The crowd waited quietly.

As time passed by, more than two hours passed in a twinkling of an eye!

just when Beigong Xianer was in a bit of a hurry, a herald came in a hurry: "report to general Tang, general Gu's army is about to enter the jungle!"

Tang Long quickly asked, "is it at the scheduled location?"

"Yes," said the herald

"Is there a pursuer behind? How many people are there? "

"At the back, there are 400000 pursuers of the black dragon empire. Among them, the vanguard is the cavalry of the black dragon Empire, and the rear 300000 infantry are about 20 kilometers away from the vanguard."

"Hehe, good!"

In Tang Long's eyes, there was a touch of excitement. Suddenly, he took Ye Qingling, a precious girl beside him, into his arms and gave him a cruel kiss: "order, everyone is in the fighting state!"

Ye Qingling is in the arms of Tang long, and his face is red with blood!

North Palace fairy son is beside, but can't help but glare Tang long one eye, low voice curse: "shameless!"

The herald has gone in a hurry!

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the northern palace fairy: "little witch, the spirit son gave you!"


Beigong xian'er replied angrily.

Ye Qingling, with a red face, ran away from Tang Long's arms and sat on the back of the nether tiger of Beigong Xianer.

Tang Long has been riding the red flame lion and is walking forward.

He soon arrived at tangque. At this time, all the most powerful warriors gathered around tangque, including those from the eleven king of martial arts realms and the two Zhenwu realms from Tianying city. In addition, these warriors of the Tang Dynasty, as well as more than 500 powerful warriors selected by the Xuanfeng army!

they are this one The vanguard of the war!

Behind them, ten thousand elite cavalry were carefully selected!

Tang Long knew that the army of the black dragon empire was very powerful. If he wanted to defeat them, he must first give them a head-on attack. Only in this way can the soldiers of the black dragon Empire lose the courage to fight, and at the same time let the army of Tianying Empire see the hope of victory!

War, confidence is the most important!

Of course, Tang Long didn't think that the cavalry of the black dragon empire could rush out of the jungle and pose any threat to them!

As time went by, Tang Long finally heard the sound of horses' hooves coming from the woods!

After a while, in the jungle, the chaotic cavalry ran out towards this side!

These are the defeated cavalry led by Gu Quanzhong!

"At last

Tang Long breathed a breath, he knew that the war was about to begin!

He turned his head to look at Tang Kuo and said seriously, "you five, wait a moment. Use your bows and arrows to shoot the enemy's general and deputy general. They are not allowed to rush out of the fire array!"


Five people quickly nodded.

Tang long looked at Li Dahan again: "Dahan, wait for the enemy to defeat. After we rush out, you just rush into the enemy army and deal with the enemy's generals."


Li Dahan roared, and it seemed that he was about to rush forward!

At this time, Tang long looked at Huangfu Jin and Huangfu Yin and said, "your target is the people who are in the front of the enemy. Those people should be the strong warriors of the black dragon empire. Remember, don't keep your hands, but use the fastest speed to kill these people!"


Huangfu Jin and his colleagues also agreed in a loud voice. Their eyes were filled with a sense of war!

In the jungle, hooves sound like thunder!

The war with the black dragon empire is about to officially begin!

The soldiers of Tianying Empire know very well that today's war is very important. If you win, it will change the whole situation of the war. Even next, it will change the situation of Tianying Empire and the situation between Tianying Empire and black dragon empire!

This war, absolutely can't lose!

The defeated cavalry of the Tianying Empire, in great confusion, rushed out of the jungle. Then, a few kilometers behind Tang long, they stopped. Finally, Gu Quanzhong and his son Gu bieli came out of the woods!

Gu Tianshuang is here!

At this time, Gu bieli, shoulder even hit the arrow, blood dyed half of the shoulder, his face pale, look very miserable!

Gu Quanzhong's horses are already scarred!

Gu BIE left them, one by one also lost their armor and armor, and they were all injured. They looked extremely embarrassed!

Gu Tianshuang is not hurt!

Tang Long is very satisfied with Gu Quanzhong's image at this time!

"You're playing really well." Looking at the enemy, the more miserable he is, the easier it is to leave them!

After all, Gu Quanzhong is the head of the whirlwind army. At this time, his son and daughter, as well as several of the most important generals of the whirlwind army, are all with him. They all fled in such a mess, and they have been on the run for two days. In this case, who will think that they are pretending to be defeated?!Tang Long helped Gu Quanzhong: "how are you?"

"I'm fine." Gu bieli breathed his breath and said, "the four hundred thousand troops of the black dragon empire are already attacking us. There are 400000 people in charge of the rear of the palace. Their backup forces, up to 800000, are already approaching the cities of Jinhui and Yinhui. The total number of their troops is 1.6 million!"


Tang Long nodded.

The plan has been successfully launched. He knows that in the next war, as many enemies come, they will be eaten!

This is the battle to be won!

Gu Quanzhong and Gu bieli are taken to rest. Gu Tianshuang is stubborn and refuses to leave. He stays by Tang Long's side alone!

Not far away, Beigong xian'er sees this situation, and immediately rides the Youming tiger and comes with Ye Qingling, standing between Tang Long and Gu Tianshuang, not allowing these two people a chance to develop their feelings!

Tang Long is speechless!

Beigong xian'er, this girl, takes him too tight. Besides, is He Tang Long like that?!

"The girl's ability to be jealous is really strong!"

Tang long had no choice but to think about it. In his mind, suddenly and quietly, he appeared the beautiful image buried in his heart. In his eyes, a touch of pain sprang up, but soon he was forced to suppress it!

he tried to suppress his heart, and some heavy thoughts, listening carefully, had already heard the roar in the jungle ahead!

The pursuers of the black dragon Empire have entered the woods!

"Order, fire now!"

Tang Long's face is as deep as water. It's cold and heavy. He gives orders!


Beside him, more than a dozen warriors roared up at the same time, and the red flame lion of Tang long, at this time, was also a roar!


Roar down, the jungle, many places, suddenly lit up a flame!

In a short time, the fire was ignited in all directions, especially in front of Tang long. Under the ground, more than a dozen soldiers rushed out directly. They smashed the tins in their hands and lit the fire!

all of a sudden, the trees in front of Tang Long were burning, connected with the weeds and firewood on the ground, and became a flaming fire wall !

The fire is becoming fierce gradually! , the fastest update of the webnovel!