Beigong Xianer worried: "although I can barely stop the ghost face man, but this guy's holy beast has grown to the level of four Warcraft. You will be very dangerous!"

"Don't worry!" Tang Long whispered: "I have my own way!"

"All right, then."

Beigong xian'er answered. Although she was still worried, she had no way out of trouble at this time. She could only listen to Tang long.


Behind him, the bloodthirsty tiger roared and rushed forward. Unexpectedly, it was less than half a meter away from the ghost tiger. If you open your mouth, you will bite the ghost tiger!

What's more, the ghost face man sitting on the back of the bloodthirsty tiger suddenly waved his sword out of his hand. A fierce sword spirit had already hit Tang long in the air!


Beigong xian'er is aware of the danger behind him, and quickly chides him!

Her mount, Youming tiger, also has a soul contract with her. Therefore, she can give all kinds of orders to the ghost tiger in her heart. When she yells, the ghost tiger is extremely agile and flashes half a meter towards the side!


A sharp sword spirit, rubbing Tang Long and Bei Gong xian'er's waist, flies past, but does not let Tang Long and Bei Gong xian'er get hurt!

And Youming tiger, also escaped the attack of bloodthirsty tiger this time!


With a roar, the nether tiger suddenly changed direction, and still ran crazy in front of her. She opened a little distance from the blood thirsty tiger. However, the blood thirsty tiger, however, immediately pursued him and saw that he was getting closer and closer!

On the back of the bloodthirsty tiger, in the eyes of the ghost face man, a touch of evil spirit flashed. Suddenly, the sword in his hand suddenly roared out of the black strength!

Even his whole body is full of dark wind!

"the dark evil spirit is the black evil spirit again!"

Tang long felt the evil and cold energy behind him. He knew what the attacker was. He didn't want to think about it. He suddenly condensed the power of the cold, turned into two energy throwing knives and flew back!

The bloodthirsty tiger was about to attack Tang Long again. Meanwhile, the ghost on the back of the bloodthirsty tiger was about to attack Tang Long again, but suddenly, the fierce cold light roared out. It was Tang Long's two energy throwing knives!

A throwing knife attacks the bloodthirsty tiger and the ghost man!


At the same time, the bloodthirsty tiger also took a step towards the side to avoid the attack of Tang Long's another flying sword!

but at this moment, just as they had just escaped the attack of the flying knife, the fierce roar continued, but they were the two hidden under the flying knife A subtle force!Tang Long's ghost needle!

"The Pearl of rice!"

The ghost face man snorted coldly. A cold, dark and powerful spirit turned into a ferocious skeleton. It blasted Tang Long's ghost needle into pieces by bombardment!

At the same time, the bloodthirsty tiger also suddenly bowed his head!

Huangquan ghost needle, hit the bloodthirsty tiger's forehead, suddenly the ghost needle burst into pieces, turned into a hurricane roaring scattered!

The bloodthirsty tiger didn't get any damage. However, the speed of the bloodthirsty tiger's galloping forward was slowed down a little bit!

At this time, those warriors of the black evil sect, who were riding unicorns, had been thrown out more than 200 meters!

The ghost faced man broke Tang Long's ghost needle. He was about to wave his sword and attack Tang Long again. Suddenly, he heard Tang Long's shout: "jump!"

With the sound of explosion, the ghost face man has seen that Tang Long and Bei Gong xian'er are jumping into the sky at the same time!

The dark tiger, however, continues to rush forward!

Beigong xian'er jumped up in the air at the same time, had a sudden turn, the whole body dark evil spirit surging out, the sword in hand, turned into a dark sword, and attacked the ghost face man fiercely!

Although, she is only three levels of Wu Zong, but she has the spirit of heaven and devil. What she practices is the powerful dark evil spirit!

The power of dark evil Qi is more than ten times stronger than ordinary vitality!

Even compared with the dark evil spirit cultivated by the ghost face man, the power of the dark evil spirit is still much stronger!

Therefore, Beigong Xianer can barely resist the ghost face man's moves with the help of dark and evil Qi. At this time, she directly displays her magic skills. When the man is in the air, the sword has already stabbed at the ghost face man!

Yes, in the face of the blood thirsty man! , the fastest update of the webnovel!