At this time, Tang Long was completely disappointed with Ye Wuya!

Because of Ye Qingling's relationship, Tang Long is good enough to help him deal with a lot of troubles, and even saved Ye Wuya's life last time. However, he didn't expect that ye Wuyuan would not reward him after his hard work, and he would be dismissed from office directly!

let such a man be emperor. What is the future of Tianying Empire Look?!

"Ye Sicheng's performance in this period of time is not bad. He not only has some performance in the battlefield, but also gets along well with the people of the whirlwind army. It seems that he is at least a little better than ye Wuyuan, just depending on his character!"

Tang Long secretly thought that, together with Ling Qingyao, he left the palace and rode a red flame lion in the direction of the Embassy of the tiger empire.

Ling Qingyao rode Baize, followed Tang Long and asked, "are you very angry?"

"What can I get angry about?" Tang Long turned his head and looked at Ling Qingyao with a faint smile: "why do you think that I care about the position of Grand Marshal of Tianying Empire?"

Ling Qingyao looks at Tang Long: "isn't it?"

Tang Long said: "I want to keep the position of Grand Marshal because I hope linger is happy."

"What do you mean?" Ling Qingyao is a little confused. Marshal Bingma and ye Qingling are happy. Is there a relationship between them?!

Tang Long explained: "I know that ling'er certainly doesn't want Ye Wuya to have anything to do with her, nor does she want Ye Sicheng to have anything. I have the military power, so everything is in my hands. I will be responsible for what linger wants, and let her hope come true."

"You are so attentive to ling'er Ling Qingyao was a little surprised.

Tang long did not speak.

Ling'er is his woman. He decides to take care of her all his life. How can he treat her badly?!

They chatted casually. Unconsciously, they arrived at the gate of the tiger Empire embassy. They jumped off the back of the red flame lion and walked towards the gate.

Ling Qingyao did not speak and followed him.

Of course, two warriors of the tiger Empire at the gate knew Tang long. One of them came over in a hurry to salute Tang long, while the other ran in to report in a hurry!

Soon, Zhou Hongming and Wang Tiangui came out to meet them in person!

Zhou Hongming and Wang Tiangui have read the battle reports on the front line of Tianying Empire, and they have heard Ye Wuya talk about the battlefield in the court Hall of Tianying empire. Therefore, they know very well about the victory of Tianying empire over the black dragon empire.

Others may think that Tang Long was lucky in this war, and it was the advice of Gu Quanzhong and ye Sicheng, but Zhou Hongming and Wang Tiangui knew that the victory of the war was definitely due to Tang Long!

Zhou Hongming looked at Tang Long with a warm smile on his face: "big brother, how did you come back quietly? The army of Tianying Empire has not come back yet! "

"I'm a prick!" Tang Long ha ha smile: "lazy to come back with the army!"

"Big brother, you can run faster than others if you have a mount of Warcraft!" Zhou Hongming laughs, but he can't help it. He looks at Ling Qingyao beside Tang long, and his eyes suddenly become dull!

But immediately, he felt someone tugging at his sleeve!

It's Wang Tiangui who pulls his sleeve!

Zhou Hongming immediately woke up, and quickly turned his eyes away from Ling Qingyao and threw a fist at Tang Long: "I knew that elder brother would come back today, and I would go to pick you up outside the city in person."

"I have something to ask you." Tang Long said bluntly: "we talk about it inside!"

"Good, good!" Zhou Hongming nodded warmly.

Tang Long is not polite. Together with Ling Qingyao, he goes into the Embassy of the tiger empire. Soon, the three people are seated in the spacious and luxurious living room. There are several beautiful girls who have come to make tea for Tang long!

Ling Qingyao sat next to Tang long, picked up the tea on the table, sipped it gently, and immediately became intoxicated.

Tang Long is a cow chewing peony, but also sipped.

He didn't find the tea delicious!

Ling Qingyao is already asking Zhou Hongming, "where did this tea come from? It tastes good!"

"Ha ha, this is a special product of the tiger empire. It is picked from the black magic mountain. The yield is very small. It is only used in the imperial palace of the tiger empire. Even if it is me, I can't get much every year!"

"Oh." Ling Qingyao answered, and her expression on her face restored her tranquility and calmness. Her beauty was like a dream fairy, which made people fall in love at first sight.

Tang Long took a look at Ling Qingyao, then looked at Zhou Hongming and said, "how much tea do you have here?"

"And some, about a kilo!"

"Give it to me." Tang Long is very impolite way: "how much do you want, I give it!"

Hearing this, Zhou Hongming and Wang Tiangui are both stunned. Ling Qingyao beside him is also stunned.

Wang Tiangui immediately responded. Suddenly, a surprise appeared in his eyes. He knew that when giving gifts to others, giving them what they like is more satisfying than giving them valuable gifts.In Zhou Hongming's eyes, there is also a surprise.

Tang Long is the most important person in his eyes, and he does not like drinking tea very much. At this time, Tang Long asked him for it. How could he not satisfy Tang Long's request?!

Want Tang Long's money? Is it possible?!

"Big brother, there is no need to be polite between us!" Zhou Hongming laughed and said, "to be honest, I can't drink tea at all. Since you like this tea, I'll give it to you!"

When the voice dropped, he immediately said, "somebody!"


A very beautiful servant girl, Lianbu gently moved, respectfully came over.

With a big wave of his hand, Zhou Hongming said seriously, "go ahead and tell the housekeeper to pack all the black magic tea for me. You are not allowed to stay at all. Otherwise, I can't spare you!"


The pretty servant girl respectfully agreed and immediately turned away.

Zhou Hongming just ha ha smile, looking at Tang Long asked: "elder brother, what do you want me to do?"

"I heard that there was a shadow God clan in the tiger Empire?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhou Hongming even said: "the Falcon God clan is the most powerful sect of our tiger empire. In this clan, the strength of warriors is very strong." After a pause, he asked tentatively, "what's the matter, elder brother, do you have any friendship with lieying Shenzong?"

"No friendship." Tang long light way: "if you have to say a relationship, then, even if there is a festival!"


In Zhou Hongming's eyes, a touch of surprise flashed away!

Not far away, Wang Tiangui's eyes, but also a flash of surprise!

Although Tang Long didn't go to see Wang Tiangui, he was looking at Zhou Hongming. Although the surprise in Zhou Hongming's eyes passed away in a flash, he clearly saw it!

in the eyes of Zhou Hongming , the fastest update of the webnovel!